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Ripples: Poetry by Deborah Beachboard



            Jesus Said

            I am the bread of life . . . eat of me.
            I am the light of the world . . . follow me.
            I am the door . . . enter in.
            I am the good shepherd . . . know me.
            I am the resurrection and the life . . . believe in me.
            I am the way, the truth, and the life . . . come to me.
            I am the true vine . . . abide in me.

            John 6:35
            John 8:12
            John 10:9
            John 11:14
            John 11:25
            John 14:6
            John 115:1,5

All content at Ripples is copyright 2002 by Deborah Beachboard.
Please use the email link to contact her with any questions or permission to use poems/graphics
Fonts used to create graphics are Papyrus and Pristine.