Sesame Street!
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Hi! Welcome to my page! As you can probably tell I still have a lot of work to do with it! I love Uma Thurman, and I will be getting a page dedicated just to great rare and not so rare photos of her. Please come back and I just might have it done! E-mail me if I'm too slow! Please feel free to take anything of interest to you here. I'm not one of those stingy people that hate it when you take their stuff. As long as you ask nicely! Naw, you don't even have to ask! I'm in the process of getting a new background sound. If you have any ideas for a good background sound let me know. I'm drawing a blank. Or if you know of any good sights with great sounds, let me know too! Thank you! And I hope you enjoy this page! I have been extremely busy lately since I now have two jobs, so give me a break if this page isn't updated very often! Here are some cool pics that I really like to! PICS . Also, here are some great shots of Mariah Carey, check them out! Mariah Carey. Ok on to more interesting stuff...... about me! *s*

Facts about Me

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Great Links to some of my fav. Pages

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Romeo and Juliet home page
My favorite chat link! Check out the Friends site! I'm usually in there
Blah, Blah, Blah,
This page might take a while to load up but it's worth it!
Mary J. Blige sight, Real Player clips of her new album
Marvin the Martian sight, lots of great pics of the greatest cartoon character ever!
Mariah Carey sight, real audio, and wav clips
Great Pulp Fiction Pic page, check it out
Titanic sight
LeeLoo's Divine Language from the Fifth Element, translated into English and French

Last Updated January 8, 1998 I try to update this page on a regular basis, if I'm too slow, please let me know and I will try to hurry up. Also, if you have any suggestions or if you have a cool page that you think I would enjoy, let me know and I'll put a link to it on my page.
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Made by: Poser Productions Need a web page? Not exactly sure on how to make it, or don't have time to make one? Check out this sight, we'll help you out or maybe even make you one!

