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Steve Burke's Salmon and Steelhead Fly-Tying Guide
Jim Dandy
Originated and Tied by James Barker

Jim Dandy, Designed and Tied by James Barker

Jim Dandy was created and tied by Salmonfly.Net's latest Contributing Fly Tyer, James Barker. It is this week's Pacific Salmon Fly of the Week because it has taken Salmon, and meets the criteria for a good Pacific Salmon fly, but as Jim notes, it has been highly successful for many other species as well. I list some of the materials and the formula below for general information, but Jim has written an extensive article about the Jim Dandy with it's history, specific materials, tying istructions, and much more information. Please Click Here to read the James Barker article about the Jim Dandy. I will be introducing Jim next week with his bio page and we are looking forward to seeing many more flies and articles from him in the future.

General Materials List

Hook: Tiemco 5262 size 2?12, Kamasan B820 size 2?12,Kamasan B190 Deepwater Salmon size 1/0?2/0, Or any comparable 2xl or 3xl extra heavy-shanked hook
Thread: 3/0 or 6/0 Uni-Thread, colour to match body, 3/0, 6/0 or B Uni-Thread, colour to match head
Formula: Although the following colour combinations are among the most effective, experiment with others as a fish?s preference will vary from region to region. The list below follows the formula Head/Over-Body[Under-Body]/Tail. Accordingly, Over-Body indicates where the heavier dubbing is used and Under-Body where the finer Mylar is used.

The James Barker article is written in Adobe(.pdf) format. If you don't have Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can get it for free by clicking on the icon below.

