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You have entered the troop 255 zone!

Proceed with caution!

Do you...


a: like to bike?

b: like to hike?

c: like to go camping?

d: want to join Boy Scouting?

e: live in the Vancouver, WA area?

f: currently participate in boy scouting?

g: want to go sky diving, bunjee jumping, or riding motercycles off huge jumps?

If you checked any of those boxes then troop 255 is for you (E is extremely important) (if you checked g then you shouldn't join our troop). In fact, just this february we went to the Mt. St. Helens sno-park to camp in the snow for 2 days and in the same month we also went on a campout where we practiced signaling. In the past we have also gone on 40 mile bike hikes, gone to 4x4 races, gone to snow bunny, go to summer camps. When we're not having so much fun we do learn stuff and do community service.

Boy Scouting rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In our troop our country is very important. We always have a flag with us on campouts and we post the flag at every scout meeting. Our program consists mostly of camping and day events. We also participate in service projects. Thanks for visiting our web page! To find out more about boy scouting in general , visit the BSA web page.

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BSA Troop 255