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Magik, & Spells

Handfasting Ceremony

Circle is cast by the Prestist.
The Bride, Groom, and witnesses are at the perimeter of the Circle on the East side while Circle is being Cast.
Know now, before you go further, that since your paths have crossed you have formed a bond between each other. As you seek to enter this Rite you are the focus of the power that has been raised here and those bonds will become strengthened.
With full knowledge, know that in this Circle you are declaring your intent to be handfasted before your friends, family, and also before your Goddess and your God.
The promises and bonds made here today will greatly strengthen your union; they will hold true thru the years of each souls growth.
Do you still wish to enter this Rite in perfect love and perfect trust?
Couple: Yes, we wish to enter
Prestist takes the couple to the altar.
Prestists to the group: I have questioned this couple and told them the meaning of this Rite.
Now the Prestists anoints the couple with salt, water, and oil.
Prestists to the 2 witness's: Take them to the Guardians to seek their Blessings on this union.
The couple are lead to the East Gate
East: What do you seek of the Guardian of the East?
Couple: We seek your Blessing for this union.
East: Blessed be this union with the gifts of the, the gift of communication,and the knowledge of the growth found in the sharing of silences.
East then wafts air from an incense at the couple with a feather.
The couple are next lead to the South Gate
South: What do you seek of the Guardian of the South?
Couple: We seek your Blessing for this union.
South: Blessed be this union with the gifts of the, the gift of warmth in the Hearth and Home, the burning fire of love, and the light created by both souls to lighten the Darkest of times.
South hold a candle and the couple lite it together.
The couple are next lead to the West Gate
West: What do you seek of the Guardian of the West?
Couple: We seek your Blessing for this union.
West: Blessed be this union with the gifts of the, the gifts of deep commitment, the swift excitement of the river, and the all passion of the sea.
West sprinkles them with water.
The couple are next lead to the North Gate.
North: What do you seek of the Guardian of the North?
Couple: We seek your Blessing for this union.
North: Blessed be this union with the gifts of the, the gift of a firm foundation on which to build, Fertility to enrich your lives, and a stable home for you to always return to.
North sprinkles dirt on the couples feet.
The witness takes the couple back to the altar.
Prestists: You have recieved blessings from the Guardians that will help you have a happy and successful union. You must work together to create what you wish from this union. Look in each others eyes.
Prestists to Groom: Will you share her pain and seek to ease it, in her time of need?
Groom: I will
Prestists to Bride: Will you share his pain and seek to ease it, in his time of need?
Bride: I will.
Prestists: The Bond is made.
Prestists: Join your hands.
A white silk scraf is draped over their hands.
Prestists to Bride: Will you share his Joy?
Bride: I will.
Prestists to Groom: Will you share her Joy?
Groom: I will.
Prestists: Will both of you look for the happiness in life and the positive in each other on matter what hard times may fall?
Couple: I will.
Prestists: The Bond is made.
Prestists: Will you share the burdens of each other so that your Spirits can grow in this union?
Couple: I will.
Prestists to Bride: Will you share his hopes and dreams?
Bride: I will.
Prestists to Groom: Will you share her hopes and dreams?
Groom: I will.
Prestists: Will you dream together to create new hopes and wish's?
Couple: I will.
Prestists: The Bond is made.
A blue silk scarf is then draped over their hands. Prestists: Will you take the heat of your anger and use it to strengthen this union?
Couple: We will.
Prestists: The Bond is made.
A silver silk scarf is draped over their hands.
Prestists to Bride: Will you honor him?
Bride: I will.
Prestists to Groom: Will you honor her?
Groom: I will.
Prestists: Will you try never to give cause to break that honor?
Couple: I will.
Prestists: The Bond is made.
A black silk scarf is draped over their hands.
Prestists: The ties of this Bond are not made on this plane. You may drop the scarfs, but you will always hold in your hands the future of this union.
Prestists hold the hands of the couple high in the air with the scarfs. The couple then ties the cords with one center knot, and places them on the Altar.
Prestists: What have you as tokens of your love?
Bride and Groom now exchange rings and personal vows now.
The new couple will now walk deocil around the Circle
Prestists: I now present to you ( the couples chosen name/s )
The couple, and witnesses exit the Circle through the East Gate
The Priestess then closes the circle.