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A report on the Mandated Cervical Cancer vaccine with information
on "The revolving door" of politics and corrupted medical research.

The Mandatory Cervical Cancer Vaccine; "Jammed In The Revolving Door Of Medical Research and Politics"

In 18 states, lawmakers (heavily influenced by drug company lobbyists) are considering whether to require sixth grade girls to take the cervical cancer vaccine, regardless of it's " side effects". The Virginia legislators have passed such a bill and millions of Texans are outraged that Gov. Perry bypassed the legislature and took away parental choice in mandating the price-gouging, toxic cervical cancer 'vaccine'. There is also an "over looked vaccine" that the drug companies can not profit from, as well. It does need adequate investigation and research review, as other documented instances of cancer research expose the corruption of medical science.
This report also exposes some of the typical corruption in medical research, in a direct attempt to cause scientific review of both the genetically modified vaccine and the "over looked vaccine" that has a high cure rate for vernal warts, after exposure. Of which should prevent progression into a cancerous condition. The genetically modified vaccine is intended to be given before exposure, leaving millions of people that have all ready been exposed, at risk. Documentation is also cited of condoms not protecting you from exposure, having a 50 / 50 chance of exposure with each new sexual contact and that many people are unaware that they are carriers, as their immune system "keeps it check" while they are still contagious.
Including instances of the "medical communities" attempts to discredit herbal cancer therapy that "does not harm". And the pharmaceutical companies would not profit from and loose sales too (157f). In other instances, cancer researchers with held vital information from test subjects in experiments that they eventually died and the researchers had huge financial ties with (
46 a five part Seattle Times newspaper article series 46). And Lax oversight of biological experiments have been cited in an Energy Department report, raising concern about potential risk to workers and the public, from experiments with lethal viruses and bacteria conducted at federal weapons labs (99 Associated Press). In other instances, drug companies refused to research a cancer drug as a cure for macular degeneration and side tracked it, in favor of researching a newer drug that costs 100 times more.
In reference, "Cure for Macular Degeneration Blocked by drug firm". Company will only seek license for medicine that costs 100 times more; by Sarah Boseley, health editor of The Guardian  Saturday June 17, 2006,,1799832,00.html

By The Toxic Reverend, no copyright claimed with the exception of the article on the "over looked vaccine" for cervical cancer that has been reproduced, with out permission. Reference material is posted at:

The Virginia legislators have also passed a bills (HB 2035/SB 1230) to require all girls entering the sixth grade to receive a vaccine for the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer.

According to the Washington Post, Merck & Co., maker of the Gardasil HPV vaccine, has provided an undisclosed amount of funds for lobbying efforts in at least 18 states where lawmakers are considering whether to require the vaccine.

To produce a vaccine that might prevent cancer is one thing. To require (mandate) school girls to take it regardless of side effects (Google search), is not. But wait, it is worst than that. This genetically modified vaccine is meant to protect against the vernal warts that are suspected of causing cervical cancer. Researchers from the Center For Disease Control have stated that you have a 50 / 50 chance of contacting vernal warts with each new sexual contact, condoms do not protect you and many people are unaware that they have them. In reference, is an article titled, "New choices for coping with genital warts", FDA Consumer, May 1995 v29 n4 p17(5). Author: Ricki Lewis.

George Merck and the US Department of Defense made bioterror weapons for decades. Merck is spending millions lobbying legislatures to mandate their "mandatory" cervical cancer 'vaccine'. A "genetically modified vaccine" that appears to have more and worse side effects than an "over looked vaccine" has. The "over looked" vaccine is made from the patients own tissues and is not "genetically modified". (An article about the "over looked vaccine" is posted and reprinted with out permission. Please note the "fair use statement. The article ( posted ) is title, "Overlooked genital wart therapy has high cure rate", published in Cancer Biotechnology Weekly, Oct 2, 1995 p3(2)).

Just for the simple reason of the variance of side effects, prior research on the "over looked vaccine" needs to be questioned. It may very well be that prior research was "slanted" as the science and medical research has been in other situations that are cited later in this report.

Overview of the "Mandatory Vaccine" situation:

Millions of Texans are outraged that Gov. Perry bypassed the legislature and took away parental choice in mandating the price-gouging poisons of a toxic cervical cancer 'vaccine'.

