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Home of The Poet

Greetings everyone! This is the title screen for my pages. This takes less time to load, and you can decide what you might want to see before hand. This may not look very impressive, however I do have a lot of interesting things within my pages. My main pages has a description of it and some other time wasters. I have my Guestbook, animations, the news, the time in my area and lots of links. As you can see from the links below, I have all sorts of things. (most are pretty twisted)

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Life is full of missed oppertunities and forgoten expiriences. If we would only take the time to act upon them, or at least cherish them long enough to make a difference, the world could be a more pleasent place to be.

Last Update: Feb. 12th 2001

What You'll Find Here

The Main Page
A Few Quotes
My Thoughts on Love
My Red Dwarf Page
All About Me
Some Links of Mine
My Poetry Page
Douglas Adams...
Writngs and all the New Stuff

Coming Soon!
(More like some day far far away)
