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Waymark Genealogy


Jan 31, 2000



"I travel back with empirical research to the Domesday book, Battle of Hastings and look at the period in Sussex through one family's eyes whom live for 1000 years. link with the Kings and Queens of Europe and Great Britain and get forced into the workhouses of Eastbourne. I explore the origin of 'waymarkers' through history."

And may I say up front...if you sign my guest book providing any small amount of your connection to us in lineage, pedigree or just interest,I will ensure that you are updated regularly with any data which I think would be of value to you.

Welcome, my name is Graeme Waymark, a son of a Waymark father and a Doldon mother, living in Ottawa, Canada. I have travelled extensively - born in Worthing, Sussex, and subsequently lived in Prince Edward Island,Canada; returned to Birmingham, and Farnworth (Nr. Bolton)in England; returned again to Canada, living in Vancouver; moved to Geneva with a family of three and then returned alternating between residences in Vancouver, Toronto and Los Angeles. My children are living in Vancouver, Sao Paulo (Brazil), and between Halifax and Ottawa(depending upon the season!) We are nomads. The whole family has travelled and continues to - this is not uncommon for many Waymarks we have come across. The term 'Waymarker'comes to us well deserved. In fact the derivative of our original old Breton name 'Wiuhamarch' meant 'worthy of a horse' - either way we are riding off somewhere!

This hobby has put me in touch personally with over 1/2 of the Waymark families in the world today and has allowed me to catalogue perhaps 90% of them. However, that does not mean I have them all correct nor does it mean I have all the details of all the families and their ancestors. Nor will I ever...that is the lot of the genealogist, we are never finished.

My dad came from Hove and his father from Hastings - the next five generations all came from Eastbourne Sussex. Now you know a little bit about myself - the rest is in my family web page.

Consider checking our family home page. When you reach the genealogy section you will enjoy reading the history of the Waymark family name and its derivatives.

This Waymark genealogy page commenced February 1998 with links to the first inputs of Waymark diaries and poetry, history, geography etc.

This page basically contains chronological updates on findings since February 1998 or the inputting of data from very extensive files which will take several years to categorize and load in to the appropriate pages. There are extensive links to details and other data pertaining to Waymarks, in attempt to keep this page to a minimum.

Ancestor location circa 1600

(or before - or after...!)

(details of each of these locations on-line indicated by hyper-text colour and underline.

Return to our Genealogy

July 12, 1998

Work in Progress

We are now linking ancestoral and contemporary data such as:

Here are some of the linkages to my sites up and running!

Waymark diaries soon we will also include the full account of a World War II Waymark as he details his life in the trenches behind German lines - his diary!

Poetry on growing up in Surrey early 1900s These poems are from Ernest Waymark but there are others to go in also.

Eastbourne Discover for yourself and hear about the first Waymark reunion

Genealogy notes on origins and several Wymark derivatives.See where all forms of our name came from and are referred to in historical text

Publications from several Waymark alumni with references to their universities (so far Education and Management practices - but there are many more out there waiting to be fed into the data pool. Please let me know of any that you don't see in here.

Bizzare and unusual on useage of our name and referred to in fictional text - or is it fictional?

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When I was told to people of Northern Ireland that I was an atheist, a woman in the audience stood up and said, "Yes, but is it the God of the Catholics or the God of the Protestants in whom you don't believe?"

-- Quentin Crisp

It is important in the research of our Waymark ancestors that religion played a significant part in their families, their travels and whether they were recorded in births, deaths and marriages. From Church of England to Wesleyen Baptists to Atheists and now seeing the old Baptist church in Eastbourne run by the Greek Orthodox!!

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Chronological submissions to this page:


May 2, 1999 Well, that breath of winter did something to me. I did nothing on this web page for 6 months. I sure received a lot of e-mail from many of you and have much data to input. In particular on my mother's side I started to get more queries on the Muschamps who are about as rare in history as the Waymarks!!

Then only a few weeks ago I had a 'hit' on my page from another genealogist who was researching both the Waymark and the Muschamp name one for herself and the other for her spouse (wow!) Talk about serendipity, coincidence and awe...