A law passed by the Virginia Legislature (2-0606), takes away the right of families to make medical choices. This week the Virginia House and Senate became the first state legislature to require that school age girls to be vaccinated against the human papillomana virus (HPV). With these laws the Virginia State Legislature is the first in the United States to approve such laws in both chambers. Unfortunately, Virginia legislators have also passed a bills (HB 2035/SB 1230) to require all girls entering the sixth grade to receive a vaccine for the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer. The bill was passed in two versions. The House bill give parents the right to review information about the vaccine and file a form to exempt their daughters from requirement. The Senate version of the bill has no parental opt-out provision. According to the Washington Post, Merck & Co., maker of the Gardasil HPV vaccine, has provided an undisclosed amount of funds for lobbying efforts in at least 18 states where lawmakers are considering whether to require the vaccine. Two sponsors of the Virginia bill received sizable campaign contributions from Merck, according to the Virginia Public Access Project, which tracks campaign finances in the state. The House bill's sponsor, Del. Phillip Hamilton, R-Newport News, chairman of the House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee, received $10,000 from the pharmaceutical company over the last decade. The Senate sponsor, Sen. Janet Howell, D-Fairfax County, has received $4,100 from the drug maker since 1998. Last week. The new HPV vaccine announced in June 2006 is one of several recent advances in efforts to reduce rates of cervical cancer. The American Association for Health Freedom believes a mandatory HPV vaccination requirement for girls represents a setback for health freedom.


Discover the truth about vaccines!



There are some organizations trying to fight this "mandatory vaccine". And with good reasons (besides side effects making children ill). One is the :

Health Freedom Foundation and American Association for Health Freedom 4620 Lee Highway, Suite 210 Arlington, VA 22207 1.800.230.2762 / Fax: 703.294.6380



First, the "genetically modified vaccine" may not be needed. A vaccine can be made from the patients own tissue. But the drug companies would not make much money with it.

Could the prior research of this over lacked vaccine have been "slanted" or other wise corrupted ?

Just a comparison of the side effects from the genetically altered vaccine should give sufficient reason to warrant a review. More over, other instances in which the medical science and even patient records have been slanted need to be reviewed to show the motive of profit at the expense of the patients health and very life may very well be fare more common place than many suspect. With insufficient oversight ().

An article about the "over looked vaccine" is posted and reprinted with out permission. Please note the "fair use statement.

The vaccine is for the warts that are associated with cervical cancer (as is the genetically modified version). But this article discusses using tissue from the patient to make the vaccine for that particular patient. The article ( posted ) is title, "Overlooked genital wart therapy has high cure rate", published in Cancer Biotechnology Weekly, Oct 2, 1995 p3(2).   Author: Michelle Marble. The article is posted after the section titled, "Biological Weapons and chronic illnesses, in depth:".

The one really big problem with what I call "the natural vaccine" is that the drug companies can not make much money off of it. If it is made that way. To make a big buck, they appear to need the genetically modified vaccine.

You might not think this approach of "profit over the lives and health of patients" would be "business as usual" for the drug companies and medical research.  To think that medical research might be "side tracked" for the sake of making more money is one thing. The manner in which this is usually accomplished is another. And what I think of as"the revolving door of medical research and politics". More on the "revolving door", later in this report.

You might want to consider  these next few stories as examples of the damage done from, "The revolving door":

99: Lax oversight of biological experiments cited, by JOSEF HEBERT, Associated Press Writer
Thursday, February 8, 2001Breaking News Sections (02-08) 14:44 PST WASHINGTON (AP) Experiments with lethal viruses and bacteria conducted at federal weapons labs lacked required oversight and controls, raising concern about potential risk to workers and the public, an Energy Department report finds.

A book titled, "When Healing Becomes" by a Crime Kenny Ausubel, discusses alternative therapies for cancer that are now ascendant, riding a crest of popular demand, scientific validation and commercial promise. The surprising facts behind "unproved" cancer therapies are discussed, as are the corrosive medical politics that have long prevented the fair investigation of promising alternative cancer therapies, especially in the case of Harry Hoxsey.

(157f) Excerpt from a book review:

On the heels of a California law criminalizing all cancer treatments except surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, the federal government finally outlawed Hoxsey entirely in the United States in 1960 on questionable technicalities. .....

