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Related Families-Page 9

Jacob Helmick

Jacob Helmick was the father of my gr. gr. gr. grandmother Elizabeth Helmick. Jacob Helmick was born in 1748 in Virginia, he died in 1815. He was the son of Jacob A. Helmick born 1720, and Sarah Schotts. Jacob Helmick fought in the Revolutionary War. He married Barbara Hinkle, the daughter of Jacob and Sarah (Teter) Hinkle. They had 11 children-Adam Helmick, Jacob Helmick Jr., John Helmick, Hannah Helmick, Elizabeth Helmick, Sarah Helmick, Madeline Helmick, Barbara Eve Helmick, Abraham Helmick, Mary Helmick, and Margaret Helmick.

(Note: Some sources say Jacob Helmick's wife was Barbara Hinkle, and other sources say Jacob Helmick's wife was Barbara Borer.)


Another source said Jacob Helmick (son of Jacob A. Helmick and Sarah A. Schotts) was born 1748 in Hampshire County, Colony of Virgina, and died June 13, 1815 in Pendleton Co., (W)VA, and that he married Barbara Borer in 1770 in Randolph County, Va., daughter of Jacob Borer and Barbary Tschudi. Jacob Helmick was a prosperous farmer who settled in Hampshire County, (now Pendleton Co., WV) in Tygarts Valley. In the will he made dated June 13, 1815, he leaves the bulk of his estate to his two sons, Adam and Abraham. During the Revolutionary War he served in Captain Stump's Company, Lafayette's Command. In "The Henckel Genealogy" it states that Jacob was probably the son of Jacob A. Helmick born 1712 of Richmond County, Virginia who in turn was the son of John Helmick son of John Helmick born 1682 in Jamestown, Virginia. The Helmick History continues: "The name Helmick has been traced in a history of the Pennsylvania Dutch to near the city of Strasbourg in Alsace, Germany. It is supposed they came over with the large emigration about 1700 to l730 and landed at Philadelphia, PA. Authentic history of our immediate ancestors begins with four brothers who lived on Red Stone Creek near where Uniontown, PA now stands. They all fought in the Revolutionary War." "Early Records of Hampshire Co." contains a will dated 10/19/1778 made by Jacob Borer and probated 11/10/1778. This will lists his wife, Barbary and eight children: Barbary, Charles, Mary Jacob, Elizabeth, Thomas, Martin and Rosanna. Executors are his wife, Jacob Hankel and John Wilson. Sec. are Christopher Ermintrout and Henry Judy. Witnesses are: Jacob Helmick, Jaco Ross and Chrles Bower (Borer). There is also a record in the Hampshire Co. "Index to Land Deeds" showing that Jacob Helmick purchased 100 acres of land from Thomas Lord Fairfax on 3/6/1780, recorded 3/14/1780. The land was located on South Branch. Witnesses were: Robert Stephens, G. Iones, Andrew Wodrow, Job Bacorn and John Bacorn.


COPY OF THE WILL OF JACOB HELMICK (executed June 13, 1815) (Referred to in "History of Randolph County, West Virginia, by Mr. Maxwell, 1898, page 231. Randolph County before 1837.) - IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN: I, Jacob Helmick of the County of Randolph and the State of Virgina, being in perfect memory and knowing that it is ordained for all men once to die, have thought proper to dispose of all the worldly estate with which it has pleased God to bless me with, in the following manner: FIRST: I give, bequeath to my son Abraham Helmick, that part of the tract of land on which I now live, commencing at a corner halfway between the fords of the river and running thence with a straight line along past back of the barn to the chestnut near the road, thence a straight line across the bottom so as to divide the bottom, as nearly equal with the river to Thomas Phillip's line, thence with Philip's line to the river, thence up the river to the beginning; to have and to hold to him, the said Abraham Helmick to him and his heirs and assigns forever. SECOND: I give and bequeath to my son Adam Helmick, his heirs and assigns forever, the residue of the tract of land whereon I now live, after deducting there from the part I devised to my son Abraham. THIRD: I give and bequeath to my sons, Abraham and Adam Helmick, to them and their assigns forever, that tract or parcel of land containing about forty acres, lying on the opposite side of the river from the tract on which I now live. FOURTH: I give and bequeath to my daughter, Hannah Helmick, one cow to be chosen by her from those which I may die possessed; also I devise to my said daughter Hannah, two sheep to be chosen by her from out of those I may die possessed; also one spinning wheel, one reel, the third part of all private utensils and the bed and bedding now occupied by her. FIFTH: I give and bequeath to my grandson, Jesse Wilson, son of my late daughter Mary, the wife of Jacob Wilson, deceased, the sum of twenty dollars to be paid to the said Jesse Wilson when he shall have arrived to the age of twenty one years. SIXTH: I give and bequeath to my son, Abraham Helmick, all the personal property not herein otherwise disposed of, of which I may die possessed. SEVENTH: I give and devise to my son, John Helmick, one shilling. EIGHTH: I give and devise to my daughter Elizabeth Westfall, wife of Corneluis Westfall and to Sarah Borer, wife of Jacob Borer, and to Mollie Buffington, wife of Jonathan Buffinton, and to my daughter, Barbara Clark, wife of William Clark, the sum of One dollar each. NINTH: I give and devise to my son Jacob Helmick*, the sum of one dollar. It is also desired that my sons, Abraham Helmick and Adam Helmick do pay all the debts that I shall be owing and unpaid at my decease, and also the legacies herein devised out of the estate herein bequeathed to them. lastly, I do herein constitute and appoint my son Abraham, the Executor of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and disannuls all former and other will or wills by me made. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and seal, this 13th day of June, 1815. JACOB HELMICK (His mark) (seal) Signed, sealed and acknowledged by the said Jacob Helmick in the presence of us, Edwin S. Dunkin Thomas Scott Richard Kittle


DEED OF JACOB HELMICK MARCH 4, 1786 Hardy County, Virginia From Deed Book No. 1, page 72, Hardy County Clerk's Office, Moorfield, West Virginia, Copy prepared August 20, 1940 by C. C. Wise, Hardy County Clerk. THIS INDENTURE, made this the 4th day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty six, between JACOB HELMICK and BARBARA, his wife, of the County of Hardy, and the state of Virginia, of the one part, and Casper Hite of the same place, of the other. Whereas the Right Honorable Lord Thomas Fairfax, now deceased, by a certain Indenture of Lease bearing date the Sixth day of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty, and made between the said Lord Thomas Fairfax on the one part and the said Jacob Helmick of the other part for in consideration of the rents and covenants therein reserved and expressed did Demise, Grant and to farm let unto the said Jacob Helmick a certain lot of land on the west side of the south branch of the Potomac, in the said County (formerly Hampshire) and part of his Lordships South Branch Manor, containing one pine and white oak in the Manor line, in a ridge, and running thence North 34 degrees East 148 poles to two white Oakes to the foot of a hill thence North 76 degrees West 185 poles to the Beginning. "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said JACOB HELMICK, JACOB HELMICK, JUNIOR AND JOHN HELMICK, sons of him the said JACOB HELMICK and his heirs and assigns forever, subject to a provision or condition therein expressed as by the said Indenture of Lease may more fully appear, now the Indenture Witnessed that the said JACOB HELMICK and BARBARA, his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of Five and Twenty Pounds, currently Money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said Casper Hite at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Have Granted, bargained, Sold, Aliened and Confirmed unto the said Casper Hite all the Tract or lot of land afore said all houses, buildings, orchards, ways, waters, watercourses, provings, commodities, Hereitaments, Privileges and Appurtenances whatsoever to the same belongings or in any wise appertaining and also all the Estate Right Title, interest property Claim and Demand whatsoever of them the said JACOB HELMICK and BARBARA his wife of, in and to the said Premises and also the said Indenture and all other Deeds, Evidence and writings touching or in any wise concerning the same." "TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract or lot of land and all singular other the premises hereby Granted with their and every Appurtenance unto lives of the said Casper Hite, his heirs and assigns, for and during the natural lives of the said JACOB HELMICK, JACOB HELMICK, JR., and JOHN HELMICK and the longest liver of them all, yielding and paying unto the heirs and assigns of the said Lord Thomas Fairfax, Ded'd the rent according to the true intent and meaning of the Same Indenture the said JACOB HELMICK ought to perform and the Said JACOB HELMICK and BARBARA, his wife, for themselves, their heirs, executors, and administrators Do Covenants and Conditions in the said Indenture of Lease Contained and expressed he the said Casper Hite, his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time and at all times hereafter during the natural lives of the said JACOB HELMICK, JUNIOR and JOHN HELMICK and the longest liver of them, hold occupy, possess and enjoy the said lot of Land and without the lot trouble hindrance, molestation interruption or the Denial of the said JACOB HELMICK and BARBARA, his wife, or any other person or persons whatsoever and shall also have full power and enjoy the Liberty of renewing the Said Lease is expressed and every other benefit and ASSIGNS BY VIRTUE THEREOF. "In witness where of the Said JACOB HELMICK and BARBARA, his wife have here unto Set their hands and seals the day and year above mentioned. Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of JACOB HELMICK (Seal) BARBARA HELMICK (Seal) "At a court held for Hardy County on the 9th day of April 1787. this Indenture of Bargain and Sale from Jacob and Barbara Helmick his wife, to Casper Hite was acknowledged by the said JACOB HELMICK, and also be the Said Barbary she being first privately examined as the law directs." TESTO Edward Williams. C. H. C.


FURTHER REFERENCES PERTAINING TO THE ABOVE JACOB HELMICK 1. "Early Records, Hampshire County, Virginia" (now W. Va.). Privately printed by Clara Mc Cormack Sago and Laura Lago Jones, Delavan, Wisconsin, 1939. Copy in Los Angeles Genealogical Library. p. 17 March 6, 1780, Thomas Lord Fairfax to Jacob Helmick, of Hampshire County, Northern Neck of Virginia (lease) 100 acres on South Branch of the Potomac; Re. March 14, 1780. Witness: Robert Stephen, G. Jones, Andrew Woodrow , Job Bacorn, and John Bacorn. p. 71 1790 Jacob Helmick from Lord Thomas Fairfax p.92 Helmick, John (AR),, 1782, 7 free whites, 1 building. p. 109 Synopsis of Wills, borer, Jacob (of Commonwealth of Va.), Oct. 19, 1778: presented to Court, November 10, 1778. Wife Barbara, 8 children: Barbara, Cahrles, Mary, Jacob, Elizabeth, Thomas, Martin, Rosanne. Executor, wife and Jacob Hinkle and John Wilson. Security, Christopher Ermintrout and Henry Judy. Witness: Jacob Helmick, Jacob Moss and Charles Bower (Borer?) p. 56, October 7, 1765, 39 references to Stump family; Michael Stump, Sr., (wife Catherine) to Michael, Jr., 300 acres on South branch. (Jacob Helmick, according to family tradition, fought in Captain Stump's Company in the Revolutionary War). 2. Will Book No. 2 at Elkins, Randolph County, West Virginia (then Virginia) gives WILL OF JACOB HELMICK, dated June 13th, 1815. Will lists children: Adam, Abraham, Jacob, John, Elizabeth, Hannah, Barbara, Sarah, Mary, Madeline (Mollie) and Margaret. JACOB HELMICK who was born in 1748, in the Colony of Virginia, probably in Hampshire County (now West Virginia). Jacob was the son of Jacob A. Helmick (born 1712 in Richmond County, Virginia); and the great grandson of JOHN HELMICK (born 1682, in Jamestown, Virginia.

