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Welcome To My Hell


HELLO ALL AND WELCOME TO MY HELL lol well I don't believe in hell I am your host Michelle. I hope yall enjoy my page!! They need some work but shit I ain't got the time lol:) My Links are my own, They are interesting especaily my mind. SO check them out

People please don't think that GayBiLes people are bad.....We are not bad....We just live a different life style. I don't want anyone to die or be "gay bashed"! Please take a stand. Teen gay and Lesbians...are the highest rated suicides in the US. I am still trying to may have won the "battle" but there still is a "war" out there...please don't hate people like me!!

To learn about Matthew Shepard visit the site below....then you will see what has happend to one Gay man...It's the worse thing that happend....This is why more gay and lesbians chose not to come out!

Matthews Story

New PAGE!!!!

Really I just put in all new pictures!

All New Page

Well my gay pride page is all bad though I couldn't think of much of anything else to put there!

Gay Pride baby yeah!!

The workings of my mind how grand. It's interesting to see what goes on in peoples minds.

Here is the poetry!! I hope you enjoy it.

The second part....updated as of July 04

Like You haven't heard enought about me but It's all about me again:
Glories me awwww....Im just so cute
All about me

Hmmm female singers *drools*
Napkin please

My little collection of pics

My Mind Part 2 Recent since 2005

This is the end of my page....thANk you for visiting it....Oh WAIt there is one more things...Look I know people hate to sign guestbooks but hey do it for me...tell me what needs to be you liked it..or how much you hate it...:)

Rendered by Swade

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