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Renegade Rabbit Central Command

In Honor of Our Greatest hero, Thumpernicus Maximus Rex.

This is the epic saga that spans our galaxy

The realm of the anthropomorphic rabbits known as the Renegade Rabbits is a combination of stories and artwork that can be classified as sci-fi or Furry. It is the tale of a new race of creatures created on a Utopian Earth governed as a unified empire. Led by the sisterly duo, Empress Elsbeth and Empress Marie, the xenophobic human race has been convinced to exile this new threat to the utopian human Empire.

The Renegade Rabbits Warren (home page) is dedicated to Morgan, Lisa, and John, without whom the Rabbits would have never revolted. Special Thanks to fellow 'toonster, Shawn, for showing me that anthropomorphic animal characters are pretty damn cool.

Now...the tale unfolds!

The Renegade Rabbit Codex

A Taste of Our Past...

Assault on Carrotburger Hill Part I

Assault on Carrotburger Hill Part II

Assault on Carrotburger Hill Part III

8 Years Later...

Who Is This Guy, Anyway?

Related Artwork (sketches, actually)

"Unus Differentium Potes Facera!"
Thank you for visiting the Renegade Rabbits Warren (home page)at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

This site will be an ongoing project and will evolve over time. I hope you enjoy the stories and artwork, but feel free to give me your honest opinions. Below are a few of my favorite sites. Do them a favor and check 'em out!

Northwest Renaissance Festival

Morgan's Homepage


Furry MUCK Homepage

Official Star Wars Website!

Redwall Abbey, The Official Site of Brian Jaques

Email: Thumpernicus Rex

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All stories, characters, names and artwork on this site are © 2000 Alexander Mickschl, and may not be cut, copied, pasted, or otherwise distributed without permission. All links and their icons are the property of the respective site owners and are used with their permission. Needless to say, I'll be torqued off at anyone who tries anything won't like me when I'm torqued.