JACOB HELMICK was listed as a taxpayer in Hampshire County, Virginia, in 1782 ("First Census of Virginia, Heads of Families", page 24) and again in 1784 in "First Census of Virginia" p. 72, from a list compiled by census taker Abel Randall) at which time 8 free white souls and 2 dwellings were listed. Lord Thomas Fairfax leased 100 Acres of land to JACOB HELMICK on March 6, 1780. (Northern Neck of Virginia, Hampshire County). JACOB HELMICK, Hampshire County, Va., witnessed the Will of Jacob Borer on October 19, 1778. (Previous two records mentioned in "Early Records, Hampshire County, Virginia, 1939). (Note from "Beacon Lights of American History", 1896, p. 35: "Lord Fairfax engaged George Washington in 1748, at the age of sixteen, to survey his vast holdings, which extended far away, over the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was property embracing rivers and mountains, forests and prairies, and wealth unexplored...pathless wilds, a large portion of which was then ranged only by wild beasts and savage men..." Note by C.N.H. -"It is quite possible that George Washington surveyed the land that later was leased to Jacob Helmick). The Deed of JACOB HELMICK in 1786 is found in Deed Book No. 1, page 72, Moorefield, Hardy County, West Virginia. JACOB HELMICK served in the Revolutionary War. Jacob Helmick according to the first census of the US in 1790 settled in Hampshire Co., Virginia. He had 7 living in the household. He had land in Hardy Co., in the years 1782 through 1787. He received a land grant for 40 acres on the Waters of the Tygart valley River in 1804 (book 2, pg 367 Sims Index Land Grants) 1790 Census shows: Jacob Helmick 8 in household, 2 dwellings, Mongalia County tp Jacob Helmick according to the first census of the US in 1790 settled in Hampshire Co., Virginia. He had seven living in the household. He had land in Hardy county in the years 1782 through 1787. He received a land grant for forty acres on the Waters of the Tygart Valley River in 1804 (book 2, pg. 367 Sims Index Land Grants) He had the following childen: Abraham, Adam, John, Jacob, Hannah. John married Joan Ryan, daughter of Soloman Ryan, by Robert Maxwell in 1805. Name: JACOB HELMICK State: VA County: Hampshire County Township: 07 00 Year: 1782 Record Type: Continental Census Page: 24 Database: VA Early Census Index JACOB HELMICK VA Hampshire County 07 00 1782 A Jacob HELMICK was born, 1748, in Hardy County, Virginia; son of Jacob H. HELMICK, b.1712, Richmond Va.; son of John HELMICK, b.1682, Jamestown, Va.; son of --?-- HELMICK, a Prussian Huguenot who came to Jamestown, Va. in 1650, in the reign of Sir William BERKELEY

Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle or Borer) Helmick had 11 children-Adam Helmick, Jacob Helmick Jr., John Helmick, Hannah Helmick, Elizabeth Helmick, Sarah Helmick, Madeline Helmick, Barbara Eve Helmick, Abraham Helmick, Mary Helmick, and Margaret Helmick.

(1) Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle) Helmick's son Adam Helmick born 1780 in Hardy Co., (West) Virginia, married Hannah Teter July 26, 1805 in Pendleton Co., (West) Virginia.

(2) Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle) Helmick's son Jacob Helmick Jr. was born in 1773, married Sarah Teter.

(3) Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle) Helmick's son John Helmick born in 1784 married 1st Joanna Ryan 4-5-1805, she died in 1810. John Helmick and Mary Joanna Ryan had 2 children-Daniel Ryan Helmick, and James Helmick. He then married 2nd Mary Ann Hacker (1793-1880) in Lewis County, Virginia 8-28-1811. She was the daughter of John and Margaret (Sleeth) Hacker (1747-1842).

(Note: John Wesley Helmick (son of Jacob Helmick and Barbara (Helmick or Borer) was born May 06, 1784 in Hardy County, Va., and died 1862 in Georgetown, Lewis Co., Virginia. He married 1st Joanna Ryan on April 05, 1805 in Randolph County, Va., daughter of Soloman Ryan and Unknown. John lived near Beverly, Randolph Co., until the birth of his son, Daniel Ryan, and death of his wife. He then moved to Lewis Co. First married to Joanna Ryan and second wife was Mary Ann Hacker whom he married in 1811. John and Joanna had two sons: Daniel Ryan Helmick who became a Methodist minister and James Helmick who died. John and second wife, Mary Ann Hacker whom he married 28 Aug 1811 in Harrison Co. (W)WV had the following children: James Helmick (who never married); Joanna Helmick 07 Sept. 1812 and died 24 Nov. 1894, married Samuel Bonnett in 1840; Hannah Helmick born 1814, married John Simons in 1849; Jacob B. Helmick born 1816, married Delila Hinkle in 1846; John Helmick born Dec. 1819, married Cassie Allen in 1842; Alexander S. Helmick, married Ella Davis; Ira Ellis Helmick born 1824. died 29 Apr 1915, married Cristine Wymer in 1849; David S. Helmick born Apr. 1826, married Elizabeth Kelley in 1865; Margaret H. Helmick born 1828, married John Smith in 1855; Barbara Helmick born 1830, married an Armisted; Elizabeth Helmick never married. Mary Ann Hacker was born 18 July 1793 in the John Hacker Blockhouse on Hacker's Creek in Lewis Co., WV. Her parents, John and Margaret Sleeth Hacker had lost their eldest daughter, also named Mary, to the Indians in 1787 and decided to name their new baby in her elder sister's honor and for Margaret's mother, Mary Ann Wallace Sleeth. (Above information is from the Hacker's Creek Journal Vol. I, II and III published by the Hacker's Creek Pioneer Descendants, Inc. of Jane Lew, WV.)

John Helmick is identified in the Hampshire County 1784 census of Michael Stump, but not in the 1782 census of Abel Randall, suggesting he lived with his father at that time. Indications are his property was on the west side of the South Branch Potomac between Mooresfield and Durgon. He later moved west to the Georgetown area. In 1808 John and Joan deed 111 acres to Edward Whitefor $900. In 1811 John and Mary Ann deed land on Dodson Run to Aiken Lewis. In 1844 deeded 22 1/2 acres to Felix Albert, Little Skin Creek. In 1817 he was appointed constable at the first court session held in Weston. In 1853 John purchased 220 acres on Skin Creek, 100 acres on Little Skin Creek and 16 acres on Little Skin Creek. (Lewis Co. Land and Property Book, 1853-1871) - (The Helmicks and Mount Gilead Methodist Protestant Church (excerpted from 'Lewis County West Virginia: A Pictoral History of Old Lewis County The Crossroads of Central West Virginia by Joy Gregoire Gilchrist and Charles H. Gilchrist. 1993) - John Helmick and his first wife, Joanna Ryan, had two sons, Daniel and (disputed), before Joanna died. John then married Mary Ann Hacker, the youngest daughter of John and Margaret (Sleeth) Hacker. Mary Ann was born two years after the massacre of her oldest sister of the same name. When John and Mary Ann died, they were buried in a community cemetery on thier farm. The cemetery has since been destroyed except for a pile of rocks that marks the Helmick graves. John and Mary Ann had eleven children.

Methodist Protestant minister with his first pastorage at Mount Gilead church, today called Georgetown United Methodist Church. The first church class was organized in 1834 by Rev. John Clark, and the first meetings were held in homes.The first church building, which also served as a school, was a large hewn-log structure built about 1835 on land donated by John Helmick. It was covered with hand-split shingles and had five or six windows covered by greased paper. It was lighted by tallow candles set in sockets fastened in the walls around the room and two copper candlesticks on the pulpit.Heat was provided first by a "fire box" and then by the "bee gum" type stoves. Seats were pioneer log benches. Charter members of the church were John and Elizabeth Hardman, Richard and Elizabeth Johnson, George I. and Margaret Marsh, Jesse L. Peterson, William and Elizabeth McNemar, Isaac and Elizabeth McNemar, Philip and Sarah Linger, David Wetzel, John McNemar, Anthony Spaur and their families. The log church served the community until 1856 when it was torn down by Robert Clark who used the logs to build his tannery. A frame church, located on the site of the present church, replaced it and served as the place of worship until 1927 when the present structure was built. The Mount Gilead Cemetery abuts the church lot and has served as a burial place for community residents since circa 1835. Mount Gilead has been called the "Mother of Methodism" because of the number of ministers that have come from her congregation. Besides Daniel R. Helmick, there were the Reverends John Hardman, Eli J. Wilson, L.A. McNemar, George W. and William Worth Hudson, George I. Marsh, I.A. Warner, Aaron M. Linger, and Anthony Spaur.All were ordained in the Methodist Protestant Conference. Deed book 1, page 279.In 1865 John H. Helmick (son) deeded 130 from acres on Little Skin Creek from John's estate to C.P. Hudson.Deed Book 2, page 124. In 1865 Daniel Ryan Helmick also deeded another 131 acres from John's estate to C.P. Hudson, Deed Book 5, page 406.

--- (From Ernest Helmick grandson of John Helmick: "John Wesley Helmick" John Westley Helmick, son of Jacob N. Helmick and Barbara Boars, was born May th. 1779 in Randolph County Va. In 1805 he married the daughter of Solom Ryan. " Joan", They had one child. His name was Daniel Ryan Helmick born December 23rd. 1805. Got some information that John and Joan had a child James Helmick that died. Now I have some history on Daniel Ryan Helmick and it will be in his file. Getting back to John Wesley,,,, After his wife Joan died in 1807, he moved from Beverly, Randolph county, to Georgetown, Louis county. There he met the lovely daughter of John and Margaret "Sleeth" Hacker " Mary Ann Hacker the 2nd." John and Mary Ann got married on August 28th 1811 John and Mary Ann settled down between Berlin and Buckhannon along the Little Kanoah River.(Spring Branch) The old house burned in the winter of 1817 and they built a new house about 300 to 400 feet from the old house. The house was built from yellow popular and the weather boards were the same. (siding) The house, barn, grainery, and other buildings are all in good shape today without any paint ever applied. The chimney is as straight as an arrow without the aid of any mortar. It was· mortared in 1984 by Dale Helmick who owns the place or part of it. Some of it· was under water due to the Kanowah Light & Power dam. Dale is the great· grandson of Jacob B. Helmick. John Westley died 1862 and is buried across from the new house or in back· of the old house. Mary Ann Hacker died in the home of her son, Ira Ellis in Hetti, Braxton County, January 22nd 1880. She is buried along side of grandpa John Westley.)

(Note: Mary Ann Hacker's father John Turner Hacker, Sr. was born Jan. 1, 1743 in Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia, and died Apr. 20, 1824 in Weston, Lewis County, West Virginia. John was one of five known children born to William Hacker (1690 - 1772) and Ann Turner Dillon Hacker (1707 - 1772). His siblings were: William Hacker, born 1739; Elizabeth Hacker, born ca. 1741, married John Freeman; Nancy Ann Hacker, born ca 1745, married James Keith & Col. Claypool; and Mary Polly Hacker born 1747, married John Bush. John married Margaret Ann Sleeth in 1765 in Loudon Co., VA. She was the daughter of John and Mary (Wallace) Sleeth. They were the parents of eleven children: Mary Ann Hacker, born ca. 1768, married Edmund West, Jr; William Hacker, born 1770, married Adah West; Jonathan Daniel Hacker, b ca 1772, married Hannah Bennet; John Turner Hacker Jr., born 1773, married Mary Susannah Smith; Sarah Hacker Married married David Smith; Margaret Hacker born 1776, married Peter Hardman; Alexander Hacker; Elizabeth Hacker born 1784, married Henry Hardman; Absolam Hacker; Thomas S. Hacker; and Mary Ann Hacker born 1793, married John Helmick. Two of these daughters, Mary Ann Hacker West and Margaret Hacker Hardman, were slain and scalped by indians. When John moved and located his family on Hacker's Creek in 1769, he brought his parents with him and took care of them until they died; the father in 1772 aged 92 years and the mother in 1778. This family was the first family to live on Hacker's Creek, and their second child, William, was the first white child born there. John served "under the command of Captain James Booth who commanded a Company of Militia in defense of that part of the Western frontier of West Augusta which now comprises the Counties of Harrison and Lewis. He served two long years (1782-1784) with George Rogers Clark on his campaign against the British at Kaskaskia and Vincennes. He served at various times as a magistrate and sheriff. He was appointed by the Harrison County court, together with John Waggoner and Jacob Cozad, to represent the county at the Greenville Treaty in 1795. John's Will was written, signed and witnessed in Lewis Co., VA on 18 March 1822, and it lists all eleven of his children. John Hacker was buried in Morrison Cemetery, Berlin, Lewis County, West Virginia.)


