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Ripples: Poetry by Deborah Beachboard



            Grandma at 89

            Cobwebs decorate the ceiling
            of her favorite room,
            and once sunny wallpaper
            is dingy with time.

            Three multi-paned windows now frame
            the smallness of her world,
            while dusty keepsakes keep watch
            from corner shelves.

            Now and then a letter arrives detailing
            the death of of a sister or brother,
            and noisy TV programs replace
            too many lost conversations.

            Sons and daughters come to visit,
            but even their love cannot bring back
            blue-bottled perfume and baskets full
            of hanging fuchsias.

All content at Ripples is copyright 2002 by Deborah Beachboard.
Please use the email link to contact her with any questions or permission to use poems/graphics
Fonts used to create graphics are Papyrus and Pristine.