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"Song For You"

A song of praise,
I will sing all my days.
May my life be a song for You.
Lord, set me free,
To give everything to Thee.
Be my passion in all I do.

It's You, Lord!
It's You, Lord!
Come fill me with Your fire.
It's You, Lord!
Oh it's always been You, Lord!
You're all I desire.

It's You, Lord!
It's You, Lord!
Come fill me with Your fire.
It's You, Lord!
Oh it's always been You, Lord!
You're all I desire.

I long for more,
You're the One I adore.
Lead me on, Lord, to more of You.
I give my heart -
May we never be apart.
Let Your Light shine in all I do.

It's You, Lord!
It's You, Lord!
Come fill me with Your fire.
It's You, Lord!
Oh it's always been You, Lord!
You're all I desire.

It's You, Lord!
It's You, Lord!
Come fill me with Your fire.
It's You, Lord!
Oh it's always been You, Lord!
You're all I desire.

© Copyright 2001 ZoaLinda

"Place me like a seal over your heart, or like a seal on your arm. For love is as strong as death, and its jealousy is as enduring as the grave. Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame [the very flame of the Lord!]. Many waters cannot quench love; neither can rivers drown it..." - Song of Solomon 8:6,7