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1912 History of Slovene Communities
North Dakota
Rev. J. M. Trunk

Translated from the Slovene Language
by members of the
Slovenian Genealogy Society

Provided by and courtesy of Al Peterlin, President, Slovenian Genealogy Society International

© Copyright 1996, Slovenian Genealogy Society and FEEFHS, all rights reserved

This Rev J. M. Trunk text was published originally in 1912 as Part 8, History of Slovene Communities, contains significant genealogical information about Slovenian immigrants, the places they lived, the organizations they formed, and the churches they attended.

Translators for the Slovenian Genealogy Society have been working to translate many texts published early in the 1900s that contain significant genealogical information. Our translators are not professional linguists, and they do not complete a translation with rigorous academic oversight. The goal of our translation projects is to make information available to the American descendants of Slovenian immigrants. If you believe we have made serious errors in translation, please contact us and volunteer your time to us in order to make the corrections. We strive to do good work; we are always willing to correct errors to the extent we can; and we ask others to join us in this worthwhile endeavor.

The Slovenian Genealogy Society collects church histories. Readers with information on Slovenes in the communities listed, the churches mentioned, or other information on Slovenes, can contact the Society at 52 Old Farm Road, Camp Hill, Pa 17011. The society accepts donations of Slovene books, texts, and publications.

Beginning of translated text.


Many Slovene workers and farmers scattered over the entire State.  For a long time many Slovene farmers have been in Wahpeton.  Some of them are rather wealthy. In 1902, one sold his farmstead for $26,000.  In carpio, there are several Slovene workers among the Swedes, and in the Czech settlement of New Hradec.  Our fellow countryman, the Rev. J. C. Smole, is the pastor and at the same time a State Mailman.

Page Created:  July 22, 2001
Page Updated:  July 22, 2001
©Copyright 2000, 2001 Gary L. Gorsha