Anyway, just to let you know I am back and encourage all of you returning to this page or seeing it for the first time: read it through, send me your comments and above all - don't ask if I want your data, just send it to me by email, snail mail, hunky male or hand deliver it (and ask if there is any room in the inn!), perhaps I can even pick it up myself depending upon my travels

Genealogy research is starting its exponential growth like everything else in IT today. It won't be long before most of what we have taken years to gather will be available to the next generation in weeks! aaaaggghhhhh. not fair, not fair at all... ah well.


October 20, 1998 I have been away from the page as the autumn of Canada's east drew me outdoors and into the golden parklands, falling leaves into crystal waters, the wooded smells of summer goodbyes and the breath of winter around the corner...

We have changed, modified and updated our family webpage and I have been carefully nursing this one to ensure all the glitches are out and page is tuned-up. I was pleased to see using the "Web site garage" I received an excellent rating in all but one category! There will be more additions soon as I have also updated my family tree software and hope to put new data in a new form up for all to peruse!


September 6, 1998 Time now for an update on how the Waymark name was derived. Many a family, and also published text report that family names began with occupations. One significant occupation as Britain was formed was that of a Waymarker. Just by searching under the name 'waymark' in text documents over the web will bring us riches of data throughout the UK and later throughout the world where the name is meant to 'mark the way' and a place or home or sign post or group of rocks were all known as way marks. It is reported that in the Viking or pre- Viking days the occupation of making way marks was a significant responsibility (as I assume the diligent job of taking them down when invading armies came, was also tasked to some one: perhaps and anti-way-marker? )


August 18, 1998 Check out more on our Bizzare unusual page - newly added with Kramer vs Waymark a British case which sets law in West Virginia in the 1800s! ...and more publications by Waymark's (some fairly esoteric stuff this time from 'no break-down' trucks to binding properties of a Symmetric macrobicycle! - check them out! All articles written by fellow Waymark's carrying our genes into deeper and deeper dimensions!

For the rest of the update string scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see each update as it has been updated over the last year.

There is lots more to come so keep checking.

We will always be mindful of your privacy where requested.

For the The bizarre in the Waymark pedigree...just click.

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I'm looking for contributions, click here, questions and your own tree data where you believe it can help link the very few Waymark families in the world.

If you sign the guest book and don't have a permanent e-mail address, just ask me any questions right in the guest book and I will answer them there as the 'webmaster'. But to get a quick reply e-mail me directly at

Read the comments there now for the development of what I hope over the next 2-3 years will be an excellent forum for Waymark's to see how close and distant relatives are doing. So far we have had input from Waymarks in Canada, Australia, India, South Africa, Australia and of course England. It is interesting that there is only one recorded Waymark in the USA at present and only 4 since confederation. None of those 4 were males!

Feel free to contribute anything. Sign in below - thanks!

At least say hi and let us know you exist and tell us a little something about yourself.

If you have a family bible or something which gives hard to find details of the lives of our ancestors one, two or three hundred years ago - then assume others would love to share in it!

Read the comments of other Waymarks as they make comments in the guest book. If you are not a direct part of our ancestory, just make a note as to what attracted or led you to the page. If you have ancestors in Sussex - leave me a note. I have much data on file yet to be entered which could provide that missing clue to YOUR search!

Graeme Waymark - (1998)

Sign My Guestbook

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by GuestWorld

Don't forget to push the 'submit' button when you are finished!

IMPORTANT This is not linked to any 'mailing list', heraldry promotions, will searches, skeletons in the closet, or touchy-feely stuff. It is just a simple way of each of us adding to a Waymark time capsule perhaps for the year 2100 - 500 years after the date we have been able to research from, reasonably successfull, so far!...and by giving us your name and e-mail address we will be able to keep you informed on anything of value to you and your extended family for posterity.


In memory of my father:

Leonard Arthur Charles Waymark of Hove; Grandfather: Arthur Charles Waymark of Hastings, Gt.Grandfather: Henry of Hastings; Gt. Gt. Grandfather: John, fisherman of Eastbourne (his father also John of Eastbourne married to Anne Carter. Many Waymark families in England today share John and Anne as ancestors; they were married in St. Mary's church in Eastbourne.

