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"Help Me To Seek Your Will"

I close my eyes and You are here with me.
Every breath I take, every beating of my heart is filled with You.
Your Love sustains me, holds me up, and gives me freedom.
You're everything
that I see.

I want to please You and give all to You,
Though I often find that I fail in doing what I know is right.
The voice of self, the voice of flesh keep whisp’ring to me…
Lord, telling me
what to do.

Help me to seek Your Will, and not my own.
Lord help me to…
Seek Your Will and not my own.
Let the path be made clear that I may see;
Let Your Spirit come to me,
That I might..
Seek Your Will and not my own

Sometimes I don't know, Lord, just what to pray,
But You call me back from the edge of darkness into joy and light.
Sometimes it's tough, sometimes it's rough to say, "not my will
but Your Will, Lord,
be done today."

My spirit's willing but my flesh is weak.
There is nothing that I can ever do without the grace You give.
You are my Hope, my Love, my Song, my Strength, my Saviour,
You're everything
that I seek.

...Forgive me, Lord, and

Help me to seek Your Will, and not my own.
Lord help me to…
Seek Your Will and not my own.
Let the path be made clear that I may see;
Let Your Spirit come to me,
That I might..
Seek Your Will and not my own.

© Copyright 2001 ZoaLinda