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Jaza u Chakoor

Cheikh Ahmadu Bamba relates some events of the exile as followed :

I seek refuge in GOD from Satan the outcast -
" ... I crave Thy protection for her and for her offspring from Satan the outcast. " Ch.3 v.36
LORD ! I seek refuge in thee lest they be (the evil ones) present with me. " Ch.23 v.98

I left Saturday the 4th safar 1313AH(1895CE) from the place I settled in Djoloff ( precisely M' Backe Bary ), after I received the letter of convocation of the Governor of Saint Louis, which was to mark between him and me the Divine Will. I then met his colleague* who was leading his army to that building specially made for learning and teaching, in the afternoon of that same day in a place called Djeewal.

And we left each other after our meeting , by the Will of GOD the MOST HIGH, the EVER KNOWING ; I stayed the night of Sunday* in that place (Djeewal) at the Order of THE ONE Who is GOD, the MOST HIGH, the UNIQUE I then left there after the prayer of the morning ; that day, I was reciting the Koran and praying for He on whom the prayer is the most beneficial (the Prophet).

I spent the day in a place called Kokki, in the coumpound of Cheikh Mukhtar* who, at that time, was the Master of every member of the Community of our Lord MUHAMMAD, the Chosen by Excellence, in that part of the land of GOD the MOST HIGH, called Kajoor - on Him (the Prophet), on his Family and his Companions, the two Blessings from WHOM He preserves me from any unjust. That day, I felt the need to versify the names of the warriors of Bedr - on them the reward of Whom He, thanks to them, preserve me from any traitor - and to pray on our Lord and Master MUHAMMAD, the Dissipater of affliction, who never stopped being an Ocean of Generosity and a Lion in the battles, on Him, on His Family and His Companions, the two Blessings from HE WHOM (GOD) I surrender other than the sultans, as I surrender to the Prophet - Peace, Blessing and Benediction of GOD, the MOST HIGH, on Him -other than any intermediaries (asbab).

I left that blessed place in the night, accompanied by a crowd of people, and it was as if I was walking alone, without any companion : we arrived just before dawn in the place called Louga. And that night, as for me, I was among those who only strive toward GOD, the MOST HIGH ; I spent the day there reciting the Best Word (the Word of GOD) and praying on the One Whose Grace had preserved me from any conspiracy. I left there, and I performed the afternoon prayer at the train station, for the sake of GOD, may HE be Blessed and Exalted, WHO HE granted me with a pious goodness ; then I got into the train where I gave praises (to GOD) through my words, and communicated this by love :

" I exalt the HOLINESS of HIM WHOM , on the land and the sea, makes all machines move and master them all together. "
" I exalt the GLORY of HIM WHOM , in the train granted me with the service to the Lord of Medina "
" I exalt the PURITY OF HIM WHOM makes the day into the night and the mysteries in manifestations. "

I got off the train just before the prayer of Maghreb, and I had been interned in a residence by the oppressor*. I remained in that place all the rest of Safar and the month of Rabi'ul Awwal at the Order of HIM WHOM we surrender to, and HIM WHO provides us with assistance, except the last two days of that month - Thursday and Friday - and during those two months, the PROVIDER granted me with some chosen Gifts specially for me.

I left that island where I had written the Memorial of the warriors of Bedr who are lions, on them the Reward of HIM WHOM, thanks to them had preserved me from any rebel and envious person. I had also written in that island, two Introductions to the Prayer on the Prophet, the Intercessor - on Him, on his Family and Companions, the two Blessings of HIM WHOM had preserved me from whosoever disapproves the fact that He is at the Highest Rank.
I had endured on that island (Saint - Louis) during that period, some tests which I will never mention out of courtesy toward THE MOST WORTHY OF THANKFULNESS, who is adored for the pure sake of HIS FACE ; these tests were a spiritual education from the LIVING (GOD) who never dies , HIM WHOM guarded me from using weapons against the muderer.