Hoxsey never claimed a panacea or cure-all. He maintained that the Dallas doctors used his clinic as a "dumping ground" for hopeless cases, and that the great majority of patients he got were terminal, having already had the limit of surgery and radiation. He said he cured about 25 percent of those. Of virgin cases with no prior treatment, he claimed an 80 percent success rate. Seventy-five years after Hoxsey began, why do we still not know the validity of his claims? ..... end of quotes from book review.

Crime Kenny Ausubel is the founder of the annual Bioneers conference ( and the author of the book, "When Healing Becomes a Crime" (Inner Traditions, 2000) based on his award-winning documentary, of the Hoxsey cancer treatment. And the "criminal manner" in which government agencies pursued the doctors curing patients of cancer, in their attempts to stop the alternative cancer cures, that worked and saved lives. Book review posted at:>


Story titled:
"Cure for Macular Degeneration Blocked by drug firm".
Company will only seek license for medicine that costs 100 times more; by Sarah Boseley, health editor of The Guardian  Saturday June 17, 2006,,1799832,00.html

Another story about the money getting in the way and lives being cost was a five part series by the Seattle Times. It took about ten years and a doctor risking his career to stop the needless torture of patients that was shown to be "all about the money", in medical research. The lead researcher had a huge finical stake in the drugs being studied and routinely slanted the patient charts.

The story is titled, "What patients at 'The Hutch' weren't told about the experiments in which they died" (46). A five-part series by the Seattle Times March 2001

Other hidden aspects of cancer research:

It is also worth noting that viruses and other infectious agents can multiply in their impact, when combined. Such as viruses and mycoplasma (sub-clinical and not "acute" ) infections. There are more details about these mycoplasma's as a "incapacitating agent", that cause "stealth infections" resulting in chronic illnesses, in the biological weapons, section. As well as why the testing of biological "incapacitating agents" such as mycoplasma's have not been noticed by the medical professions, even though they have been conducted on hundreds of American cities for decades.

Treating a "stealth infection" such as from mycoplasma's (one of the "incapacitating biological weapons) with a patient that has signs of developing cervical cancer may very well change the entire course of the disease progression and or need for any vaccine against viral agents.

There are "peer reviewed medical journal articles" that show the interaction of mycoplasma infections and viral. The obvious implications should also apply to Hepatitis C, as it does to HIV. In reference to this statement, the Medical Sentinel is the official, peer-reviewed journal of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).

Medical Sentinel 1999;4:172-176. Article title, "Mycoplasmal Infections in Chronic Illnesses: Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndromes, Gulf War Illness, HIV-AIDS and Rheumatoid Arthriti"s, by Prof. Garth L. Nicolson, PhD, Marwan Y. Nasralla, PhD, Joerg Haier, MD, PhD, Robert Erwin, MD, Nancy L. Nicolson, PhD, and Richard Ngwenya, MD The Institute for Molecular Medicine, 15162 Triton Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 and James Mobb Immune Enhancement, Harare, Zimbabwe

The simple facts are that chemical companies developed chemical and biological weapons for our country. Back in World War One and Two they made things like nerve gas. At some point, the watered down the nerve gas and started calling them "pesticides". A report (157) documents  that the chemical companies and the pharmaceutical companies are really controlled by the same people.

The huge transnational companies that produce toxic chemicals found in pesticides, herbicides and industrial and household products profit not only from the sale of these products, but also from the symptoms and chronic illnesses that they can trigger.

Now it appears that the  "the revolving door" in Washington DC has been jammed to prevent cures that they can not make money off of. And it appears to have been jammed  and millions of dollars put into "fixing the sale" ( 49). The Los Angeles Times reported that, "Drug Companies, HMO's Spend Big To Stop New Laws". They donated hundreds of millions of dollars to political election campaigns (49, 159 ). While apparently buying out "grass root organizations (68). While they do the "Poison for Profit" (157).

Millions of Texans are outraged that Gov. Perry bypassed the legislature and took away parental choice in mandating the price-gouging poisons of a toxic cervical cancer 'vaccine' by Merck. It's time to draw attention to a CBS story about Merck and WMD's, as a reminder is in order, of their nature and past conduct.

ABC News ; Buried WMDs Found ... In Maryland
FORT DETRICK, May 28, 2003
Merck bioterror weapons removed from Ft Detrick
Maryland in the US, one of many military vivisection sites.

