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UFO Contact at A UFO Resource Center

Breaking News: UFORCE Investigates a UFO event, which occurred in Kent Washington, Late Evening, September 8, 2000.

U.F.O.R.C. NEWSLETTER: Breaking News
September 9, 1999


UFO Resource Center Incident Report
September 8, 1999 at 8:30 pm (PST)

Christopher Montgomery
Investigator on the scene:

Dear friends;
I am writing this E-mail to inform you of breaking news 
here at the UFO Resource Center.  We saw a spectacular 
event that took place near the UFO Resource Center,
over the little town known as Auburn and Kent, Wa. 
A triangular UFO caused quite a stir with the military.  
A power failure to a diesel generator that operates 
the pump for the twon's drinking water also occurred.
Here is our story: 

Around 20:30 hours, I was working late on the computer, 
trying to store some files and prepare my latest post on the 
Internet.  Matt came busting into my office: "Chris, where are 
those binoculars.  I told them where they were at and he 
quickly disappeared down the hallway.

Five minutes went by, and all of a sudden, I could hear the roar 
of a huge helicopter  flying over the compound.  I bolted out of 
the office, sensing something was amiss.  When I got to the 
back deck, I found Matt, watching something in the sky.   
The conversation went something like this: 

C.M. "Man, did you hear sounded like a military 
helicopter," I said.M.C. "Yeah, you know it flew right 
over the house!"C.M. "It couldn't of been more than 10 
feet abov the roof.  It sounds like they are trying to stay 
below radar."

There was silence for a moment.  "I want you to take a look at 
something," MC said."  He handed me the binoculars.  By now it 
was around 8:45pm on Wednesday, September 8, 1999.  He 
pointed it out to me.  

I studied the object carefully.  It had three lights.  One red light 
was on top in the center.  The aircraft was tilted at a 25-degree 
angle from the horizontal.  It seemed to be moving sideways 
as it maintained the same position.  "I'll be damned!  I think 
it's a UFO."  I continued to watch as the huge military 
helicopter loomed into view.  "You're not talking about 
the helicopter?: I asked.  MC replied "No, I was talking 
about that string of lights behind it in the distance...
I saw it move like this (Matt makes a zig-zag motion 
with his hand, palm parallel to the ground."  

I pondered that for a moment.  The zig-zag maneuver was 
a classic UFO stair-step.  The three lights configured in a 
triangular formation reminded me of something that I had 
seen in the late spring of this year at our office in Auburn, 
Washington.  Same conficuration of lights, could be mistaken 
for an airplane, but upon close examination, it reversed itself 
with the lights in the same configuration.  The object I was 
watching right now, was a classic triangular UFO which 
everyone in Auburn and Kent had been reporting for years.  
IF this was the same object (and it looked identical and matched 
all of the eyewitness accounts to date), then this was 
indeed a genuine UFO.  

We watched it maneuver in such a way that it appeared to be 
watching US!  For example, for a good 20 minutes, it stayed 
within eyeshot near the office, as if it was watching us.  It would 
go south-westerly and then back nort-easterly without turning.  
This further suggested a UFO.  I have got to tell you, this was 
starting to get interesting.  I ran into the building and grabbed 
anyone I could just to get a third witness.  MM just happened to 
be there, so I asked my friend if they'd come out and look at the  
strange lights in the sky.  They obliged.  When they got outdoors, 
I pried the binoculars from MC.  I yelled "Let MM have a look."  
She examined the object for about 2-3 minutes.  She turned 
white as a sheet.  She seemed to be visibly shaken, and 
I know that she saw the same thing that we had seen.  

I asked MM what she thought it was.  There was no reply.  She was 
dumbfounded.  I don't think she has ever seen a UFO.  After a long 
pause, I asked her again, rephrasing the question: "Do you think 
it was a plane?" Again, there was no reponse.  She stood 
and watched it for a while.  I examined my watch.  It is 9:00 
o'clock pm.  MARK!   I do this to make sure that an official time 
was announced for the event, to be recorded later.  It is always 
easier to remember that way.

We observed the UFO for about 15 minutes as it behaved very 
strangely.  It did not look like a conventional airplane.  When it 
moved, the object's body would turn while in one spot.  It 
would go sideways as the light was pointing away from its 
destination.    I continued to watch it until it disappeared 
behind a tree.  I asked MC: "Do you think it is a UFO?"  
His answer was "It's a good possibility."

I continued to watch the object.  I suddenly found myself 
alone on the rear terrace.  The object's lights had been 
doing funny things.  One time when it turned, the lights 
breezed over me, very faintly illuminating the surrounding 
area, including myself.  It made me want to shudder, as I 
don't think these were earthly lights.  

That observation didn't really hit home, until I watched 
it go north, level with the crest of the Hill we are perched 
on, and go north up the valley, practically at eye level.  
It was a cream or beige color, dimly illuminated, as if the 
color was a result of the illumination.  It had three, 
distinctive lights on each point of the triangular shape 
and when I viewed it as a profile shot when it went up 
the valley, it was very thin.  

