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This is My Story...

Like so many others, I wanted to tell
My story of Living with Lupus and it's "other" evils.
I have always remembered the aches
even in my early 20's. And also ignored it,
Until I couldn't stand the Not knowing what
was wrong. Endless Doctors, same results!!
It's all in your head, we can't find anything.
After the family GP threw his hands up, he sent
me to a Neurologist in another town, for of all things,
an MRI..Well she decided to take blood tests..and the results
made me wish I had never gone to see her. But then again
atleast I had a name to what was going on with
my body at the time. Years of frustration...One word...


I hadn't the slightest idea what it even was,
so until I started reading and learning,
it finally dawned on me, that every symptom
that I had encountered, was actually documented!!

That alone gave me something to go on,
I wasn't going to let this get me down, yet my mind
had other ideas!!

In March of 98, I had a breakdown,
One of which I found out a few important things
about myself. Like who I am, what I want out of life,
what I needed to do with my life, etc. etc.
And the most Precious gift I have, is My Life
And My Wonderful Grandaughter, Kali!!
For without that little girl, I may not
Be here to make this site
For, it was her image that saved me!!

This is a start!! To spread the word, that there are
more people out there with this and we will NOT give up!!
So with this page, even as much as
it's under construction, the word will be out!!

Update! I have recently been told that the Lupus/Arthritis
has been extending itself into my neck ( C-3 to C-6 )
The hands, the knees, and the feet have
also been affected, but I still consider myself
a "lucky" one that no major organs have been touched!
Keeping the Faith, has helped!! And if I can
help but one person, learn more, this is worth it!!

Here we go again, but whether or not
this has anything to do with the Lupus/Fibro, I don't know..
I was rushed to the hospital the 31st of September,
in such pain I wanted to just die!
They thought I was having a heart attack, as I couldn't breath..
The EKG was normal, thank God!!
Chest X-Rays were too, altho they still hadn't
a clue as to what was causing the pain..
The Doctor then started pressing on the tummy..OUCH!!!!
When I all but came off the table,
he ordered me in Ultrasound..ASAP.
This mind you with No pain meds in me.
The Tech in US, called and got something for the pain,
just to continue the 40 minute testing.
Once they got me comfortable, they found that I had
a 2cm stone lodged into the neck of my gallbladder..
Well needless to say, it's no longer there.. as isn't the gallbladder.

The pain started out in my back,which caused the breathing problem
They asked if I had been having problems and for how long..
I told them my back had been hurting for over a year,
but didn't know what was causing it...
Since the GB was taken out.. I feel much better,
the back pain is tolerable now.
It's only been a month since the Laproscopic surgery,
but the healing time has been a lot faster then
the conventional surgery..
I have learned one lesson.. NEVER..
Ask what's next!!! lol

Guess, it's about time I updated this eh?
I've been in and out of the hospital again
but this time it's been not
only uveitis, labrynthitis, but Esophogitis!

The Dr.'s have documented all this so now have
more proof to take to the disibility board!!
They can't seem to clear up the vision in my left eye
and it's weeping constantly!!!
The L'itis has affected my ears so bad,
my equilibrium is off kilter and the dizziness has to be
controlled with meds, which is getting to be a hassle!!

The E'itis sent me to the hospital by ambulance, with the paramedics
believing I was having a heart attack!! Thank God, it was
proven NOT to be!! From what they were saying, it
can mimic a heart attack, and my BP was off the charts!
It wasn't high, like you would think tho', it was extremely low!!

I've been under a lot of stress at work lately,
so am now going thru a "flare", the "fog"
is hanging over me also. Seems like the two
go hand in hand with me.. No either..Or..

But the good thing is, I'm still here and still fighting!!
Maybe someday they can find something to help with all these Ailments,
but I won't be holding my breath!!

Well, that's about all I can think
of to say at this time, if there's anymore
surprises, I'll let ya know, but for now..

Have a Great day/nite and God Bless!!!

I just noticed these updates are backwards..
I'll add the latest info soon, just doesn't
seem to be enough hours in the day!