John Helmick and Mary Ann Hacker had 11 children-Joanna Helmick born 9-7-1812 married Samuel Bonnett 4-12-1840; Hannah Helmick born 1814 married John Simon 1849; Jacob B. Helmick born 18816 married Delilah Hinkle 9-10-1846; John Hinkle Helmick married Cassie Allen 9-5-1842; Alexander S. Helmick married Elda Davis; James Helmick (no Information); Ira Helmick born 3-4-1824 married Christine Wymer 9-6-1849.


(1a) John and Mary Ann (Hacker) Helmick's son David S. Helmick born 1826 married Elizabeth Kelley 9-21-1865. Elizabeth Kelley was a sister to my great grandmother Hannah Kelley (see Related Families-Page 3a) Hannah Kelley married Emanuel Westfall, my great grandfather.


My great grandmother Hannah (Kelley) Westfall's sister Elizabeth Kelly/Kelley born in 1847 married 9-21-1865 David Helmick born in 1826 from Lewis County, West Virginia, the son of John and Mary Ann (Hacker) Helmick. David S. Helmick died Feb. 28, 1903 in Lewis County, WV, and is buried in Jacksonville Cemetery near Walkersville, WV. Elizabeth Kelly Helmick died March 17, 1904 and was buried next to David on Mar. 26, 1904.

Elizabeth's obituary from the March 22, 1904 Weston Independent Newspaper:  "Mrs. Helmick.  Aged widow, died at the home of her son, Press Helmick of Oil Creek, Thursday.  Interment Saturday at Jacksonville."

When Elizabeth Kelly Helmick died, her son Press (Presley Alfred Helmick)  must have provided her death information (she was living with him at the time of her death).  The cemetery record shows her maiden name spelled "Kelly".

David and Elizabeth (Kelly) Helmick had these children-Sarah F. Helmick, b. abt. 1867, Mary A. born abt. 1868, Fernando Helmick born Apr. 21, 1874, Cora Elizabeth Helmick born Sept. 30 or Oct. 1, 1876. Presley Alfred Helmick born Feb. 25, 1879 (altho his death record shows 1876... which is year Cora was born), Minier Helmick born abt. 1878, Martha Helmick born abt. 1880, Armintie E. Helmick born Mar. 1881 and Bertie Helmick (not sure this name is correct) born July 1884.

David S. and Elizabeth (Kelly) Helmick's daughter Cora Elizabeth Helmick married Omar Graham Stutler of Doddridge Co, WV on 8-15-1899.  They moved to Washington, DC where he worked in the US Marshall's office. A daughter Helen G. Stutler was born in Apr, 1901. Another daughter, Thelma Graham Stutler was born Aug, 1903 but died shortly after birth. Cora died in Dec., 1903. Omar and Cora (Helmick) Stutler's daughter Helen was raised by her Stutler grandmother and never learned anything about her Helmick relatives. Helen had a grandaughter Susan Nye who emailed me information and the photos below of her family. Her email address is-

Below are photo thumbnails of John and Mary Ann (Hacker) Helmick parents of David Helmick, and of Elizabeth (Kelly/Kelley) Helmick who married David Helmick son of John and Mary Ann (Hacker) Helmick and sister to my great grandmother Hannah (Kelley) Westfall. Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

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John and Mary Ann (Hacker) Helmick

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(Note: David Helmick's father John Helmick was a brother to Elizabeth Helmick who married my gr. gr. gr. grandfather Cornelius Westfall Jr. David Helmick's father John Helmick was the son of Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle) Helmick.)

Other children of John and Mary Ann (Hacker) Helmick were Margaret H. Helmick born 1828 married John Smith in 1855; Barbara Helmick born 1830 married Josiah W. Armistead; and Elizabeth Helmick (no information).

(4) Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle) Helmick's daughter Hannah Helmick married David Hardman.

(5) Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle) Helmick's daughter Elizabeth Helmick (my gr. gr. gr. grandmother) married Cornelius Westfall Jr.---Cornelius Westfall Jr. was my great great great grandfather. He was born in 1-27-1759 in New York. He died in 1844 in Lewis County, Virginia. He was the son of Cornelius Westfall Sr. and Elizabeth Westfall. They were cousins. Cornelius Westfall Sr. was the son of Jacob and Margrietje "Margaret" (De Duyster) Westfall and Elizabeth Westfall was the daughter of Abel and Antjen "Anna" (Bogart) Westfall. Cornelius Westfall Jr. married Elizabeth Helmick 6-13-1796 in Beverly, Randolph County, Virginia. They had 7 children-Jacob C. Westfall (my great great grandfather), Nancy Westfall, Barbara Westfall, John H. Westfall, Peter Cornelius Westfall, Walter M. Westfall, and George A. Westfall.


(1a) Cornelius and Elizabeth (Helmick) Westfall's son Jacob C. Westfall (my great great grandfather) was born in 1797 near Beverly, Randolph County, Virginia. He died in 1860. He married Elizabeth Runyon Smith born in 1799, the daughter of William Smith. Her mother's name not known. Her date of death not known.

My great great grandparents Jacob C. Westfall (1797-1860) and Elizabeth (Smith) Westfall (1799-?) had 12 children--my great grandfather Emanuel B. Westfall (1828-1863-married Hannah Kelley in 1856), Asbury P. Westfall (1830-1904-married Sarah Elizabeth Cottrell), Granville Westfall born 1835, William Westfall born 1837, Perry Westfall (1840-1907-married Elizabeth Reynolds), Merinda J. Westfall born 1842, Catherine Westfall (born 1820-1825-married John Jack in 1841), Martha Westfall married William H. Valentine, John C. Westfall born 1919, and 3 other sons names unknown.


(2a) Cornelius and Elizabeth (Helmick) Westfall's daughter Nancy Westfall was born 1799 in Virginia. She married Peter Kortrecht 12-11-1816 (sometimes spelled Cutright or Cartright). They had 6 children-Cornelius Kortrecht, Salathiel Kortrecht, Phorbe Kortrecht, Barbara Kortrecht, Prudence Kortrecht, and Nancy Jane Kortrecht.


(3a) Cornelius and Elizabeth (Helmick) Westfall's daughter Barbara Westfall was born in 1802. She died 9-4-1854. She married George Allman 12-21-1820.


(4a) Cornelius and Elizabeth (Helmick) Westfall's son John H. Westfall was born in 1806 in Harrison County, Virginia. He died 5-1-1870 in Upshur County, Virginia. He married Elizabeth Allman 10-4-1825, the daughter of Willam and Jane (Weatherholt) Allman, and they had these children-Mary Westfall born 1824 in Lewis County, Virginia. She died September 04, 1885, Randolph County, Virginia. She married Absalom Shifflett, August 03, 1848 in Virginia. John and Elizabeth (Allman) Westfall's daughter Barbara Westfall was born 1825 in Virginia. She married George Allman. John and Elizabeth (Allman) Westfall's son Samuel Westfall was born 1832 in Virginia. John and Elizabeth (Allman) Westfall's son Lorenzo Dow Westfall was born in 1834 in Virginia. He married Mary Smith. John and Elizabeth (Allman) Westfall's son George Westfall was born 1836 in Virginia. John and Elizabeth (Allman) Westfall's daugter Rheuhana Westfall was born in 1838 in Virginia. John and Elizabeth (Allman) Westfall's son Peter Westfall was born in 1840 in Virginia. John and Elizabeth (Allman) Westfall's son Harrison Westfall was born in 1842 in Virginia. John and Elizabeth (Allman) Westfall's son Thomas Westfall was born in 1842 in Virginia. John and Elizabeth (Allman) Westfall's daughter Mary E. Westfall was born in 1844 in Virginia. John and Elizabeth (Allman) Westfall's son David Westfall was born in 1846 in Virginia. John and Elizabeth (Allman) Westfall's son Albert Westfall was born in 1846 in Virginia. John and Elizabeth (Allman) Westfall's daughter Virginia Westfall was born in 1848 in Virginia, and Soloman Westfall born in 1848 in Virginia.

John Westfall married Lydia Smith 41-1851. John had these children from his 2nd wife Lydia Smith-Nathaniel Westfall born in 1852 in Virginia married Luvenia M. Trowbridge, Lydia A Westfall born in 1854 in Virginia, James E. Westfall born in 1857 in Virginia, Nancy E. Westfall born in 1859 in Virginia, Luella Westfall, and Rachel Westfall who married Soloman P. Smith, and they had a son William Mckindra Smith.


(5a) Cornelius and Elizabeth (Helmick) Westfall's son Peter Cornelius Westfall was born 12 Jun 1818 in VA (now WVA), and died 11 Jun 1862 in Upshur Co. WVA.. He married Barbara Clark in WVA. She was born abt. 1820 in Virginia. Children of Peter Westfall and Barbara (Clark) Westfall were-Isaac M. Westfall born abt. 1842 in WVA, Louisa Westfall born abt. 1843 in WVA, Ephraim Westfall born abt. 1847 in WVA, Barbara E. Westfall born abt. 1850 in WVA, Columbus Westfall born abt. 1852 in WVA, Rua Westfall born abt. 1855 in WVA, Mary O. Westfall born abt. 1857 in WVA, and Mildred J. Westfall born abt. 1859 in WVA.


(6a) Cornelius and Elizabeth (Helmick) Westfall's son Walter M. Westfall was born in 1803 in VA (now WVA). He married Margaret Montgomery 16 Jul 1826 in Hampshire Co. VA (now WVA). Children of Walter M. Westfall and Margaret (Montgomery) Westfall were-James M. Westfall born abt. 1830 in WVA, Nancy Westfall born abt. 1833 in WVA, Barbara Westfall born abt. 1838 in WVA, Susanna Westfall born abt. 1841 in WVA, Daniel Westfall born abt. 1845 in WVA, and Lucinda Westfall born abt. 1849 in WVA.


(7a) Cornelius and Elizabeth (Helmick) Westfall's son George Albert Westfall was born 3 Jan 1820 in VA (now WVA), and died 13 Apr 1862 in Upshur Co. WVA. He married 1st Mary Ellensworth 20 Jun 1840 in Lewis Co. WVA. She was born 1819 in West Virginia, and died 1842 in West Virginia. He married 2nd Mary Ann Cutright 4 Dec 1842 in Lewis Co. WVA, daughter of John Cutright and Christina Wetherholt. She was born 1822 in Lewis Co. WVA, and died 1 Jan 1903 in WVA. Child of George Albert Westfall and Mary Ellensworth was-William Franklin Westfall was born 10 May 1841 in Upshur Co. WVA, and died 6 Nov 1908 in Sarcoxie, MO. Children of George Albert Westfall and Mary Ann Cutright were-Mary A. Westfall born 1845 in Upshur Co. WVA; Frances May Westfall born 1847 in WVA, married Edward J. Graves 6 Dec 1867 in Lewis Co. WVA; Jonathan J. Westfall born 27 Aug 1848 in Jane Lew, Lewis Co., West Virginia, and died 29 Apr 1925 in Stockton, San Joaquin, CA., married Martha Ellen Smith born 4 Sep 1859 in Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co., IA, and died 30 Mar 1950 in Stockton, San Joaquin, CA; Susanna Westfall born in 1850 in WVA, married Jacob M. Bourough 29 Oct 1868; Barbara Westfall born 6 Apr 1854 in Jane Lew, Lewis Co., WVA, married Fernando Waggoner 26 Jan 1871 in Lewis Co., WVA, born 21 Aug 1852 in Jane Lew, Lewis Co., WVA; Margaret Westfall born 25 Sep 1853 in WVA; Eleanor Westfall born 11 May 1856 in WVA, married Wesley Lister 19 Oct 1879 in Lewis Co., WVA; Harriet Westfall born 1858 in Upshur Co., WVA, and died 12 Oct 1886 in Lewis Co., WVA; Valentine Westfall born 4 Apr 1859 in WVA, and died 29 Nov 1932 in Yuma, Yuma, Az, married Guadelupe Baker born 1872 in Virginia, and died 3 Apr 1909 in Yuma, Yuma, Az.

