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I’ve labeled all works written after 1920 as being "Modern" because I feel that right around 1920, after WWI, society, literature, and the media took a huge turn. The phrase "anything goes" basically applies here. Women took a step out in the world and books were less likely to be banned from libraries. After World War I, the world was just a different place. And because art and literature reflect life, I wanted to make a distinction between to old and the new.

Just like in today’s society of "anything goes". So will this webpage. I have books ranging from literature, to trashy paperback beach novels, to YA novels, to sci/fi novels, to Oprah’s book of the month (past months!!) A complete book menegerie. *** remember, if there’s a movie I know about, there’s a star in front of the name and a commentary about it if I’ve scene it.***