I left that island one Thursday morning by which time HE WHO MAKES DEATH (al Mumit), HE WHO SUFFICES had protected me from the Governor and his army, after my request (to HIM). I then took the train to Dakar where I spent the night of Friday reciting the most efficient formula of invocation (of GOD). From there I left by ship where I was protected by HIM WHO SUFFICES (al Kafi), HIM WHOM MAKES DEATH (al Mumit) against the instigators of the deportation, until we reached the famous Island of Gabon whose population damnation in the kingdom of GOD, the MOST HIGH, and the totality of the friends of GOD, the MOST HIGH was very well known. I stayed there for a short period during which I never met anyone who aspired to GOD - may HE be Blessed and Exalted ! I had not even met someone who was concerned about His Righteous Path. And it was then that I had been transfered from that island to another one (Mayumba) where there was no one who considered the Hereafter.

When I got into that island, I stayed there five years during which time I had suffered and fought against my desires and temptations. I communicated with GOD - HE who is Exalted and Sublime! during those years, through my writings which are not allowed and will never be allowed to reveal because they contain some inmost secrets of GOD, which are continually approved by HIM, the MOST HIGH,and his Prophet to whom they are adressed.

It was on that island that I wrote the two Introductions for the Prayer on the Prophet, the Integrated, on Him, on his Family and Companions, the two Blessings of HIM WHOM had preserved me from any rebel and liar.
One of them is an Introduction in Prose for the Prayer on HIM Whom grants the Gifts in abundance. The second one is an Introduction in Versification for the Prayer on HIM Whom recommanded me to control my anger. Each of them excel by their charismatic virtue the " Dala ' ilal Khayrat " May the Reward of HIM WHOM grants me with provisions be given to his author*
I exchanged confidences on that island with GOD, may HE be Blessed and Exalted, from the month of Muharram* until the end of Dhul Hijja*, secrets communications which make definitive the verdict condamning anyone who might be tempted to deny or doubt them, and it is due to the fact that they proceed from the Generosity of HIM WHOM : " when HE intendeth a thing, is only that HE saith unto it : Be ! and it is "* And, during all that time, as for me, I never had any other refuge but in the MOST HIGH.

Then I stood by the seaside of that island, facing the waves, improvising a profession (of faith) : and in my improvisation, I did not associated GOD to anything, and neither was I being hypocrite :

Witness, O island of Mayumba! that I am the slave of the REDEEMER OF SINS (GOD), and that I am the servant of the Chosen one, the Purest (al Mustafa) And above all, witness that I am not complaisant toward any idolater, being myself a friend and beloved of HIM Whom Clan is honoured And that I am a passionate and beloved of Him Whose footsteps we follow (al Muqaffa), on Him the two Blessings of HI WHOM preserved me thanks to Him from imposture On Him the two Blessings from the GUIDE Who had taken me to Him, by His Grace (the Prophet) and by the most Pertinent Book which had facilitated the attraction My gratitude and my reward are due to my LORD and to the Prophet for my protection against the tricks of the Ungrateful which never departed from him Your praises, O you the Better Creature! is my happiness, by which my LORD preserved me from Satan anytime he comes towards me I praised you by a poem which preserved me from all the ennemies, through the verses of the endless wisdom of the Word which flows in me HIM WHO SUFFICES had preserved me, thanks to You, from those who are stained with vanity and who are led by their passions and never shall I meet anyone but the one who loves me O ocean ! profess the Divine Unity, and not the Trinity, because our LORD is above the Trinity ; praise HIM, HE is the LORD

It was on that island that GOD revealed to me all my imperfections* and perfected me, so I became the Servant of the Messenger of GOD, on Him Peace and Blessing of GOD, the MOST HIGH, on his Family and Companions, after I had been for HIM (GOD) a sincere worshipper - May HE be Blessed and Exalted! HE granted me with gifts in His Name (the Prophet), which nobody can deny unless he/she is an unfortunate banished from the Sacred Kingdom and who is among those affected by the tempting illusion, the pride, the envy: the unclean hearts;
these are the ones from which I have been preserved from all sorts of detraction from the SUBLIME, the MOST HIGH, in order to give Thanks - HE is the MOST HIGH ! - by having taken my sides against anyone who claims any superiority.

