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You have visited our page just in time for two new Scottish Fold litters!!!!

      Our first kitten is a 3 month old straight eared Scottish Fold. He is the last remaining kitten out of a litter of two and is in search of a family. He is a very unique Scottish Fold with several different striking colors and large eyes.

        Our next kittens come from the same cats that parented our male Blueberry. There are 4 kittens in this litter, brought to life by our female Molly and our male Mr. M. Each kitten is of different colors. There is a blue kitten, very much like big brother Blueberry, a black and white tuxedo kitten, a calico kitten, much like Molly, and finally, a cream kitten. Pictures and more information relating to each kitten will be posted at a later time.

           Our next set of kittens were just born!!! Magen surprised all of us by having a litter of 4 adorable kittens. Two of the kittens are silver tabbies, one is of unsure markings with his coloring going from dark brown to a light shade of silver, and the last is a gray and white tabby. The parents of this litter are Magan and Mr. M. Pictures and information relating to each kitten will also be posted at a later time.

            If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to send them to the following address:








Thank You!

