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Religious Vomit
All religions make me wanna throw up. All religions make me sick. All religions make me wanna throw up. All religions suck. They al lclaim they thay have the truth. They'll set you free. Just give `em money and they'll set you free. Free for a fee. They claim that they have "the Answer". When we don't even known the Question. They're just a bunch of liars. They just want your money. They just want your consciousness. All religions make me wanna throw up. All religions make me sick. All religions make me wanna throw up. All religions make me wanna BLEAH. They really make me sick. They really make me sick. They realy make me sick. They really make me sick. They really make me sick. They really make me sick. They really make me ILL.

Moral Majority
You call yourself the Moral Majority. We call ourselves people in the real world, trying to rub us out, but we're going to survive. God must be dead, if you're alive. You say "God loves you. Come and but the Good News." The you buy the President and swimming pools. If Jesus don't save`til we're lining your pockets. God must be dead if you're alive. Circus- tent con-men and Southern belle bunnies. Milk your emotions and steal your money. It's the new dark ages with the fascists toting bibles. Cheap nostalgia for the Salem Witch Trials. Stodgy ayatollahs in their double-knight ties. Burn lots of books so they can feed you their lies. Masturbating with a flag and a bible. God must be dead if you're alive. Blow it out your ass, Jerry Falwell. Blow it out your ass, Jesse Helms. Blow it out your ass, Ronald Regan. What's wrong with a mind of my own? You don't want abortions, you want battered children. You want to ban the pill as if that solves the problem. Now you wanna force us to pray in school. God must be dead if you're such a fool. You're planning for a war with or without Iran. Building a police state with your Ku Klux Klan. Pissed at your neighbor? Don't bother to nag. Pick up the phone and turn in a fag. Blow it out your ass, Terry Dolan. Blow it out your ass, Phyllis Schlafly. Ram it up your cunt, Anita. `Cos God must be dead, if you're alive. God must be dead, if you're alive.

Hyperactive Child
I'm tired of kissin`ass. I can't sit still all day. You know I know you school's a lie. That's why you dragged me here. "You're a hyperactive child. You're destructive, you're too wild. We're going to clam you down. Now this won't hurt a bit." Drag me to the floor, pullin` down my pants. Ram a needle up my butt. Put my brain into a trance. "No more hyperactive child. Goot too much of a mind. Wouldn't you rather be happy? Now this won't hurt a bit." Cameras in the halls. No windows, just brick walls. Pledge allegiance to a flag. Now you will obey...

Kepone Factory
I finally found a job in the paper. Movin` barrels at a chemical plant. There's shiney-looking dust on my fingers. Goin` up my nose and into my lungs. It's the Kepone poisoning-Minamata. Kepone poisoning-Minamata. At the grimy Kepon factory. Turning people into bonsai trees. Now I've got these splitting headaches. I can't quite get it up no more. I can't sleep and it's driving me crazy. I shake all day and I'm seeing double. Kepone poisoning-Minamata. Turning people into bonsai trees. Gonna go down to your big metal building. Gonna slam right through your bright metal door. Gonna grab you by your sta-prest collar and ram some kepone down your throat. The lawyer says "That's the breaks, kid. Gonna gnarl and rot the rest of your life. If you don't sue, we'll give you a Trans-Am... That I'll never drive `cos I shake all the time. `Cause of the Kepone poisoning- Minamata. At the grimy Kepone factory.

Dog Bite
Dog bite, one my leg. Not right, supposed to beg. Daily to the filling station. Underwater navigation. Oh Oh Oh...

Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Punk ain't no religious cult. Punk means thinking for yourself. You ain't hardcore `cos you spike your hair. When a jock still live sinside your head. Nazi Punks Nazi Punk Nazi Punks- Fuck Off! X2 If you've come to fight, get outta here. you ain't no better then the bouncers. We ain't trying to be police. When you ape the cops it ain't anarchy. Nazi Punks Nazi Punks Nazi Punks- Fuck Off! Ten guys jump one, what a man. You fight each other, the police state wins. Stab your back when you trash our halls. Trash a bank if you got real balls. You still think swastikas look cool. The rela Nazis run your schools. They're coaches, businessmen and cops. In a real forth reich you'll be the first to go. Nazi Punks Nazi Punks Nazi Punks- Fuck Off! You'll be the first to go. You'll be the first to go. You'll be the first to go. Unless you think...

We've Got A Bigger Problem Now
I am Emperor Ronald Reagan. Born again with fascist cravings. Still, you made me President. Human rights will soon go `way. I am now you Shah today. Now I command all of you. Now you're gonna pray in school and I'll make sure they're christian too. California Uber Alles. Uber Alles California. Ku Klux Klan wil l control you. Still your think it's natural. nigger knockin` for the master race. Still you wear the happy face. You closed your eyes, can't happen here. Alexander Haig is near. Vietnam won't come back you say. Join the army or you will pay. California Uber Alles. Uber Alles California. Welcome to 1984. Are you ready for the Third World War? You too will meet the secret police. They'll draft you and they'll jail your niece. You'll go quietly to boot cap. They'll shoot you dead, make you a man. Don't you worry, it's for a cause. Feeding global corporations' claws. Die on our brand new poison gas. El Salvador or Afghanistan. Making money for President Reagan. Making money for President Reagan and all the friends of President Reagan. California Uber Alles. Uber Alles California.

Raw Hide
God damn, well let's do a tune called Rawhide, okay God damn tape's rollin', let's go Let's move 'em out Rolin' rollin' rollin' Rolin' rollin' rollin' Rolin' rollin' rollin' Rolin' rollin' rollin' Keep rollin' rollin' rollin' Though the streams are swollen Keep them dogies rollin' Keep them dogies rollin' Keep them dogies rollin' Rawhide. Don't try to understand them. Just rope, throw and brand 'em. Soon they'll be kneeling high and wide Movin' movin' movin' Movin' movin' movin' Movin' movin' movin' Keep movin' movin' movin' Though they're disapprovin' Keep them dogies movin' Keep them dogies movin' Keep them dogies movin' Rawhide. If you're ever wondereing whether Hay will make more leather. Question the girl by my side. All the things I'm missin' Good viddles, love and kissin'Are waitin' at the end of my ride. Move 'em out head 'em up get 'em up.Move 'em out head 'em up get 'em up. Rawhide. Somehow I think I need a Maserati. To ride 'em in. Rawhide. Rollin' rollin' rollin' Rollin' rollin' rollin' Rollin' rollin' rollin' Rollin' rollin' rollin' Rawhide. Rollin' rollin' rollin'Rollin' rollin' rollin' Rollin' rollin' rollin' Rollin' rollin' rollin' Rawhide Rollin' rollin' rollin' Rollin' rollin' rollin' Rollin' rollin' rollin'

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