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1. March 2003 file the initiative with the State, and hopefully get petitions printed up in March.

2. Gather signatures, get it sent to the Legislature and since they can't decide to pick their nose, the initiative will be placed on the ballot 2004.

3. People vote, Initiative passes, all is right with the world.

The Benefits of such an Initiative are easy, more money in your pocket, to spend at businesses, to save for retirement, less money being wasted by politicians.

The Property Value Correction Initiative is geared to do what Proposition 13 from California has done. Geared as in fallows the "single subject rule" of Washington State Initiatives and will effect Real Change with existing reasonable Law. PROP 13A site that tells some history of 1978's battle for lower taxes. Or Howard Jarvis's Taxpayer Association with a FAQ about Prop 13.

The State of Washington also had it's own version of Prop 13, and it was I-184, sponsored by Dave Wren. Dave also has a real grasp of our local taxes, and how much each and everyone of us is being cheated.