I declare after having mentioned the Praises to GOD by these words :
" Glory to my LORD, THE INCOMMENSURABLE ; let HIS Praises be proclaimed ! " .
" Glory to my LORD, the MOST EMINENT. "

Whosoever doubt that Him Whose footstep we follow (the Prophet) is my Guide to the Path of HIM WHOM preserved me from those tainted with vices As for me, I am absolutely certain that He (the Prophet) - on Him the two Blessings from GOD - had validated my gifts And it is thanks to Him that I became a worshipper of GOD, my LORD and his servant, on Him the two Blessings of HIM WHOM granted me the Glory Whosoever is afflicted in my capacity of servant of the Prophet during my exile, ignores the secrets of my virtues. My only goal other than the verses of the Koran, is the Authenticated Tradition of the Chosen, the Purest (al Mustafa), on Him the two Blessings of HIM WHOM gives His Guidance

It was during those five years (in Mayumba), trought the tests that I became like a Shining Sun, and that is where I had obtained the Gifts from the Celest Kingdom, by the Grace of HIM WHOM said : " actions are only validated by the intentions which inspired them ", on Him, on his Family and Companions, the two Blessings of HIM WHOM gave the Verses to Him as they are, on Him, on his Family and Companions the two Blessings of HIM WHOM has the MOST EMINENT GLORY.

It was during that period that I composed a piece of work which any other work excel to such a degree in Blessing and Benediction from the Generosity of WHOM HIM had preserved me from the cohabitation with the idolater and idolatress. That book contains some miracles on the DIVINITY of GOD which puts any detractor to remorse and silence, and GOD, may HE be Blessed and Exalted! has increased its privilege with the Treasures of the POSSESOR of the SOVEREIGNTY of the Earth and the Celest Royalty. I discussed in that book, the spiritual battle of the soldiers of the Faith who had destroyed the ennemies of GOD, the MOST HIGH, who have been declared apostates. I had also gathered in that book an efficient incantation for the invokers which silences any detractor and infidel.
I also mentioned in that same book, the action of praises of all those rewarded by HIM WHO REWARDS THOSE WHO ARE GRATEFUL. There are in that book some initiatives which had not been achieved by the first, among the things which are rewarded by the LEADER, the PROVIDER, the WORTHY OF THANKFULNESS, the INNOVATOR. That work also contains some poems which the predecessors had not adressed to the Apostle - Messenger, whose service granted me Gifts beyond any expectation ; may Peace, Blessings, and Benediction of GOD, the MOST HIGH be on Him, on his Family and Companions, the same way HE favoured me - on Him Peace and Blessing of GOD - with unique Privileges.

There is in that book a beautiful arabic expression of a quality never achieved before, such as it could only be heard from a native arab. And all this comes from the Benediction of Whom through Him GOD - may HE be Blessed and exalted ! dissipate the sin of whosoever adress by His Grace to HIM (GOD), their requests - on Him, on his Family and Companions, the two Blessings of HIM WHO DOES WHAT PLEASES HIM, and HE is THE ONE in my side, the same way HE had preserved me from any miscreant rebel. It is thanks to that book that GOD - may HE be blessed and Exalted ! - granted me the Sacred Book (the Koran), and erased everything which was formely a motive of prejudice and blame for me. It is thanks to that book that the months, the days in their totality had submitted to me like human beings did, by the Kindness of HIM WHO favours who HE wants among His servants, in a special way. It is thanks to that book that I had spiritually deviated from the ennemies of GOD - may HE be blessed and Exalted ! even though I physically was with them, in my heart I was away from them in that cohabitation.

