Magik, & Spells
Invocation of Directions

Whispering through the cracks, Rustling the leaves, Screaming through the trees, Vital, rushing, beings of Air, Guardians of the heights, Lords of the upper reaches, Come join with me, Protect our circle From dangers approaching from the South. Blessed be.

Raging through cities and forest, Destroyers and devourers of all things, Creatures of heat and light, Warm and musical beings of Fire, Guardians of illumination, Lords of the fiery realms, Come join with me, Protect our circle From dangers approaching from the North. Blessed be.

Rain bringers of life, Swimmers of the deepest oceans, Creatures of the cool and damp. Liquid, emotional beings of Water, Guardians of sea and lake, Lords of the hidden deep, Come join with me, Protect our circle From dangers approaching from the East. Blessed be.

Thundering through the caverns below, Patient and impervious stone and dust, Silent creatures of the law, Strong, immutable beings of Earth, Guardians of gems and precious metals, Lords of the lower depths, Come join with me, Protect our circle From dangers approaching from the West. Blessed be.

Source Unknown