I will narrow it down to three-four possible explanations 
at this point.  

1. Experimental Aircraft
2. An airplane
3. A triangular and/or geometrically shaped object 

It wasn't until much later in the evening, when I would 
realize that it was definately a UFO.  After the object 
disappeared, I had to run to the store to pick up some 
office supplies.  I went to the store and upon my return, 
I discovered that the water had been shut off.  I wondered; 
did it have anything to do with the UFO?  

My thoughts turned to the UFO again, and the 
fact is that I didn't realize until much, much later, 
that when it turned and illuminated me earlier, it also 
affected the diesel generator that supplied the town's 
drinking water supply.  When I went to use the tap, I 
discovered that the water had been shut off.  I made the 
connection when I saw the town's water department 
trucks over at the site of the generator, looking over 
the tower, the equipment, etc.   I just checked the water...
it has been turned back on.

Our investigation shall 
continue.  We will keep you posted, and if we hear of 
any additional information in the future, 
we'll update you.  For now, 

Christopher Montgomery (Investigator)
UFO Resource Center (U.F.O.R.C.)

In our next newsletter:  More UFO reports, crop circles and
the freshest UFO research.   Don't miss a single issue of the U.F.O.R.C. 

The UFO Resource Center welcomes your UFO reports and 
alien contact experiences.  Please forward 
all correspondence to: 
OR by mail to our offices at: 
23906 Westview Court, 
Kent, WA USA 98031

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Christopher Montgomery (Director) U.F.O.R.C.  
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Copyright (c) 1999 Christopher Montgomery
All Rights Reserved


The original newsletter (above)received a measured response. The material that was flying across the wire passed through me, before moderating it to the rest of the group.
Here is a post by James Gilliland that we had received through the U.F.O.R.C. e-groups circulation mail. It confirms the incident on 9/8/99 has some basis in fact, in that others are seeing the same kind of craft. This touched me on a personal level. I did not know if it was because my stomach was in knots or because I had been dosed by some unknow rays, emmited by this UFO.

What this says to me, is that contact continues to occur between the UFO pilots and those, which they have selected. Pre-selection is another consistent thread when the normal meets the paranormal.

The same craft flew over the Sanctuary here on Sunday night at around 11:00. I took the names and stories of the witnesses and will post them on our site today. It was triangular. The three white lights on the ends and red light in the middle is an Andromedan craft. The message is look at where your water comes from and you cannot depend on pumps or electrical devices to deliver your water. It has to do with communication and power grid failures in the future and CMEs and flares. Check out our site tommorrow it will be updated with the picture of the sky opening and a large white light coming down where I was meditating. -- James Gilliland Self-Mastery Earth Institute PO Box 281, Hood River, Oregon 97031 (509) 395-2092

I checked my E-mail, and another post to egroups was awaiting review. Another interesting comment was forwarded by another member of the U.F.O. Resource Center newsgroup.

From: To:, Subject: Re: [uforc] Re: UFO Resource Center: Breaking News Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 15:12:24 EDT

In a message dated 9/9/99 2:14:06 PM, wrote:

<> About your mention of the sky opening. Yours is the third experience I have heard of this phenomena outside of my own personal experience which I will reproduce below I do not know if we saw the same thing but I think you will find it of interest to know that this is not a first time occurrence. The article follows below but to see the JPGs please go to my web site called If you wish to know more about me and my encounters please go there and click on the Dragons Warning Icon on the first page when it loads. The article is called. (*snip)