Chronological (reverse) history of updates to this page (as they were originally recorded).

August 8, 1998 Check out new additions to our publications page - newly added with contributions attributed to Janet Waymark, and Benjamin Waymark

July 28, 1998 Check out our Bizzare unusual page - newly added with Waymark and Jack the Ripper, Waymark and Kentish Manor Murders, Waymark and a Gidding novel on a 19 Century Osmond Waymark in London and 'his views'on women, gender and society in general!!

June 27, 1998 Pictures and details of Arundel, Hastings and Bognor have been added. We also have the server and an ADSL modem! - it is sure nice having a son who graduated from IT college! - Thanks Ben

June 12, 1998 We now have our own domain name for Waymarks !!!! It is We will be having our own server in the future, but this is for us, a gigantic leap in being able to better control our pages and inputs. More later.

A special hello to Lain Waymark from London whom I have just noticed has received recognition for a photo she took of David Cassidy, as his "British Rep." and is now published in the USA. You can go directly to this web site by clicking on Cassidy's Corner and then doing a quick search for the name 'waymark'.

May 9, 1998 A cause taken up by my oldest brother Ian go to our new page on: Chronic fatique syndrome/fibromyalgia (EC in the UK). This unfortunate energy draining affliction is present in all of our present family. It is only through genealogy that we ever hope to get to the root cause: why do we carry it in our gene pool?

April 24, 1998 I have added the Canadian names and addresses plus the lone South American Jennifer Waymark (hey, she's my daughter - I should know her whereabouts! - n'est-ce-pas?)The list is growing, see below at March 12 for the hypertext to take you directly there...

March 29, 1998 Now its getting exciting for the Doldon/Muschamp side of my family - thanks to David and Sandra Doldon of British Columbia we have records going back to the Queens and Kings of UK and Europe. They have all been added to the GEDCOM ancestoral tree as mentioned below. David, whom is my direct cousin has researched not only the genealogy but also British and European History.

He shows how and where our ancestors are linked to Royalty in England, France, Denmark, Spain and more... Now, this is actually quite an accomplishment. The odds of most of us with British roots being linked to everyone else in or around the year 1400 are mathematically very high - almost assured! - however to prove it is daunting. This has now been done to some extent. I will be obtaining in the near future some of the research notes and stories to supplement the facts.

March 12, 1998 another great new addition world wide list of present day Waymarks. We are now able to provide you with an almost complete list of all adult Waymarks throughout the world whom are listed in some form of directory.

In addition we will update the list with addresses (or just cities)as correspondents request. I will continue to update this to include most Waymark's in the world today. Many of you in contact with us have provided us with names and addresses of those whom have not retained the Waymark name and (of course) still want to be kept informed and part of the research. As identified by themselves - we will add. At present we have all of the UK posted; the Americas, Australia, New Zealand and Africa are almost ready to be posted - some having to come from our genealogical research rather than directories.

March 5, 1998 More news!!! We are commencing the addition of a complete pedigree GEMCOD downloadable data base. The pedigree is now there for your perusal - though it is still under construction; I will soon be breaking it into only Waymarks dividing the pedigrees.

Feb 20, 1998 We have put together some of our genealogy notes on origins and several Wymark derivatives. See where forms of our name came from and are referred to in historical text - this supplements the data you would read on the Waymark Family Home Page.

February 15, 1998 Great news!!! We have our first up to date genealogy tree to see the Waymark tree for my family and ancestors. We are going back nine generations into the Weymark derivatives which are still maintained today and links into, to name a few: Wymark, Weimark, Weymarke and Waymarke...

February 1, 1998 This is my first entry. I am planning to update this regularly. Each time I will show the date. I am looking for slowly downloading data that I have accumulated over the last seven years. This will include details and photos of our Waymark clan 'reunion' in Eastbourne of two years ago with 'Waymarks' from Australia and Canada joining the Sussex group!

Check out this Link

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages ...and if it wasn't for them, I never would have got this site up so quickly; not a glitch or a problem over the last 18 months the full duration of my using them!


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