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Syed Wajahat Azim

Syed Wajahat Azim

Trip to chicago - Nov 1998 -6
Pine river campsite - september 1998
My previous webpage

I work as an Information Specialist with EDS. I was born in Allahabad, India. I was always fascinated by Space – the final frontier – and therefore went to the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur to study Aeronautics and Astronautics. Even four years of undergraduate education in Aerospace were not sufficient to quench my thirst for knowledge and so I went ahead for a graduate degree from the same institution.

After my completion of the Master’s program, I started working for IBM Global Services, in February 1996. I was sent to work on an encryption project in Germany in October, 1996 for Brokat Informationssysteme GmbH. I was responsible for laying the quality processes. At Brokat I also worked on the design and testing of the X*PRESSO Security package for achieving the BSI-ITSEC (Bundesamt fuer Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik – Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria) certification.

I came over to US in July, 1997 and started working for GM North America. I initially focussed on identifying emerging technologies and concepts and developing prototypes to show their impact on various components of the automotive supply chain. Some of the topics I studied were Agent Technology and Distributed Computing.

I, currently, am pursuing MBA at University of Michigan Business School (UMBS). UMBS is one of the top-ranked schools and is renowned for its innovative approach to business issues. MBA focus is on Corporate Strategy and Finance.

I am trying to merge an understanding of the industrial processes, business processes with IT professional experience. I intend to work as a Management Consultant for 4-5 years after completing MBA and then I will return to the corporate world.

My other activities include playing golf, ballroom dancing and community service. I have worked with the Indian National Social Service (NSS), Canadian Red Cross and Michigan Clean Water Action Committee.