The ABc news story is also re-posted at Indymedia - at Indymedia

Stopping the Revolving Door.

Accountability: Biological Weapons as "incapacitating agents"

Examples of our "situation":

Francis A. Boyle, an international legal expert at the University of Illinois, drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 enacted by the United States Congress. He is quoted in the headline of a story that was published at, titled;
"Professor: Federal law should close lab, jail officials for life". Published on January 31, 2007 " By Alison Walker-Baird News-Post Staff

Another censored news story in which Francis A. Boyle was quoted reads;

113 Institutions Charged with Refusing to Reveal Biotech Research,
By Sherwood Ross, (comments posted)
Please note the comments at the above page.

We would not be in this "situation" if there were true accountability for corporations and the people that use corporations to commit crimes.  In many instances, corporate executives use the corporations to commit crimes just as lethal as a thug using a gun. From Firestone tires, to GM gas tanks and more, corporations need to be held criminally accountable.  One District Attorney has ten reckless homicide convictions against corporations, but none of the people behind them.  Maybe we can end this war by starting a grassroots bipartisan movement for "corporate accountability" ? It does seem that criminal accountability with the biological weapons labs would be a good place to start and in our best interest.

Frankly, I doubt that are "fearful leaders" would continue to do as
they have been, if they thought they might be held accountable. To get more information about this, Google "Red Collar Crime" and that search should take you to:

No More
"Red Collar Crime"


Biological Weapons and chronic illnesses, in depth:

 Mycoplasma's are called a "incapacitating agent", that cause "stealth infections" resulting in chronic illnesses.
The above web page also reveals why the testing of biological "incapacitating agents" such as mycoplasma's have not been noticed by the medical professions, even though they have been conducted on hundreds of American cities for decades.

The mycoplasma's have been associated with numerous chronic illnesses in "peer reviewed medical journals" and some are posted at

More confirmation on this can be found at the 1991 Gulf War vets
web page, at

The Sunshine Project; Oversight of Research Involving Biological Weapons Agents Regulation, Committees, Safety, and the Law (and Lack Thereof)

Simple Google searches can also show the coronations:

If you have a "chronic illness"such as "arthritis",
you might want to do a Google search on "arthritis mycoplasma".
Or "cancer mycoplasma"  might show you why this is of concern to you. There are a number of such searches that you could do.
"Schizophrenia mycoplasma", " suicide mycoplasma", " mental illness mycoplasma".

Even the Center For Disease Control now has reports  posted on mycoplasma and cancer
M49; Special Issue: The Center for Disease Control on Mycoplasma's
Infectious Causes of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Cancer
Gail H. Cassell, Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Nutritional therapies used for treating mycoplasma infections
that have been published in "peer reviewed medical journals" :>

Of which brings us to CODEX and the pharmaceutical industries
attempts to "out law supplements".

In reference:

CODEX: pharmaceutical industries attempting to outlaw
nutritional supplements is well documented at

Excerpt from "Toxic Revelations" ( a work in progress)

Toxic Revelations
^(Rough Draft of "abstract" is posted)^
Biological / Chemical Weapon Information, History & Treatments.
Verifiable sources and peer reviewed medical journals.

The simple facts are that chemical companies developed
chemical and biological weapons for our country. Back in
World War One and Two they made things like nerve gas.
At some point, the watered down the nerve gas and started
calling them "pesticides". A report (157) documents  that
the chemical companies and the pharmaceutical
companies are really controlled by the same people.

Now that is a business plan, called "Poison for Profit" (157). Even more disturbing is what is termed " the revolving door" from these companies and their executives into many of the high ranking administration offices of our government, in Washington DC. From the National Institute of Health to the Food and Drug Administration and beyond.

"The revolving door" is easily shown with an Internet
search term, "revolving door washington DC drugs chemical companies".

In reference:
By Ashley Simmons Hotz May 15, 2002
The huge transnational companies that produce toxic chemicals
found in pesticides, herbicides and industrial and household
products profit not only from the sale of these products, but
also from the symptoms and chronic illnesses that they can trigger.


"Project Day Lily" IS A book / web site on biological weapons

The "fictionalized book" is based on the biological weapon (genetically spliced)
mycoplasma that Texas inmates were experimented on with, in the 1980's.