(6) Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle) Helmick's daughter Sarah Helmick married Jacob Borer in 1809.

(7) Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle) Helmick's daugter Madeline (Molly) Helmick married Jonathan Buffington 10-26-1801.

(8) Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle) Helmick's daughter Barbara Eve Helmick born 1783 married William Clark 8-8-1798.

(9) Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle) Helmick's son Abraham Helmick born 1782 married Fair Sabra Connolly 11-20-1817, the daughter of George C. and Sallie (Morris) Connally. She was born 1-17-18 Richmond County, Virginia, and died in Calhoun County, Virginia 12-24-1866.

Abraham Helmick and Fair Sabra Connally had 14 children-Sarah Helmick born 1819 married John S. Brannon in 1845; Johanna Helmick born 1819 married Samuel Bennett 7-12-1840; John Helmick born 1821 married Casa Allen 9-5-1842; Abraham White Helmick born 1822, died 1900, married Marthana "Bertha" Skidmore 4-7-1845; Anna Canbury Helmick born 1823 married 1st Timothy McCune 1-29-1839, and married 2nd Daniel Sharp 5-2-1861; Jacob Helmick born 1825 married Susanna Brannon; Bethany Helmick born 1829, died 1863, married 1st Samuel Tanner 8-1-1842, and married 2nd Solomon McCune 5-6-1861; Fair Sabra Helmick born 1830 married Samuel T. Isenhart; Hudson Helmick born 1832 married Minerva Douglas 3-30-1854; Henry Helmick born 1833; Margaret Helmick born 1835; John Helmick born 1837; Elizabeth Helmick born 1839 married William A. Bailey 11-13-1856; and Mary Jane Helmick born 11-19-1841 married 1st George Washington Wiblin 7-27-1857, married 2nd John H. Jarvis , and married 3rd Samuel J. Moore 7-22-1867.

(10) Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle) Helmick's daughter Mary Helmick married Jacob Wilson in 1805.

(11) Jacob and Barbara (Hinkle) Helmick's daughter Margaret Helmick married George Riffle 12-20-1802.

Cornelis Corneliszen (Cornelius) Bogaert

Cornelis Corneliszen (Cornelius) Bogaert was the father of my gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. grandmother Antjen "Anna" Bogaert who married Abel John Westfall, my gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. grandfather. Cornelius Bogaert was born in 1664 at Albany, Albany County, New York. He was the son of Cornelius Cornelise Bogaert and Dirkje Pieterse Coeymans. His father Cornelius Cornelise Bogaert was born in 1632 in Holland, and his wife Dirkje Pieterse Coeymans was born in 1632 in Holland. They had 5 children-Jacob Cornelius Bogaert, Hendrick Bogaert, Jan Bogaert, Jannetje Conelise Bogaert, and Cornelius Bogaert.

Cornelius Cornelise Bogaert and Dirkje Pieterse (Coeymans) Bogaert's son Jacob Cornelius Bogaert was born in 1654 Albany, Albany County, New York. He married Jannetje Quachenboss in 1678.

Cornelius Cornelise Bogaert and Dirkje Pieterse (Coeymans) Bogaert's son Hendrick Bogaert was born 1656 Albany, Albany County, New York. He married 1st Jannetje Martinse Esselstyne, and he married 2nd Ruth Eldron.

Cornelius Cornelise Bogaert and Dirkje Pieterse (Coeymans) Bogaert's son Jan Bogaert was born 1656 Albany, Albany County, New York. He married Catalyna Van Wie.

Cornelius Cornelise Bogaert and Dirkje Pieterse (Coeymans) Bogaert's daughter Jannetje Cornelise Bogaert was born 1678 Albany, Albany County, New York. She died in 1703. She married Martin Jensen Van Alstyne. Cornelius


Cornelius Cornelise Bogaert and Dirkje Pieterse (Coeymans) Bogaert's son Cornelis Corneliszen (Cornelius) Bogaert was born in 1664, Albany, Albany County, New York. He married in 1696 Eva Hornbeck born 18 Jun 1671 at Hurley, Ulster County, New York. She died after 1712. She was the daughter of Warnaar Van Hornbeck and Anneken "Anna" De Hooges. Cornelius and Eva (Hornbeck) Bogaert had 6 children-Antjen "Anna" Bogaert, Gysbert Bogaert, Warnaar Bogaert, Jacob Cornelius Bogaert, Johanne Bogaert, and Anthony bogaert.


(Note: Cornelis Corneliszn (Cornelius) Bogaert's family line has been traced back to the early 1500's in Holland, Netherlands. --(1)-- Gijsbert In Den Bogaertman born in Holland, The Netherlands in the early 1500's, died in Holland, Netherlands, married (name of wife unknown). --(2)-- Theunis Gijsbertszen In Den Bogaertman born in 1562 at Schoonrewoerd, Holland, Netherlands, died 1647 at Schoonrewoerd, Leerdam, Zuid-Holland, The Netherlands, married in The Netherlands to Neeltje Laurens born 1560/1570 in the Netherlands, died Bef. 1646 at Schoenrewoert, Leerdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands. --(3)-- Cornelis Theuniszen Bogaert born at Schoenrewoerd, Holland, Netherlands, died Bef. 1646 at Holland, Netherlands, married in the Netherlands to Beeltje (Isabella) Cornelis born in the Netherlands, died Bef. Mar 1661 at Schoonrewoerd, Holland, Netherlands. --(4)-- Cornelis Corneliszen Bogaert born Abt 1620 at Schoonrewoerd, Leerdam, Holland, Netherlands, died after 1667 at Albany, NY, married in the Netherlands to Dirkje Pieterse Coeymans born 1620/1630 at Utrecht, Netherlands, died 6 Feb 1665 at Albany, NY. --(5)-- Cornelis Corneliszen (Cornelius) Bogaert born 1660/1665 Coxsackie, NY, died Coxsackie, Greene Co., NY, married 16 Jul 1696 at Kingston, Ulster Co., NY to Evatje (Eva) Hornbeck born 18 Jun 1671 at Hurley, (Kingston), Ulster Co., NY, died at Coxsackie, Greene Co., NY. --(6)-- Annetje (Antje) Bogaert born 9 May 1696 Kingston,NY, died 1750/1760 at South Fork of The Potomac, Hampshire Co., VA, married 25 Feb 1717/1718 at Kingston, Ulster Co., NY to Abel Westfall born 9 Feb 1696 at Kingston, Ulster Co., NY, died 1759 at South Fork of The Potomac, Hampshire Co., VA.)


Note: Cornelis Corneliszen (Cornelius) Bogaert's wife Eva Hornbeck's family line has been traced back to 1250 in Oudenaarde, Belgium. The first 9 generations of the Hornbeck Family line were proved by Gustavus Van Hoorebeke in his book published at Paris, France in 1895. --(1)-- Pieter Van Hoorebeke was born abt 1250 in Oudenaarde, Belgium, died in Oudenaarde, Belgium, married De Coninck (first name unknown) born abt 1275 in Oudenaarde, Belgium, died Oudenaarde, Belgium. --(2)-- Jacobus Van Hoorebeke was born abt 1280 in Oudenaarde, East Flanders, Belgium, died in Belgium, married in Belgium. --(3)-- Jacobus Van Hoorebeke was born abt 1310 in Oudenaarde, Belgium, died abt 1400 in Gent, Belgium, married Margaretha Van Den Vivere born in Belgium, died 1397 in Gent, Belgium. --(4)-- Michiel Van Hoorebeke was born abt 1310 in Oudenaarde, East Flanders, Belgium, died Jul 1433 in Gent, Belgium, married Elisabeth Van Waes born abt 1350 in Belgium, died in Belgium. --(5)-- Jan Van Hoorebeke was born abt 1380 in Gent, Belgium, died 1447 in Gent, Belgium, married Abt 1420 in Gent, Belgium to Elisabeth Van Den Bossche born abt 1395 in Gent, Belgium, died 1438 in Gent, Belgium. --(6)-- Joos Van Hoorebeke born abt 1425, died 1478 in Gent, Belgium, married, Abt 1450 in Gent, Belgium to Catharina Goethals born Abt 1430 in Gent, Belgiom, died in Gent, Belgium. --(7)-- Jan Van Hoorebeke born abt 1464 in Gent, Belgium, died 1519 in Zeeland, Netherlands, married Abt 1490 in Belgium to Elisabeth Van Den Broucke born in Belgium, died in Netherlands. --(8)-- Dominicus (Petrus) Van Hoorebeke born abt 1495 in Gent, Belgium; died after 1568 in Gent, Belgium, married abt 1530 in Gent, Belgium to Joanna De Meijere born abt 1500 in Belgium, died in Belgium. --(9)-- Philipp Van Hoorebeke born abt 1535 in Gent, East Flanders, Belgium, died Belgium, married Abt 1565 in Gent, Belgium to Van Loo (first name unknown) born Abt 1545 in Gent, Belgium, died after 1570 in Gent, Belgium. --(10)-- Franciscus (Franchois) (Frans) Van Hoorebeke born 10 Apr 1568 in Gent, East Flanders, Belgium, a chirurg, (surgeon), buitenpoorter of Gent in 1606, died in Belgium or the Netherlands, married abt 1600 in Belgium. --(11)-- Van Hoorebeke (name unknown) born abt 1580 in Belgium, died in Belgium. --(12)-- Judocus (Joos) Van Hoorebeke born abt 1604 at/near Gent, East Flanders, Belgium, a solicitor or factor, lived 1635 at Wijdesteeg, 1636 at Moddermolensteeg, 1646 at Bloemgracht, died buried 21 Nov 1646 at Westerkerk, Amsterdam, Netherland, married 21 Jan 1635 at Sloterdijk, Amsterdam, Netherlands to Sara Warnaarts born abt 1617 at Stolck (Stolwijk), Zuid Holland, Netherlands, died aft 1650 at s'Gravenhaag, Netherlands. --(13)-- Warnaar Van Hoorenbeek born abt 1645 Amsterdam, Netherlands, died Abt 1715 at Rochester, Ulster Co., NY, married Abt 1670 at Albany, NY to Anna De Hooges born 1650 at Rensselaerwyck, NY, died 1688 at Hurley, Ulster Co., NY. --(14)-- Evatje (Eva) Hornbeck born 18 Jun 1671 at Hurley, (Kingston), Ulster Co., NY, died Coxsackie, Greene Co., NY, married 16 Jul 1696 at Kingston, Ulster Co., NY to Cornelis Corneliszn Bogaert born 1660/1665 at Coxsackie, NY.)

