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Beth & Hannah's page

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

This is the candle to s.i.d.s. You are welcome to use this candle as you promote it to S.I.D.S......... it keeps burning for those pricouse little Angel's that we all miss dearly and hold in our heart's always...

This is Beth who has passed away from S.I.D.S. at age 2 months and 20 days old her birthday is nov 14th 1987 to feb 4 th 1988.....She was my first little girl. In the short time I had her she was heaven sent...A gift from God.....Her full name is Elizabeth "Beth" Maria Barbara Holdren........

This is Hannah M. Norquist. She was adopted open adoption......I was her birth mother. even she was adopted it still bothered me very much so. That she has Pased away....Her adopted Family was very good Family to her she has touched so many lives in her short time..Hannah's birthday is septmber,15th 1991 to december 31rst 1991. She was 3 months and 16 days old....

Thank-you for visiting please come back soon for updated stuff....I am always working on all of my pages.....

This is my ribbon for my girls who past away from S.I.D.S. .....

This will take you back to my index page........

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