Please note that over one-hundred researchers that were investigating this
have been murdered or died under extremely mysterious circumstance.
Attempts have been made on Nicolson's life too. There is no reason to
think that such attempts to kill have are over with. A partial list of the
researchers that have died and the circumstances of their deaths are listed at :>

Research file: Started Nov 28 2003


Mark J. Harper November 21, 2005


Based on my research and living near the Bohemian Grove from 1999 until
now (Oct. 2006), I am making these next statements. I am not alone with these
"suspicions" and hypothetical theories.- T.R.

It is suspected that Camp Mandalay of the Bohemian Grove might
be behind these deaths. Their suspected motive is exposed at the
1991 Gulf War Vets (web page), Beyond Treason (film) and the book,
"Project Day Lily". A cross reference check of names and
corporations that were involved with the anthrax vaccine and
reported cover-up of biological weapons making our vets sick
with the membership list of the Bohemian Grove is rather
interesting. Please note that some United State Presidents
are names in these reports. Such as the cover-up of bioweapons
of which the book "Project Day Lily" does seem to be based on.
Be that a "fictionalized" book, or not.

You can learn about the Bohemian Grove at Wikipedia,
an encyclopedia on the Internet.
Here is the link to their page on the Grove. Pretty extensive.

One of the aspects that most of the Bohemian Grove researchers have missed is that many of the members of the Grove have died from illnesses associated with these mycoplasma's, too.

The membership list of the Bohemian Grove of the Grove does list some of the deceased and their causes of death. More over, Paul Allen of Microsoft has a very god friend that is a member. Allen has also spent millions on medical research, including mycoplasma's and prostatitis. If the biological weapon studies of the mycoplasma's were common knowledge at the Grove, Allen would not have spent $20 million on that, alone.

As a side note there are a few circumstantial reasons to think that Bill Gates might have been "bullied" into security holes in his Microsoft Windows and Office programs.

The Bohemian Grove Action Network
This year's annual protest is July 22, 2006

"The Project to Expose Hidden Institutions"

Professor G. William Domhoff, has written a book titled,
Who Rules America? (I have not read it),and his web page,
"Who Rules America?" has a special section on
the Bohemian Grove, at his web page.

The Bohemian Grove was where "The Manhattan Project" was born. The grand daddy of weapons of mass destruction.

Radiation can multiply the effects of toxic chemical exposures (including x-ray with breast cancer). Here are a few reports to explain that one, with verifiable reference material. Including reports and links to John William Gofman MD, of whom was with the Manhattan Project that developed the atomic bomb (86A).

The Low Dose Cumulative Effects of Toxic Chemicals and radiation . Biomarkers , research and hypothesis's. By The Toxic Reverend *an Environmental Technologist.

My Uncle Jack Krohmer, of whom wrote reports about the disposal of low level radioactive material for George Bush, while he was the Governor of Texas ( JK1, JK1mirror). He has been described by his peers as (JK4) as

"one of the pioneers of medical physics, died on July 7, 2001. The profession of medical physics can be characterized as the application of physics principles and techniques for disease detection, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation. This profession is responsible for much of the science that underlies medical specialties such as radiology, radiation oncology, and nuclear medicine. Dr Krohmer made substantial contributions in all aspects of the profession. "

End of excerpt from "Toxic Revelations".


The Toxic Reverend
AKA Tom Krohmer, Environmental Technologist
MySpace Toxic Reverend profile URL

MySpace Toxic Reverend Blog URL

Toxic Reverend at The Tribe

The article, "Overlooked genital wart therapy has high cure rate"
from  Cancer Biotechnology Weekly, Oct 2, 1995 p3(2).

was reproduced with out permission.

Please forward and post

Please note the fair use statement after this copyrighted article, posted after my comments.

   Overlooked genital wart therapy has high cure rate.
(condyloma acuminata vaccine)

    Cancer Biotechnology Weekly, Oct 2, 1995 p3(2).

    Author: Michelle Marble
    Subjects: Condyloma acuminatum - Care and treatment
    Vaccines - Therapeutic use
    Papillomavirus infections - Care and treatment

A rarely used treatment modality that has been around
since 1944 shows higher cure rates than currently used
protocols for the treatment of the human papillomavirus
(HPV) infection which causes genital warts.