(1) Cornelius and Eva (Hornbeck) Bogaert's daughter Antjen "Anna" Bogaert was born about 1697 Minisink, Orange County, new York. She died in 1755 Hampshire, Hardy County, Virginia. She married Abel John Westfall (my gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. grandfather. Abel John Westfall was born about 1696 in Kingston, Ulster County, New York. He died in 1755 in Hanpshire County, Virginia. He was the son of Johannes and Maritje (Kool) Westfall. He married 2-25-1717 Antjen "Anna" Bogaert (sometimes spelled Bogard or Bogart) in Minisink, Orange County, New York. She was the daughter of Cornelius and Eva (Hornbeck) Bogaert. They had 9 children-Cornelius Westfall, Sara Westfall, Johannes Westfall, John Westfall, Catherine Westfall, Leah Westfall, Anna Westfall, and Lydia Westfall.


(1a) Abel and Antjen "Anna" (Bogaert) Westfall's son Cornelius Westfall (my gr. gr. gr. gr. grandfather) born in 1759 in New York. He married Elizabeth Westfall, the daughter of Jacob and Margrietje "Margaret" (De Duyster) Westfall.


(2a) Abel and Antjen "Anna" (Bogaert) Westfall's daughter Elizabeth was born in 1733 in Minsink, New York.


(3a) Abel and Antjen "Anna" (Bogaert) Westfall's daughter was Sarah (Zara) Westfall born in 1718 or 1719 Minisink, Orange County, New York. She married Cornelius Cole (Kool). They had a son John Cole.


(4a) Abel and Antjen "Anna" (Bogaert) Westfall's son Johannes John Wesley Westfall was born in 1724 in Kingston, New York. He Died in 1789 in Virginia. He married Sarah Vannoy. They had 6 children-Capt. Abel Westfall, Lt. Cornelius Westfall, John Westfall Jr., Abraham Westfall, Jacob Westfall, and Isaac Westfall. John Wesley Westfall's sons Abel and Cornelius served in the Revolutionary war. Cornelius was a Lieutenant in his brother Captain Abel Westfall's Company, the 8th Virginia Regiment, and was at Valley Forge in 1777 and 1778.


(5a) Abel and Antjen "Anna" (Bogaert) Westfall's daughter Catherine Westfall was born in 1721 in Kingston, New York.


(6a) Abel and Antjen "Anna" (Bogaert) Westfall had a son John Westfall.


(7a) Abel and Antjen "Anna" (Bogaert) Westfall's daughter Leah Laya Westfall was born in 1726 in Kingston, New York. She died in Augusta County, Virginia.


(8a) Abel and Antjen "Anna" (Bogaert) Westfall's daughter Annatje Hannah Westfall was born 1928-1929 in Kingston, New York. She died in 1792 at Lost River, Hardy County, Virginia. She married George Osborne, and they had 2 children-A daughter Deborah Osborne who married John Cutright 5-2-1799 in Randolph County, Virginia; and a son Josiah Osborne born 1749-50 in Hardy County, Virginia. He died 1-3-1845 Monroe Township, Logan County, Ohio. He married Margaret Anderson.


(9a) Abel and Antjen "Anna" (Bogaert) Westfall's daughter Lydia Westfall was born in 1939 Kingston, New York.

(2) Cornelius and Eva (Hornbeck) Bogaert's son Gysbert Bogaert was born 1700 Minisink, Orange County, New York. He married 1st Cartina Decker, and he married 2nd Elizabeth Petty. She had been married previously and had children from her 1st marriage. Gysbert and his 1st wife Catrina (Decker) Bogaert had 8 children-Cornelius Bogaert, Hannah Bogaert, Geertjen Bogaert, Christina Bogaert, Ezekial Bogaert, Charity Bogaert, Phoebe Bogaert, and Charity Bogaert. It is thought that maybe Gysbert Bogaert had 2 sons from his 2nd wife Elizabeth Petty-Cornelius Bogaert and Ezekial Bogaert.


Gysbert Bogard's will was recorded in Hampshire Co., (W.) Va., estate records, and probated on August 11, 1778. This will lists him as of the Parish of Hampshire in the County of Hampshire, farmer. It lists: my truly beloved wife Elizabeth Bogard, remain upon the place so long as she remains a widow; my eldest son, Cornelius Bogard, the sum of fifty pounds current money of Virginia; my youngest son, Ezekiel Bogard, the plantation I now live on; all my effects viz. horses, Mare, Chattels, sheep, hogs, household furniture and all debts owned to me either by bills deed is or otherwise be equally divided between mt two sons, Cornelius and Ezekiel; my grandson Gysbert Bogard son of Cornelius one breeding mare when he comes of 10 years of age to the value of ten pounds and when he arrives at the age of 15 then he is to have one young cow an done breeding sow and two sheep both yeos; my brother Warner remain upon the said place during his natural life and be maintained after the same manner as he hath ever been since he lives with me; and as for my four daughters, viz. Charity Riche, Hanah Best, Phebe More, and Grizena See I have given them already all that I allow them so that they are to look for no more after my decease. I likewise appoint and ordain Col. Felix Symor, Cap. John Harness, Mr. George See to be my sole executors and administrators; I have herento set my hand and seal this 14th day of February 1776.


(1a) Gysbert and Catrina (Decker) Bogaert's son Cornelius Bogaert born 1723 Minisink, Orange County, New York. He may have died young.


(2a) Gysbert and Catrina (Decker) Bogaert's daughter Hannah Bogaert was born in 1725, and she died in 1742, Kingston, Ulster County, New York.


(3a) Gysbert and Catrina (Decker) Bogaert's child Geertjen Bogaert was born in 1727, Kingston, Ulster County, New York.


(4a) Gysbert and Catrina (Decker) Bogaert's daughter Christina Bogaert born 1736, died in 1827, Hampshire, Hardy County, Virginia. She married George Zeh or See. They had 7 children-John See, Phoebe See, George See, Adam See, Catherine See, Elizabeth See, and Mary Ann See.

George and Christina (Bogaert) See's son John See born 1758 in Virginia, died before 1811. He married in 1777 to Catherine (last name unknown). George and Christina (Bogaert) See's daughter Phoebe See born in 1761, died in 1832 in Virginia. She married John Adam Couchman. George and Christina (Bogaert) See's son George See born in 1764, died 1828 Hampshire, Hardy County, Virginia. He married Margaret Stump. They had 8 children-Jacob See (1790-1858) married Nancy Shook in 1817; John See born in 1792, married 1st Elizabeth Parson in 1815, and married 2nd Dorothy Shook; Absolom See born in 1794; George See (1796-1879) married Arseneth Randall in 1823; Nimrod See born 1800, married Magdalena Brake in 1827; Aaron See born in 1805; Margaret See born in 1809; and Edmund See born in 1812.

George and Christina (Bogaert) See's son Adam See was born in 1767. George and Christina (Bogaert) See's daughter Catherine See was born in 1768. George and Christina (Bogaert) See's daughter Elizabeth See married Leonard Stump in 1788. George and Christina (Bogaert) See's daughter Mary Ann see born in 1795, died in 1854. She married John Caigen, and they had a son George See Craigen born 1797, died 1827. He married about 1817 Ann Neff.


(5a) Gysbert and Catrina (Decker) Bogaert's son Ezekiel Bogaert was born in 1738, Minisink, Orange County, New York. He may have died young.


(6a) Gysbert and Catrina (Decker) Bogaert's daughter Charity Bogaert was born about 1740.


(7a) Gysbert and Catrina (Decker) Bogaert's daughter Phoebe Bogaert was born in 1742 Hampshire, Hardy County, Virginia (now West Virginia).


(8a) Gysbert and Catrina (Decker) Bogaert's daughter Charity Bogaert was born in 1747 Hampshire, Hardy County, Virginia.


(1a) Gysbert Bogaert and his 2nd wife Elizabeth (Petty) Bogaert had a son Cornelius Bogaert born in 1750, Hampshire, Hardy County, Virginia (now West Virginia). He died in 1800 in Ross County, Ohio. He married 1st Sarah Deborah Skidmore born Abt 1731 in Minisink, Sullivan County, NY. He married 2nd Sarah Hornbeck in 1769. She was born Abt 1755. In 1799, Cornelius and Sarah moved to the vicinity of their son, Cornelius Bogard, Jr., in Ross Co., Ohio, where they both died. An entry in the District Court/Randolph County records for 1801 notes a subpoena stating that Bogart escaped, "a warrant was obtained and he was pursued but is gone out of state." "The within Cornelius Bogard was pursued but was not over taken before he crossed the Ohio River to the Indian Country" (Monongalia County West Virginia: Records of the District, Superior and County Courts, Vo l. 2, 1800-1803) Cornelius Bogard reportedly had surveyed some land in (W.) Va. that had already been surveyed. It is not known if he sold it or not, but the matter was eventually settled and the charges were dropped. Cornelius Bogard died in Ross Co., Ohio (prob. Green Twp.), in the summer of 1800. It appears that he died before purchasing land, but had made an agreement to purchase land on Jan. 31, 1800, from Thomas Morris, both of Ross Co., Ohio. Children of Cornelius Bogard and his 1st wife Sarah Deborah Skidmore were-Mary Ann Bogaert born Abt 1755 in Minisink, Sullivan Co., Ny; Gysbert Bogaert born Abt 1748 in Minisink, Sullivan Co., Ny; John Bogaert born Abt 1772 in Randolph County, West Virginia; and Elizabeth Bogaert born Abt 1765 in Millcreek, Randolph Co., Wv. Children of Cornelius Bogard and his 2nd wife Sarah Hornbeck were-Gysbert Gasper Bogaert born Bet 1769 and 1773 in Hampshire County, West Virginia; Cornelius Bogaert born Abt 1774 in Augusta Co. Now Randolph Co., W. Va; George Bogaert born Bet 1776 and 1781 in Tygart Valley, Augusta Co. Now Randolph Co., W. Va; John Bogaert born Bet 1776 and 1781 in Tygart Valley, Augusta Co. Now Randolph Co., W. Va; Mary Ann Bogaert born 8 Jul 1785 in Leading Creek, Harrison Co., W. Va; and Mahala Bogaert born 12 Apr 1786 in Harrison Co. Now Randolph Co., W. Va.

