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Past Shows

May 20th
Push Pin, 2nd Best, F.L.O.A., Sivrax
@ the "Basement"

July 20th
2nd Best, Push Pin, Sivrax
@ the Crystal Ball Room

Oct 2nd
I Defy, Sivrax, Push Pin, Caged Nest
@ the Auburn Annex

Jan 20th
Champion, Drop Cry, Conscientious Objector,
Everything Went Black, PushPin
@ the Auburn Annex

Feb 12th
Judo for the Blind, PushPin
Jersey Lem, Night & Fog
@ the Lake City Community Center

April 1st
PushPin, 5 Good Reasons
All in All, Small Town Zero
@ the Auburn Annex

April 22nd
Church of Hate, PushPin
Don't Panic, Eviscerate
@ the Lake City Community Center

May 20th
Harkonen, PushPin
Sivrax, Eviscerate
@ the Lake City Community Center

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