O.H. Wiltz et al. proposed that surgical excision of detectable
genital warts, followed by patient immunization with an
autogenous condyloma acuminata vaccine is the most
effective therapy available for primary and recurrent perianal
HPV infection ("Autogenous Vaccine: The Best Therapy for
Perianal Condyloma Acuminata?", Diseases of the Colon
and Rectum, August 1995;38(8):838-41).

"We believe that the excision of perianal condyloma
acuminata followed by autogenous condyloma acuminata
vaccination for approximately ten weeks is the most effective
and definitive treatment option and, moreover, should be
considered in all patients with perianal condyloma
acuminata," stated Wiltz et al. "The vaccine is quite
inexpensive and easy to develop and has not had any serious
side effects."

Related research by C.M. Suzukie et al., presented at the
International Symposium on Clinical Immunology, held
July 20-23, 1995, summed up the potential payoffs: "an
effective vaccine against HPV could mean a virtual end
to cervical cancer, the second most common cause of cancer
deaths in women worldwide."

This information is especially important if the research by
Gloria Ho et al. (see Cancer Biotechnology Weekly, October
2, 1995, pg 2, story title 'Persistence of HPV Infection is
Predictive of Persistent Dysplasia') holds true in future
epidemiological studies. If persistence of HPV is predictive
of cervical carcinoma development and progression, vaccine
therapies that 'halt' the disease after initial detection would
be highly effective and safe prophylactic therapy for the
prevention of cervical cancer.

Wiltz et al. evaluated the effectiveness of surgical excision of
the warts followed by autogenous vaccination compared to
current standard treatment protocols including bichloroacetic
acid, podophyllum and interferon A and surgical excision

Eighty-three consecutive patients of one surgeon, treated
between 1985 and 1992, were given options for the treatment
of their HPV infection. Twenty chose surgical excision alone;
10 chose bichloroacetic acid treatment; five chose
podophyllum and interferon A; and 43 chose to undergo
surgical excision followed by immunotherapy with the
autogenous vaccine.

Eighty of the 83 patients were male. Recurrent disease was
being treated in 25 of the patients. The patients choosing the
standard current protocols did so as they did not wish to
undergo the prolonged time frame necessary to complete the
immunization treatment.

The vaccine was prepared individually for each patient from
autogenous tissue obtained from the surgical excision. One
hundred to 500 mg of condyloma acuminata tissue was used
to create the 'killed' vaccine. The protocol started
approximately two weeks after surgical excision. The patients
were injected in the deltoid muscle with 0.1 ml of vaccine
solution, doses escalating by 0.1 ml increments three times
per week until the maximum dose of 1.0 ml was reached.
Upon reaching the maximum dose, injections continued
three times a week until the vaccine was gone. Most patients
completed the protocol within 12 weeks.

Patients were followed weekly for 12 weeks, than monthly for
six months, and then yearly thereafter. None of the vaccine
patients were lost in follow-up and the follow-up period
ranged up to seven years in some cases.

Only 15 percent of the vaccine patients experienced any
reactions to the vaccines. The reactions were minor and local
to the vaccination site and cleared-up without intervention.

Recurrence rates for patients choosing excision alone,
interferon A or caustic agents ranged from 50 to 85 percent.
The recurrence rate in the immunized patients was only 4.6
percent. Standard therapy patients with recurrence were
offered immunization. Those who accepted experienced only
a 2 percent recurrence.

The authors hypothesized that the mechanisms by which the
immunotherapy reduced the recurrence rate of HPV infection
could include: 1) free transfer of immunologically critical
viral proteins in nonviable bacteria; 2) transmission of
nonviable complete or partially destroyed viral particles;
and/or 3) humoral cross-reactivity between bacterial and viral

"Although solid immunologic data are lacking at present as
to the mechanism by which this vaccination protocol works,
it is clear that it is safe," concluded Wiltz et al.
"Immunotherapy has been known for quite a long time to
be effective in the treatment of perianal warts. The original
report was published by Biberstein in 1944 (Arch Dermatol,
1944;50:12-22), and he found a success rate with this
technique of 86 percent. We believe that surgical excision of
anal and perianal condyloma acuminata followed by
autogenous vaccination is the most effective treatment
modality for most cases."

The corresponding author for this study is Dr. Wiltz, P.O.
Box 364881, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-4881.

_ End of report on a natural vaccine for cervical cancer _

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