Cornelius Bogard Served in the 8th Regiment of the Virginia Continental Line, and on payroll list at Romney, Hampshire Co., (W.) Va. In 1773, Cornelius Bogard patented 55 acres of land on South Branch, Augusta Co., Virginia. (Augusta Grants I, pg 562, WV Auditor's Office) On October 17, 1775, Private Cornelius Bogard served in the Revolutionary War and is listed on the muster roll of Capt. John Harness' Company. (History of Grant and Hardy County) Capt. Cornelius Bogard also commanded a company of Virginia Militia to scout the Indians and protect the frontier settlements. On September 26, 1776, Cornelius Bogard signs petition in Tygart Valley asking for 3 companies of Rangers to protect settlers from expected incursions by Indians. Cornelius Bogard settled on the west side of the Tygart Valley River about 3 miles north of Beverly, Augusta Co. (now Randolph Co.), (W.) Virginia, before 1778. He had left his settlement sometime prior to 1780 and assigned his rights to Daniel Westfall. (Land Commission records of 1780, published by Katherine Gentry Bushman in Augusta Historical Bulletin). On November 3, 1780, Cornelius Bogart survey of 380 acres of land in then Augusta Co., Virginia, adjoining William Cassety. This land was on Files Creek east of now Beverly, Randolph Co., (W.) Va., the third land grant up the creek. (Certified by Augusta land commision 5/15/1784; Augusta Grants, bk 1 pg 135, WV Auditors Office) 1782 tax list of Monongalia Co., (W.) Va., lists Cornelius Bogard with 5 white soles in family. 1783 tax list of Monongalia Co., (W.) Va., lists Cornelius Bogard with 1 tithable, 2 horses, 13 cattle (Harrison Co., (W.) Va., was formed in 1784 from Monongalia Co., (W.) Va.) 1785 tax list of Harrison Co., (W.) Va., lists Cornnelius Bogard at Leading Creek (enumerated by B. Wilson, with 1 white taxable, 4 horses, 9 cattle) 1786 tax list of Harrison Co., (W.) Va., lists Cornelius Bogard (enumerated by Benj. Wilson, with 1 white taxable, 5 horses, 12 cattle) Randolph Co., (W.) Va., was created from Harrison Co., (W.) Va., in Oct. 1786. He resided in Randolph Co., (W.) Va., from 1787 - 1800. On May 28, 1787, the First Court of Randolph County, (W.) Va., was held at residence of Benjamin Wilson (now Elkins airport)- Cornelius Bogard appointed militia Lt., commissioner of taxable property, and apointed with Jacob Westfall to lay off grounds for new courthouse on lands of James Westfall (now Beverly, W. Va.) May 1787 - Cornelius Bogard Lt. Col. (Randolph Co. Order bk 1, pg2) June - August, 1787 - Cornelius Bogard was commissioner who took Tax List A in Randolph County, but does not himself appear in published copy of list. On Sept. 24, 1787, Cornelius Bogard deeded land on Files Creek adjoining Bogard residence to Daniel Richardson of Hardy County, adjoining former claim of William Cassity now John Wilson. (Randolph County Deed bk 1, pg 67) On Nov. 19, 1787, Cornelius Bogard of Randolph signs note to William Gregg of Rockingham for 75 pounds (Monongalia Co. Court Records, Zinn pg 42) On Nov. 23, 1787, Cornelius Bogard made title bond to Joseph Kinnan for 300 acres adjoining on the southeast side land Bogard lives on to make a clear title by Dec. 1788. (Monongalia Co. Court records, Zinn pg 122) In March, 1788, Cornelius Bogard, Commissioner, took Tax List A in Randolph County; he is enumerated with no tithables or horses, 5 cattle. On Feb. 22, 1790, Cornelius Bogard of Randolph County appoints John Petty of County, Pennsylvania, to obtain my part of a tract of land in name of my mother Elizabeth Bogard, she received by will, Elizabeth now deceased, in equal percentage to John, Joseph, and Ebenezer Petty my half brothers and Ezekiel Bogard my brother. (Randolph County Power of Attorney bk 1) NOTE: According to researcher Rick Brown, Cornelius Bogard, who had been appointed sheriff of Randolph County, VA in 1793 “fled on a fast horse across the Ohio river to Ross County, Ohio in 1798 a step ahead of the law and died there in 1800.” It is not clear what Bogard had done to cause his flight from Virginia to Ohio. Last

(Note: Bogard/Petty Connection - Contributed by Rick Brown, 1048 Orr Road, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 - 1-614-642-2876 ----- This article discusses the maternity of Cornelius Bogard who lived m Hardy and Randolph Counties of West Virginia and died in 1800 in Ross County, Ohio. The subject of Cornelius' maternity is an area of disagreement among many Bogard researchers Some believe that Cornelius is the son of his father's first spouse and others the son of his second. It is a fact that there is a baptismal record that states that one Cornelius Bogard was baptized in 1723 the son of Gysbert Bogard and Catrina Decker. It is also a fact that Gysbert Bogard married second to a widow woman named Elizabeth Petty. The path of Gysbert Bogard to Hardy County is not at all certain. It is thought that he was born in New York and then moved into Hampshire County (now Hardy County) in the 1740's. There could be evidence that he might have lived in New Jersey or Pennsylvania before coming to West Virginia, but the fact is that he moved to West Virginia, and that be died there m 1778. Did his spouse come with him? Or did she die in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, or on the journey? We do not know. The fact is that Gysbert was in West Virginia and so were his children.

Gysbert's second spouse was Elizabeth Petty. As stated earlier she was widowed, and her spouse was Mr. Petty. The question here is where did this husband die? We know they were Pennsylvanians. Did he die in Pennsylvania, in West Virginia, or on the journey? We do not know. It would be nice to know where Mr. Petty and Mrs. Bogard died. It is my "two cent" theory that both Gysbert and Elizabeth came to West Virginia as married people and their spouses died after arriving in West Virginia, but that does not matter as this moment. The question is who is the mother of Cornelius Bogard, Catrina Decker or Elizabeth Petty.? This article will answer that question. Gysbert had two sons, Ezekiel and Cornelius. Ezekiel Bogard settled in Franklin County, Ohio. He died there in 1807 Ezekiel's brother, the subject of this article, settled in Ross County, Ohio. Cornelius died a few years before his brother arrived in the state. Their homes were 30 minutes apart by today's highways and vehicles.

It is my opinion and that of David Armstrong of Elkins, West Virginia that Gysbert Bogard had four sons, two by Catrina Decker mad two by Elizabeth Petty. We believe that the two sons by Catrina Decker, named Cornelius and Ezekiel, died young, maybe at the same time as their mother, Catrina. Gysbert named his second two sons after his first two deceased sons. These are the sons that we know as Cornelius and Ezekiel mentioned in many records of West Virginia and Ohio. The reasons that we believe this to be true will follow in this article. David did research into the naming of children of many Dutch families. It is not uncommon to name children after deceased siblings. I have personally run across these many times in my twenty plus years of genealogical research. David found two separate accounts of this in the Bogard family. The following is an abstract from a letter to me from David Armstrong dated July 17, 1996: Enclosed find family group sheets on two Bogards, one on Jacob Bogard who married Nelly Kuykendall, brother of our Gysbert, and one on another Gysbert Bogard, this one of Bucks County, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, a very distant cousin if a relative at all. I fell into this Gysbert Bogard of Bucks County when I was poking around looking for Pettys, or for a Gysbert and Elizabeth Bogard in Pennsylvania about when we think ours was there. This Gysbert is definitely a different guy, his baptisms and will are cited on the sheet, but it is the children on both the Jacob and Bucks County Gysbert group sheets that are important to his mystery. Look at them carefully Do you see what I see? Jacob Bogard named two daughters Sara. This sheet is from my research in the published baptisms as cited. And look at the Bucks County Gysbert sheet, He named two daughters Maritje and two daughters Sara, in the same order. My first thought was do we have the same or two different Gysbert Bogards? But his will mentions son John A by the first wife Marritje etc..... So we have good, solid evidence of another Bogard naming kids after their own apparently deceased siblings. And when compared to the wording of the will of Hampshire County Gysbert this sheet takes on added importance. Hampshire County Gysbert said that his eldest son was Cornelius and his youngest son was Ezekiel. This matches the birth order in the 1723 and 1738 baptisms in New York for the sons of Gysbert and Catrina Decker Bogard. But it does not necessarily mean the sons in 1776 (will of Gysbert) are the same sons from 1723 and 1738. What if Bucks County Gysbert had referred in his will to "my eldest daughter Marritje and her younger sister Sara?" He didn't, but if he had he would have been talking about two daughters who had older deceased siblings of the same name and birth order. So the sons mentioned in the will of Gysbert Bogart in Hampshire County, could be the sons of the same Gysbert who had sons of those names born 1723 and 1738, but still not be the same sons. This whole thing makes perfect sense in my mind, but am I getting it down intelligently on paper?

In the Court records of Hampshire County, West Virginia, Elizabeth (Petty) Bogard mentions 100 acres that belonged to her by will in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. In further searches two powers of attorney statements are found in the records of Randolph County, WV. These powers of attorney documents are back to back in the records. The first one is written by Cornelius Bogard, giving John Petty power of attorney, to act on land for him in Pennsylvania. The second is written by Cornelius Bogard as power of attorney for Ebenezer Petty to give power of attorney to John Petty to act on land in Pennsylvania. The documents read as follows: Cornelius Bogard to } Know all men by this Presents that John Petty } I Cornelius Bogard of the County of Ran- Power of Attorney } dolph and Commonwealth of Virginia have for divers causes me hereunto moving Con- stitute appoint and confirmed John Petty of the County of (sic) and State of Pennsylvania my true and Lawful attorney to Act and do for me and in my Name and behalf in all cases and actions either in Law or equity so for as may be necessary for the obtaining my part and proportion of a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of and State of Pennsylvania late the estate of Elizabeth Bogard deceased Demised to her by the late Will and Testament of (sic) and now deceased in equal parcenary to the aforesaid John Petty and Joseph Petty and Ebenezer Petty my half Brothers and Sons of the said Elizabeth Bogard and to me Cornelius Bogard and Ezekiel Bogard my Brother and further to sell Transfer aline enfeoff and convey unto my purchaser my said part and proportion of the aforesaid Tract or parcel of Land and also further to Constitute and appoint one more attorney to act and do for him and me in all cases causes and actions either in Law or equity touching or in anywise concerning the premises and I the said Cornelius Bogard do by Virtue of the presents Ratify and confirm whatsoever my said Attorney or Attorneys may or will act or do at any time and at all times conducting with and according to the Powers hereby invested in him or them as fully effectually and intirely as that I was actually and personally present in the Execution of the same actions and doings and in Witness of the premises I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd Day of January 1790. Cornelius Bogard SEAL Ebenezer Petty to } KNOW all men by these present that I John Petty } Ebenezer Petty of the County of Bourbon & Power of Attorney } Commonwealth of Virginia have for divers causes me hereunto moving Constitutes ap- points and confirmed and by these presents doth Constitute appoint and confirm John Petty of the County of (sic) and, State of Pennsylvania my true and Lawful attorney to act and do for me in my Name and behalf in all cases causes and actions there in Law or Equity so far as may be necessary for the obtaining my part and proportion of a certain Tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of (sic) and State of Pennsylvania late the property of Elizabeth Bogard deceased demised to her by the late Will and Testament of (sic) and now deceased in equal percenary to the aforesaid John Petty, Joseph Petty, and me Ebenezer Petty Brothers and Cornelius Bogard and Ezekiel Bogard half brothers and Sons of the said Elizabeth Bogard and further to sell transfer aline enfoff and convey unto any purchaser my said part and proportion of the aforesaid Tract or parcel of land and also further to constitute and appoint one more attorney to act and do for him and me in all cases causes and actions either in Law or equity touching or in anywise concerning the premises and I the said Ebenezer Petty do by virtue of these present Ratify and confirm whatsoever my said Attorney or Attorneys may or will act or do at any time and at all times conferring with and according to the Powers hereby invested in him or them as fully effectually and intirely at the I was actually and personally present in the Execution of the same actions and doings and in Witness of the premises I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 22nd Day of February 1790. Cornelius Bogard attorney in fact for Ebenezer Petty SEAL Signed Sealed and acknowledged } in open Court } Teste John Wilson, Clerk Cornelius Bogard gives a power of attorney (Randolph County, WV power of attorney book 1) to his "half brother" John Petty on Feb. 22, 1790. In his power of attorney it states "the Estate of Elizabeth Bogard deceased demised to her by the late will and testament of (sic) and now deceased in equal parcenary to the aforesaid John Petty and Joseph Petty and Ebenezer Petty my half Brothers and sons of Elizabeth Bogard and to me Cornelius Bogard and Ezekiel Bogard my Brother and further sell transfer aline entooff and convey unto any purchaser my said part and proportion of the aforesaid tract or parcel of land…" The other power of attorney of Ebenezer to his brother John Petty is a similar document and almost exact. In fact, it was written by Cornelius Bogard as an attorney in fact for Ebenezer. Ebenezer must have given his half-brother Cornelius a power of attorney to write a power of attorney for him. He (Cornelius, power of attorney for Ebenezer) states that John Petty, Joseph Petty, and me Ebenezer Petty brothers and Cornelius Bogard and Ezekiel Bogard are half-brothers and sons of the said Elizabeth Bogard. Some say that Cornelius made a mistake and recorded half-brother instead of stepbrother when talking about the relationship of himself to John, Joseph and Ebenezer Petty. And that Cornelius made another mistake when they said Elizabeth Bogard was their mother instead of stepmother. I do not believe this to be true and that Cornelius was simply giving his half brother authority to do what needed to be done to the Pennsylvania lands that his mother inherited.