In the panegyric contained in that book, I said, and I have not at all parodied what I had said : The Praises to the Messenger of GOD have granted me the spiritual perfection, and preserved me from any corrupt individual. I have obtained from his Praises, on Him the Prayer of HIM WHO appointed Him at the Highest Rank , the Better in all safety Whosoever has some doubts about it, should take an attempt, whosoever try will surely fall into disgrace Whosoever comes to me with the intention to harm, will fail with prejudice ; and never will they depart from calamity here and hereafter Are below the Rank of the Messenger of GOD, the djinns, the human beings and the angels, He is whom makes my happiness everlasting Refering to Muhammad, on Him the Prayer of GOD, on his Family and Companions, as well as those who followed Him GOD had granted me with what gives the Joy by His Grace, and this forever, and no prejudice will ever be cast down on me Refering to Muhammad, on Him the Prayer and the Blessing of WHOM had granted me by His Grace the Better Eloquence My Praises to Him (the Prophet) during the exile had spiritually perfected my integrity and had converted my indigence into abondance forever.
The creatures in their totality are inferior to the Son of Abdallah, on Him the two Blessings of the GLORIOUS WHO made Him O LORD, grant the Prayer, Blessing and Benediction to our Lord and Master Muhammad, YOU WHO made of me in my integrity His servant , on his Family and Companions Accept from me this piece of work according to the standard of Your Magnificence, without neither spot nor confusion Let it be, O MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE !

After my departure from that island, I gave up many things among the licit ones, in return of the favours which belong to GOD, the MOST HIGH, out of respect for HIS GLORIOUS FACE, transaction HE had concluded with me by a lasting reward in this world and the next which will never be taken away, and which will never be broken off. And I would only mention some of those things I had given up. It is thanks to that Pact that I had become the close Friend of GOD, the MOST HIGH, and His Messenger, on Him the two Blessings of GOD, on his Family and Companions.

Among the things I had sacrificed are the consumption of the sugar of the french (the coloniser), and their drink called coffee (qahwa) ; HIM to WHOM I made a total extinction of myself gave me in return of those abstinences, the greatest delight. Among them, there was also a fruit on that island which I had abstain myself from eating and yet it was the sweetest one of most of the variety of fruits.
Among those things, I had sacrificed something in return of the Heritage of the Tradition of the Chosen, the Purest (al Mustafa), the Messenger ; on Him, on his Family and Companions, the two Blessings of HIM WHO granted me in both abodes HIS favours thanks to the better quest and so many other things which never stopped being an inmost secret between my LORD, my INTIMATE, my LOVE and me and between my Mediator, my Close Friend, my Beloved, for the FACE of my LORD.

After I had left that island where I wrote the book mentioned above which is sanctified by GOD, may HE be Blessed and Exalted, HIM to WHO we give thanks, I was taken to another island (Lambarene), where I went through some tribulations which only the withdrawal of the soul surpass in pain ; I stayed there a certain amount of time by the Favour of HIM WHO takes away affliction from His beloved and relieve him. I had stayed in that place just about three years, preoccupied by the service of the Messenger of GOD, on Him, on his Family and Companions, the two Blessings of HIM WHO had preserved me, by his Grace, from the tricks of the deceivers, the transgressors, the seducers, until GOD - may HE be Blessed and Exalted ! - achieved my aspirations and desires, by the Grace of His Messenger and Apostle,our Lord and Master MUHAMMAD, the Ennobled who is Generous.

And, finally, among the whole population of that part of the world, where neither of them knew anything about either the Traditional or the Divine obligations, I became considered, respected and honoured, secretly and manifestly ; It is then that I was revealed the secrecy of HIS WORD - may HE be Blessed and Exalted ! - in the chapter " Women " :
" GOD will not give the disbelievers any way (of success) against the believers " (Ch.4 V. 141).

HE also revealed the secrecy of HIS WORD - may HE be Blessed and Exalted ! - :
" Verily the stedfast will be paid their wages without stint "(Ch.39 V10)

In my secret communication (with GOD) and in my service (to the Prophet), I was taking delight, and I was only searching for the approbation (of GOD), and HE also made clear to me HIS WORD - may HE be Blessed and Exalted! -
" Peradventure GOD will restrain the might of those who disbelieve. GOD is stronger in might and stronger in inflicting punishment " (Ch.4 V84)

After I achieved the Battle on my soul, and against all the enemies, HE became for me a MASTER, A SHELTER, a PROTECTOR and a GUIDE. " Glorified be thy LORD, the LORD OF MAJESTY, from that which they attribute (unto HIM) ; And Peace be unto those sent (to warn) ;

And Praise be to GOD, LORD of the Worlds. " (Ch. 37 V. 180 to 182).