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Pictures from Glacier National Park (Part 2)

Pictures of my hike to cobalt lake.

One of my favorite pictures of Cory, this was taken during our pimps n' ho's party.

Thsi is one of the few pictures i have of dietron. He was jeffs roommate for a while...although he seemed to spend most of his time in whitefish.

Cory and teague..what a combination.

Cory thought it would be cool if he could hit a bird with a rock. No...he wasn't drunk. He actually came close on one attempt.

This was my 1st cabin. Note the spacious and "rustic" living conditions. And they charged us to live there.

I have no clue what she is doing.

Thats me standing over a 200ft drop overlooking the cryptlake expanse. Truly breathtaking.

My girlfriend and Dalene in a waterfall on the cobalt lake trail.

A hitchiker i picked up on my way to leathbridge.

Jeff and me playing checkers on a board carved into a wooden picnic table on our hike to crypt lake.

2 awesome people.

Click here for part 3