There is a will of an Owen Jones in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania recorded in Will book H page 470, that mentions Elizabeth Petty. This is the only Elizabeth Petty in the abstracted index of the Philadelphia wills. The following is the abstract of this will that I found in the Abstracts of Philadelphia County (Pennsylvania) Wills, page 212, in the Ft. Wayne Public Library, Ft. Wayne. Indiana: Jones, Owen. Merion, Philadelphia County, Tanner, Jan 16, 1747/8. Jan. 28, 1947 H. 470. Exec. wife Ann and Mary Meredith. Daughters in law: Mary Meredith, Margaret Casilbury, Pisillow Howell, Abigail Davis, and Elizabeth Petty. Beneficiary: Thomas Thomas (servant). Trustees: Stephen Evans and Henry Pawling. Witnesses: John Calahan (his mark), Eve Beinor (her mark). This Owen Jones owned 100 acres in Merion Township of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Elizabeth Petty mentions having and interest in 100 acres in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. Also, there happens to be a John Petty owing 500 acres in White Marsh township, which borders Merion Township to the East. David Armstrong continues in his letter of July 17, 1997. It should not be assumed that the presence of the power of attorney documents in the debate is the only problem with the maternity of Cornelius Bogard of Randolph County. In fact there are multiple problems with assuming that Randolph County Cornelius is born in 1723 and a son of Catrina Decker. To begin with, if we assume that Randolph County Cornelius is that old we must assume..... That 1723 Cornelius left no known record until he was in his 30 's in 1762. That he did not marry until he was 47 years old about 1770. That he joined the army in 1775 at age 53, and served in some capacity through the 1790's, and rode to Ohio as a captain at the age of 67 in the 1790's. That he was appointed sheriff of Randolph County at age 72 in 1793, while his successors and predecessors were in their 40's. That he fled on a fast horse across the Ohio one step ahead of the law in 1798 when he was almost 80 That would be a remarkable series of assumptions! No, it is clear to me that Randolph County Cornelius (there is only one here according to the tax lists) was a younger man born about 1750 to Elizabeth Petty, and married Sarah about 1770.

The author of this history believes that Elizabeth Petty and Gysbert Bogard had children. I believe that they had at least two sons. These are the sons that Gysbert mentioned in his will, Cornelius and Ezekiel, the youngest. This is also the belief of several other Bogard researchers including David Armstrong of Elkins, WV. We have collected much data on this family. We believe with the available information we have collected from this time we must make a conclusion. The mother of Cornelius Bogard, sheriff of Randolph County, who fled to Ross County, Ohio in the late 1790's and died there in 1800 was Elizabeth Petty, spouse of Gysbert Bogard.

I [Rick Brown] welcome all correspondence on this matter, but please do not send me any copies of published histories, pedigrees, or group sheets that contradict this as I have seen them. I would however welcome any new, original evidence that disproves any of this. The Allegheny Regional Family History Society Post Office Box 1804 Elkins, West Virginia, 26241


(1aa) Cornelius Bogaert Sr. and his 2nd wife Sarah (Hornbeck) Bogaert's son Cornelius Bogard Jr. was born Abt 1774 in Augusta Co. Now Randolph Co., W. Va. He married Sarah (maiden name unknown). Known child of Cornelius and Sarah Bogard was-Abraham Bogard.


(1aaa) Abraham Bogard, a son of Cornelius and Sarah Bogard, was born in 1795 in Randolph County VA and died about 1842 in Tyler County VA. He married Esther Jones April 29, 1817 in Monongalai County VA. Esther, a daughter of James and Sarah (Ravenscroft) Jones, was born in 1799 and died after 1850. Abraham Bogard enlisted in Willoughby Morgan's Company, Monongalia County VA for service in the "War of 1812". This same outfit James Rush Jones, Esther's brother was in. Children of Abraham and Esther (Jones) Bogard were-Elizabeth Bogard born 1818, married 1st ? Ice, married 2nd James Brooks May 4 1858 in Doddridge County, VA; John R. Bogard born 1821, married Elizabeth Shinn Sep 9, 1841; Sarah R. Bogard born 1825, married Levi S. Shinn; Matilda Bogard born 1828; Priscilla Bogard born 1831; Eliza Bogard born 1834; Abraham Bogard Jr. Born 1837, married Rebecca A. Brooks May 4 1857; Jesse J. Bogard born 1838; and Ruth Bogard born 1841.


(1aaa) John R. Bogard, a son of Abraham and Esther (Jones) Bogard was born 1821 in Monongalia County VA. He married Elizabeth “Eliza” Shinn September 9, 1841 in Tyler County VA. Elizabeth, a daughter of Levi and Sarah (McDone) Shinn, was born about 1819 in Tyler County VA. Known children of John R. and Elizabeth (Shinn) Bogard were-Emily Bogard born 1843; Mary Ellen Bogard born 1844; Phebe A. Bogard born 1847; and Heston Bogard born 1849.


(2aaa) Abraham Bogard Jr. a son of Abraham and Esther (Jones) Bogard, was born in 1837 in Tyler County VA. He married Rebecca A. Brooks May 4, 1857 in Doddridge County VA. She was born about 1841 in Doddridge County. Children of Abraham Jr. and Rebecca (Brooks) Bogard were-John R. Bogard born 1860; Hezekiah Bogard born 1866; and Virginia A. Bogard born 1870.


(2a) Gysbert Bogaert and his 2nd wife Elizabeth Petty's son Ezekiel Bogaert was born in 1755, Hampshire, Hardy County, Virginia (now West Virginia). He died in 1807 in Ross Co., Ohio.

(3) Cornelius and Eva (Hornbeck) Bogaert's son Waarner Bogaert was born about 1702 or 1703 Kingston, Ulster County, New York, He died after 1776.

(4) Cornelius and Eva (Hornbeck) Bogaert's son Jacob Cornliusen Bogaert was born in 1706, Kingston, Ulster County, New York. He died in Hardy County, Virginia. He married Nelletgen Kuykendall, the daughter of Cornelius and Marretje (Westfall) Kuykendall.

(5) Cornelius and Eva (Hornbeck) Bogaert's son Johannes Bogaert was born in 1709 Duchess County, New York. He died after 1770 in Hardy County, Virginia. He married Sarah Houghteeling in 1749. They had a daughter Hannah Bogaert born in 1744. She married Jacob Conrad.

(6) Cornelius and Eva (Hornbeck) Bogaert's son Anthony Bogaert was born in 1712, Kingston, Ulster County, New York. He died in 1763 Augusta, Pendleton, County, Virginia. He married Ann (last name unknown), and they had a daughter Hannah Bogaert born in 1743. She died in 1808.

Anthony De Hooges

Anthony De Hooges was born 1620 in Holland and he died 1655 in Albany, Albany County, New york. He married in 1647 at Rensselaerwych, New York Eva Bradt born 1632 or 1633 in Holland, died 1689, Hurley, Ulster County, New York. Their daughter Eleanora De Hooges was the mother of Margrietje "Margaret" De Duyster (my gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. grandmother who married Jacob Westfall, my gr. gr. gr. grandfather.

Anthony De Hooges was born December 14, 1620 in Noord, Amsterdam, Holland, and died October 11, 1655 in Albany, NY. He was the son of Johannes De Hooges and Maria Tijron. He married Eva Bradt October 01, 1647 in Albany, NY. Eva Bradt was born Bef. January 09, 1632/33 in Amsterdam, Holland, and died 1689 in Hurley, NY. She was the daughter of Albert Andriessen Bradt and Annetie Barentse.

Anthony De Hooges's parents' Johannes and Maria had their banns published 21 Mar 1608 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Johannes was a bookkeeper and shareholder for the West India Company and the son of Jan de Hooges and Catharina de Draijere of Mechelen, Belgium. Johannes's father, Jan de Hooges was born abt. 1555 in Mechelen, Belgium, and his mother Catharina de Draijere was born abt. 1560 in Mechelen, Belgium. Johannes's wife Maria was baptized 7 Feb 1576 in Antwerp, Belgium, the fourth of eight children born to Antoni Tijron and Catharina Daneels. Her parents' Antoni and Catharina were married Jan 1574 in Antwerp and had a son, Johannes or Hans, baptized there 31 May 1572.

(Note: Here is another source from the Lineage keepers Site with more information about Anthony De Hooges's parents - Anthony De Hooges's parents were JOHANNES DE HOOGES and MARIA {TIJRON} DE HOOGES, who were married on March 21, 1608. The evidence suggests that Johannes was not only a shareholder in the West India Company but its bookkeeper as well, which would help to explain how his son Anthony was able to get a similar post in New Netherland. Johannes was born in the lace-making city of Mechelen, Belgium, probably during the 1590s. His parents were JAN DE HOOGES and CATARINA {DE DRAIJERE} DE HOOGES. Maria was born in Antwerp, Belgium, perhaps in about 1599-1600; her parents were ANTONI TYRON and CATHARINA {KARNEELS} TYRON. We know nothing more about either of these two lines, but according to the Dutch Genealogical Bureau their names indicate that they too most likely came from Belgium. One source has estimated that Antoni was born in 1570 and that Catharina was born in 1575, but these are only estimates. It was presumably from Antoni Tyron that Anthony de Hooges derived his (for the Dutch) rather unusual given name, which he himself often spelled Antonio. The name suggests a possible link between the Tyron/de Hooges family and the Spanish soldiers and officials who occupied the Low Countries (Belgium and the Netherlands alike). These soldiers and officials were there in plenty of time – as early as 1555 – to have intermarried with the Tyrons before Antoni was born, and some of these men remained in the Low Countries instead of returning to Spain. It seems possible, therefore, that Anthony de Hooges had some Spanish blood, but there is no documentary evidence that this is the case.)

Children of Anthony De Hooges and Eva Bradt were-Marichen De Hooges, born Abt. 1648, died Abt. 1690, married 1st Henrick Bries, married 2nd Jacob Lockerman in 1696; Anneken De Hooges, born Abt. 1650 in Albany, NY, died 1688, married Waarner Hornbeck; Catrina De Hooges, born Abt. 1652, married Harmen Rutgers 1688; Johannes Antonie De Hooges, born 1652 in Beverwyck, Albany, NY, died Abt. 1695 in Hurley, Ulster, NY, married Margaretia Post December 04, 1675 in Old Dutch Church, Kingston, NY, NY, born Bet. 1645 - 1663 in Priesland, Hurley, NY, died Bet. 1691 - 1752; Eleanora De Hooges, born Abt. 1655, married 1st William De La Montagne May 19, 1673 in Kingston, NY, married 2nd Cornelis De Duyster Abt. 1692, born Bet. 1639 - 1672, died Bet. 1697 - 1756.

(1) Anthony and Eva (Bradt) De Hooges's daughter Marichen "Maria" De Hooges was born about 1648, Albany, Albany County, New York. She married 1st Hendrick Bries, and married 2nd Jacob Lookerman.

(2) Anthony and Eva (Bradt) De Hooges's daughter Catrina De Hooges born after 1647 in Albany, Albany County, New York, married Harman Rutgers. They had 4 children-Harmanus Rutgers born 1685, married Catherina Meyer; Anthony Rutgers born after 1688; Elizabeth Rutgers born after 1688; and Elsje "Elsie" Rutgers born after 1670, married 1st David Schuyler, and married 2nd Petrus Vas.


