Pancakes all the way

Ju + Anx's 4ever unda konstruckshun homepage

Authors' Comments of the day

Hi people! =) It's been like two years since either of us have updated this homepage...but since I'm kind've bored right now.....
hehe and since julz's comments were pretty lame back then.. hehe......




Well, well, well.....nice homepage, huh? Yeah.....we agree.....totally...OKAY..these are the things that you can check out:

This is a poem by Anx and her friends.

You GOTTA read this!!

HEYYYYY ... GUESS WHAT? OUR PAGE NOW OFFERS FREE HOMEPAGE ADVERTISING!!! thanks to Anx (rhymes! rhymes!) So if you want your li'l hit counter on your page to go up. Subscribe to place a URL on our fabby page. Act fast! Limited Space! You WON'T be disappointed! (Why do I sound like a freakin' salesman? uh-oh...)

Links =)
check out who are pals are!
hehe thats if Julz has any.. >=) just kidding!
(but its not like julz is gonna check our homepage anytime soon anyways)

Another link: Wozzat?!

YET another link: Hey hey hey!!! =o)

For all you totally nosy ppl out there, you won't be able to RESIST this page, HAVE FUN!!!!

And of course, another FABULOUS LINK that bascially has not been updated since the sixties, but you might want to go and look at the different kinds of mold that has formed over the years. It's really interesting, specially the Cillis Fungliis know..the reddish brown mold....


No more game..but still hall of fame! =o) this is THE best part of the page....Just go there and you'll find all these totally cool and ancient entries....I actually think it includes one by the late Jacob Fitweilar (1932-1987)...hmm..scary huh?..

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This page was last updated 11:XXpm July 22nd, 2000