Granny Smells Funny

After certain personal events in my life, I have decided to close down this site. The birth of, abomination of sorts was in late 1999. I have grown up since then (just a smidge, and only that) and have learned that cruelty in any respect doesn't cause anything but trouble. I actually started this page to express some silliness, and light hearted poking fun at characters (like Granny for instance), but all it did was encourage cynicism, which soon started to get out of hand. Yes, some grouciness is normal in small doses, but for me...well, it's just complicated, and I'm not going into it. This site started out very immature (and got flamed very badly) and then I toned it down, but only a notch. Yet right away, a wise online friend of mine told me that nothing good would come out of it, which got to the neurotic part of me, and I almost erased this whole site just out of paranoia over my 'future'. But alas, it is not until now, nearly two years later, that I finally realize that my friend was right. No, this site was certainly not the start of all my problems, but it did encourage them. It was fuel to a fire, you could say. Besides, my school doesn't get out until DAYS is over, so I hardly watch it anymore, which means less updates. A LOT less. But still, this site just laying around here means that I have an outlet to express malice, which just ends up stirring me up. So farewell to anyone who has visited, and a special wink and a purr to everyone who linked me! Rowrrrrrr.


(shameless plug)

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