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Ripples: Poetry by Deborah Beachboard



            If Time Were Eternity

            If time were eternity
            we could join the caper
            of the Niger River where it courses
            beyond a sundrenched city,
            and we could dance in Tanzanina
            amidst all of the diamonds
            of Kilimanjaro.

            If time were eternity
            we could learn the melodies
            of the meadowlark and the mourning dove
            and all of the lyrical kindred,
            and we could sing the names
            of the stars of Hydra and Serpens
            and all of the stellar neighbors.

            If time were eternity
            we could climb to the top
            of the tallest sequoia
            where we could see
            a patchwork world of peace.

All content at Ripples is copyright 2002 by Deborah Beachboard.
Please use the email link to contact her with any questions or permission to use poems/graphics
Fonts used to create graphics are Papyrus and Pristine.