The Artists

The Artists

I'm not sure any of these people would consider themselves "artists" in particular. "Artist" is usually reserved for people who paint or create artworks, but these individuals all have talents that go beyond their chosen artform. They have all been a great inspiration to me at one time or the other, and I personally refer to them as 'Renaissance Men'.

Frank Young

Frank is something of a "Rennaissance Man", being not only a excellent writer but also dabbling in music composition and comic book illustration from time to time. He is one of the two musicians who make up "New Albanian Riots."

Craig Luckenbach

Craig's secret world is velvety and sumptuous filled with supernatural creatures of the dark. I've admired his sketches enough to request that I may engrave one of them on my own skin. His art apleals to the sleeper in all of us.

Maxxwell Denton

Although he has connections to me through other friends, I first met Maxxwell through the website of another excellent artist, Joe Phillips. I could see Maxxwell doing as well for himself in a few more years.

Dennis Todd

Dennis is a musician of incredible talent and experience. He played with local band Numantra for several years and now is working to produce his own music.

Jer Gallagher

I've been friends with Jer for several years as a result of participating in writing groups, but besides being a talented and aspiring writer he is also a talented composer of considerable musical abilities.

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