I only tell my encounters to others with hope that they may have encountered or know of others whom may have had the same kind of experiences that I have, and that is all. I present here several pictures I made of a phenomena that I witnessed, actual pictures of an object that I saw in the skies of the South Bronx back in 1973. This is the sighting that started me on the path that I am now on.I do not ask that you believe it only listen and understand that this is a true event. Though before then I had many sightings of objects and entities this was the first one that I received out side confirmation for. It was just before sunset I was walking home from the 171th St. subway station.Because of the way the streets are laid out in The Bronx to get to where I lived at 170th St. and Webster Ave. The shortest route was to walk down to 169th St. and across several blocks eastwards to reach 169th Webster Ave and then walk up to 170th and Webster Ave. I had started the long cross town walk when something made me look to the south western skies where I saw what looked like a strange cloud coming down. It was red orange and yellow. It was not its coloring that made it strange, clouds at sunset take on that color all the time. What made it strange was its shape it was not random puffs and wisps but seem to have structure to it. This was during the winter and it was cold and the darkening sky was crystal clear. Still faintly light blue in the west but darker in the east where stars could be seen coming out. I just assumed the cloud was being lit on its underside by the last rays of the set sun, but I could not explain the clouds structured appearance. I liked science and knew the name of the different types of clouds but could not peg this one at all.It was cold and so I did not stand too long trying to. I continued to walk and occasionally glance back at it. It was traveling the same direction as I was and in that area were only two story homes so I had a good view of it as I walked. Finally I realized the shape was similar to something I had seen before but could not put my finger on it then. I wanted to describe it to my family and friends when I got home. As I was two blocks away from the stairway that led down to Webster it suddenly popped into my head where I had seen the shape before and I laugh thinking to myself....."Hmmph, they put it together wrong, it looks like the Enterprise assembled by some one on acid." It was also at this point the buildings on 169th became tenements and the cloud went behind one. Then it dawned on me.... "Who put It together?" I then crossed the street and ran down to the corner of 169th and Clay Ave. The Bronx is very hilly and Clay Ave. is a raised area where there is a good view. I was amazed the cloud had moved so far so fast but it was now hovering in the southeastern skies and now was a brilliant silvery blue white like a welders arc. I could not believe what I was seeing at for a moment was frozen to the spot just staring at the object. How can a cloud look like chrome or quick silver and still be a cloud? I knew I had to get someone else to see this or for the rest of my life I would wonder if I ever saw it myself. I looked around but it was cold there were very few people out on the street.There was a little boy near by I called him over and asked him what was that while pointing to the cloud. He suddenly screamed "Ohhhhhh!" His cry emptied out a "greasy spoon" on the corner and brought other kids that had been playing football in the street not far away racing at me thinking I had done something to the boy. I just pointed and said "Look." There was a gasp and we all stood there transfixed by the object. Then the little boy screamed.. "Look at the moon!!!" We all looked up into a clear star filled sky in time to see what looked to be the moon dancing in a arc over head then just spread out into a huge fading whiteness. Before we could move there appeared strange clouds that looked like several tornadoes connected side to side top to top so that the cloud looked like a light gray stitch in the dark sky over our heads. As best as I could from memory I have tried to draw the "Stitch Cloud" that formed in about three seconds as we stood watching. (See my article for picture.) Each of the extensions whirled as if each was a separate tornado connected at it's top to the center core cloud. We all gasp "Oooooouuuu." Then suddenly this cloud ripped or rolled open to reveal another sky in the sky this one was lighter than ours it had different stars in it and another old silver dollar sized moon ball came out if it and did the same dance and the same silent explosion. Then instantly the same thing happened again. At this point I remarked... "If that is our moon that's our ass it just exploded.I am going home to die with my family." This was done for three reasons one being I was freezing, two I was terrified and three I still feared they were going to attack me for I was not from their neighborhood. There was one kid there from my building who I recognized but he was just a kid. I went home and asked everyone I met if they had seen what I saw on the next block no one had seen it. The next week on a talk show hosted by Allen Bark who if you were not around then was the Morton Downey of that time an old man walked up to the open microphone and said.... "Oh Mr. Burk I was walking my dog on the roof and I saw this beautiful ship.."Before he could finish Allen Burk who all a long would have people on his show to talk about UFOs only to scream that they were crazy or high or both then have them thrown off the set stood up from his seat and shouted "I saw it too!!!"His show was yanked from the air the next week.... As a result of the sighting of the three dancing moons three being the number of God I took it as a sign I should join a church which I did Our Lady Of Victory. It did not take, some years later I walked out after a mass was given to save ourboys in Viet Nam I felt it should have been to end war altogether. The second effect was I started creating music.Which later lead to me putting together a band. Then a couple years later I was watching a program about UFOs when they flashed a picture of the cloud craft that I had seen. They have several shots of the craft and it is the thing that I and about fifty other people watched in the skies over the South Bronx. I recently was able to contact the kid from my building I had seen there that night and asked him if he remembered the event to which he responded.... "That happened over twenty years ago you still remember that?" "You don't?" I asked somewhat taken aback by his answer. "Yes" he said "but I haven't thought about it any more beyond that night." "How could you not?" I asked "Is it just me or does the sky open all the time to show another universe and I just happen to be the only one who doesn't notice?" He laughed and said "Maybe I was just to young or dumb to know that, that was something special back then." I have also learned that the sky opened again over that area in 1981. This time a light shone down on a young woman who also as things would have it was the sister of a woman who sang in my band some years before. Her reaction was as mine she too found a church my understanding is she however is still a member of her church.In her case as in mine there were also people who witness this.I am at this point still trying to find her.... I included this true story from my life to show you that you can not apply pure logic to these situations. They operate in areas we have not or are not willing to look into at this time. As I said belief is up to you but if you are going to be a true investigator of this then your going to need a new kind of measuring stick. This is quantum phenomena but on the macroscopic level. When things can poke holes between universes as easy as you open an unlocked door what are the parameters you use when viewing these cases? If you are interested in reading more of my experiences please visit my web site. Take care your friend, Posey



Posey Gilbert's Web Pages: (NOTE-In slower browsers these pages may seem like they take forever to load. But, it's worth the wait if you can take the time.

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________

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