The people were forced to leave their homes
With just the clothes on their back,
Food and water they were denied
Their personal belongings they could not pack!

The brutal Serb Army
Plundered, killed and molested,
Albanian women, mothers and girls
And helpless young men they arrested!

They trashed and burned their houses
No longer they had a home,
Without mercy destroying everything
The poor Albanians owned!

Many Albanians disappeared
So did most of the young men,
Surviving family members
May never see them again!

Many refugees had to walk
Transporation they desperately did seek,
When falling from exhaustion
The stronger carried the weak!

In one picture on the news
Is an elderly lady riding in a wheelbarrow,
Being pushed by a man with tears in his eyes
And his head bowed in sorrow!

Mournful cries could be heard
From the fleeing refugees,
As they wearly travel onward on
Broken and in dire need!

The refugee camps are overflowing
Yet they had no choice to live,
In these overcrowded conditions
Where there is little food and water to give!

Nato countries are helping
In this sorrowful time of need,
They are flown to other countries
So overcrowding can be relieved!

Nato and its Allies
Plus million others care,
Much compassion we do have
For the refugees living there!

The refugees long to return
To their beloved homeland,
Nato on their behalf
Was willing to take a stand!

Mass graves have been discovered
But many bodies were exhumed and burned,
By the brutal Serb Army
So atrosities would not be learned!

The Serb Army will have to pay
For the war crimes they will be tried,
In a War Crime tribunal
Their guilt they cannot deny!

To murder innocent people
To try to annilate a human race,
Just because they may be different
Is more than a moral disgrace!

There is poeple on this earth
And there will always be,
Who mistakenly think they are better
Than you and me!

By: Yvonne Legge
Copyright 1999 Yvonne Legge