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Ripples: Poetry by Deborah Beachboard



            In Late Summer

            In late summer the trees in our front yard flower, Our neighbor calls the trees "high heavens" because the blossoms, and subsequent purple berries, reach toward the sky, and in late afternoon sun take on an ethereal, golden-lavender color.

            When the trees blossom, they are filled with honeybees going about their pollon-collecting business. Some days the trees are so filled with bees, when I stand under them it sounds as if I am standing in a beehive.

            in the blossoming trees
            the bees' hum.

All content at Ripples is copyright 2002 by Deborah Beachboard.
Please use the email link to contact her with any questions or permission to use poems/graphics
Fonts used to create graphics are Papyrus and Pristine.