(1a) Harmen Rutgers and Catrina De Hooges' daughter Elsje "Elsie" Rutgers was born in Manhattan during the early 1670s. On January 1, 1694 she married David D. Schuyler in the Albany Dutch church. At least six of her children were baptized there between 1695 and 1715. Like her husband, she was a prominent church member and a frequent baptism sponsor. David D. Schuyler died in 1715 at age forty-six - leaving her with several small children. In 1722, she married Reverend Petrus Vas in the New York City Dutch Church. Gerardus Duyckinck painted her portrait the next year. She was still alive in 1752.

Elsje's 1st husband David Davidtse Schuyler was born June 11, 1669, and died December 16, 1715 in Albany. He was the son of David Pieterse Schuyler and Catalyntje Ver Planck. He married Elsje Rutgers January 01, 1693/94 in Dutch Church, Albany, NY. David Davidse Schuyler grew up in his father's house on Market Street near the north gate of the Albany stockade. One of the leading Albany fur traders and landholders, David's father died in 1690 when the young man was twenty-years-old. In 1694, he married Elsie Rutgers, the daughter of a prominent Manhattan merchant. The couple had six children all of whom were baptized in the Albany Dutch church where both parents were members. Like other seventeenth-century Albany Schuylers, David Davidse built his fortune in the fur trade and was a prominent Albany merchant residing in the first ward. His status was recognized when he was elected assistant alderman in 1697. On behalf of the Albany government, several times he carried documents to the governor in New York. In 1699, he was elected first ward alderman and served for many years. He was an active council member and often was sent into the Indian country and to Canada on city business. In 1705, he was appointed sheriff of Albany city and county. He served for a year and he was appointed mayor of Albany in 1706. During his mayoralty, Albany began to develop its landed interests at Schaghticoke. Superceded as mayor by Robert Livingston, Jr., David Schuyler was elected alderman for the first ward in 1710. He was re-elected for the last time in September 1715. Perhaps because of the early death of his father and a relatively short life-span of his own, this third son was unlike other prominent Schuyler family members in that he did not acquire extensive investment lands. However, he would have been a partner in the Kaydaderosseras patent had it been confirmed before his untimely death.

Children of David Schuyler and Elsje "Elsie" Rutgers were-Catrina Schuyler, born 1694; David Schuyler, born 1697, married Elizabeth Marschalk April 30, 1719 in Dutch Church, NYC; Hermanus Schuyler, born 1700 in Albany, died December 08, 1748 in NYC, married Jannetje Bancker December 01, 1722 in Dutch Church, Albany, NY, born August 28, 1701, died April 16, 1757 in New York City, NY; Catharina Schuyler, born November 25, 1694 in Albany County, New York, died Aft. 1747, married 1st Igneas Dumond November 13, 1725 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY, married 2nd Jacobus Dumond October 24, 1741 in Kingston, Ulster Co., NY; Myndert Schuyler, born 1711, married Elisabeth Wessels June 18, 1735 in Dutch Church, NY, NY.

(3) Anthony and Eva (Bradt) De Hooges's daughter Anneken "Anna" De Hooges was born in 1650, died before 1697, Ulster, Ulster county, New York. She married Warnaar Hornbeck. They had 9 children-Antoni Hornbeck, Eva Hornbeck, Lodewyck Hornbeck, Saartje Hornbeck, Joost Hornbeck, Johannes Hornbeck, Marretje Hornbeck, and Anntjen Hornbeck.

Warnaar and Anna (De Hooges) Hornbeck's son Anthony Hornbeck was born in 1670 Ulster County, New York, Died 1710 Minisink, Orange County, NewYork.


(1a) Warnaar and Anna (De Hooges) Hornbeck's daughter Evaatje "Eva" Hornbeck born 1671, married Cornelius Bogaert (the parents of Antgen "Anna" Bogaert who married Abel Westfall, my gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. grandfather). For more information on their children see above on this page under the Cornelius Bogaert family.


(2a) Warnaar and Anna (De Hooges) Hornbeck's son Lodewyck Hornbeck was born in 1676, Kingston, Ulster County, New York. He married Marytje Vernoy.


(3a) Warnaar and Anna (De Hooges) Hornbeck's daughter Saartje Hornbeck was born in 1681, and married Stephanus Willemse Titsoort.


(4a) Warnaar and Anna (De Hooges) Hornbeck's son Joost Hornbeck was born in 1682, married Aagje Van Vliet.


(5a) Warnaar and Anna (De Hooges) Hornbeck's son Johannes Hornbeck was born in 1683, died in 1684.


(6a) Warnaar and Anna (De Hooges) Hornbeck's son Johannes Hornbeck was born in 1685, married Orseltjen Westbrook.


(7a) Warnaar and Anna (De Hooges) Hornbeck's daughter Marretje Hornbeck born 1687 or 1688, married Niclaus Blanchan. Warnaar and Anna (De Hooges) Hornbeck's daugter Anntjen Hornbeck born 1690, married Jacobus Van Der Willigen.


(8a) Warnaar Hornbeck's 2nd marriage was to Margriet Tyssen, and they had 8 children-Mathys Hornbeck born 1693 Kingston, Ulster County, New York; Tobias Hornbeck (1695-1771) married Elizabeth Pietersz Louw; Evert Hornbeck (1698-1754) married Eleanor Codebec; Jacobus Hornbeck (1700-1757) married Margaret Helm; Marretjen Hornbeck (1702-1747) married Johannes Hoogteeling; Lea Hornbeck (1705-1739) married Seerles Denniston; Rachel Hornbeck (1708-1736 married Jacob Decker; and Catrina Hornbeck (1710-1732) married Jacobus Tornaar.

(4) Anthony and Eva (Bradt) De Hooges's daughter Eleanora De Hooges born 1655 Rensselaerwych, New York married Willem De La Montagne in 1673. He was born before 1641 in New Amsterdam, New York, died before 1692 . He was the son of Johannes and Rachel (De Forest) De La Montagne. Eleanora De Hooges married 2nd Cornelius De Duyster. Willem and Eleanora (De Hooges) De La Montagne had 9 children-Rachel De La Montagne, Jahanna De La Montagne, Willem De La Montagne, Maria De La Montagne, Johannes De La Montagne, Eva De La Montagne, Jesse De La Montagne, Eva De La Montagne, and Catherina De La Montagne.


(1a) Willem and Eleanora (De Hooges) De La Montagne's Rachel De La Montagne was born before 1674. She married Hermanus Decker. They had 12 children-Maria Decker born after 1695, married William Ward; Eleanor Decker born 1699, married Hendrick Van Gorden; Jan Decker born after 1701; Willem Decker born 1703; Johanna Decker born 1705 Henricus Schoonover; Hermanus Decker born 1706, married 1st Christina Best, and married 2nd Antje Kyser; Willem Decker born 1708; Margaret Decker married Peter Van Gorden; Wilhelmus Decker; Hendricks Decker born 1716, died 1768, married Ann Coleman; Benjamin Decker born 1719, married Lea Terwilliger; Rachel Decker married Bastian Kortright.


(2a) Willem and Eleanora (De Hooges) De La Montagne's child Jahanna De La Montagne was born in 1776.


(3a) Willem and Eleanora (De Hooges) De La Montagne's son Willem De La Montagne was born in 1678.


(4a) Willem and Eleanora (De Hooges) De La Montagne's daughter Marytjen "Maria" De La Montagne was born in 1680. She died in 1702. She married Nicholas Claes Westfall, the son of Jurian and Marritje (Hansen) Westfall. Nicholas's father Jurian Westfall was my gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. grandfather, and the first of our family to immigrate to America. Nicholas and Maria had a son Jurian Westfall born in 1702. Maria and the child died in childbirth in 1702. Nicholas Westfall remarried to to Sara Van Aken. For information on the children Nicholas Westfall and Sara Van Aken see previous page under Jurian Westfall related Families-Page 7


(5a) Willem and Eleanora (De Hooges) De La Montagne's son Johannes De La Montagne was born in 1681 or 1682.


(6a) Willem and Eleanora (De Hooges) De La Montagne's daughter Eva De La Montagne bon 1683 died young.


(7a) Willem and Eleanora (De Hooges) De La Montagne's son Jesse De La Montagne born in 1684, married Gerritje Jeets.


(8a) Willem and Eleanora (De Hooges) De La Montagne's daughter Eva De La Montage born 1686, married Dirk Krom.


(9a) Willem and Eleanora (De Hooges) De La Montagne's daughter Catherina De La Montagne born 1688 Kingston, Ulster County, New York, died 1764 Wawarsing, Ulster County, New York. She maried Jean Bevier.


Eleanora married 2nd to Cornelius De Duyster, and they had a daughter Margrietje De Duyster bap. Apr. 23, 1693 at the Kingston Reformed Dutch Church, Ulster Co., NY. She married my gr. gr. gr. gr. gr. grandfather Jacob Westfall. For information regarding their children see- Related Families-Page 6


(Note: From - OUR Colonial Ancestors AND THEIR DESCENDANTS - HISTORICAL, GENEALOGICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL. - COMPILED BY HENRY WHITTEMORE - Author of the Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America, and other works ---- Unlike the settlement of the New England colonies which began through religious .... No baptismal records pf the Reformed Dutch Church have been found earlier than .... Johannes West- fall, Teunis Quick, Cornelius de Duyster, Simon Westfall, ...... Conraedt Ten Eyck, the ancestor, emigrated from Amsterdam, Holland,..... Nov. 9, I719. Petition of Nicklas Westfall, Johannes West- fall, Teunis Quick, Cornelius de Duyster, Simon Westfall, Rymeny Quick of the County of Orange, setting forth that Thomas Beonar- dus, Jacob and Roelof Swartworst and others to the number of 36 persons trespassed on their lands lying at Wayhackmeck on the little Minnesing Creek in said county.'')

(5) Anthony and Eva (Bradt) De Hooges's son Johannes De Hooges was born in 1654 Rensselaerwych, New York, he died in 1738 Kingston, Ulster County, New York. He married Margaretia Post. They had 7 children-Maritje De Hooges born about 1676, married Willem Ostrander; Eva De Hooges born about 1676 married Pieter Van Etten; Claartje De Hooges born 1679 Hurley, Ulster County, married Anthony Thuenis Quick; Antje De Hooges born 1682 Kingston, Ulster County, New York, married Emanuel Van Etten; Antonio De Hooges born 1684; Catherine De Hooges born 1685 or 1685 Kingston, Ulster County, New York, died 1743 or 1744 Newark, Essex County, New Jersey, married Wynant Vanderpoel; and Johanna De Hooges born 1690, married Arien Roosa.


Eva (Bradt) De Hooges remarried after Anthony De Hooges death to Roeloff Swartwout in 1657, and they had 8 children-Thomas Swartwout married Lysbeth Gardenier; Antoni Swartwout born 1662, died young; Antoni Swartwout born 1664, married Jannetje Coobes; Hendrickje Swartwout married Hulbert Lambertsen; Cornelia Swartwout born 1667 married Hendrick Klaesen Schoonhoven; Rachel Swartwout married Jacob Kip; Bernardus Swartwout born 1673, married Rachel Schepmoes; and also thought to be their child, Eva Swartwout who married Jacob Dingman.

Theunis Thomaszen Quick

Theunis Thomaszen Quick was a mason from Naarden, North Holland, Netherlands who settled in New Amsterdam, New Netherland. He was a son of Thomas Cuyk (1580-1650) and Aethgen Bountendr. Thomas married Belitje (or Belijtgen) Jacobus Van Vlechtenstyn 9 Mar 1625 in Naarden, North Holland, Netherlands, the daughter of Jacob Van Vlechtenstyn born 1578. Belitje was born in Naarden about 1604. Theunis was known by his patronym (Thomaszen), his occupation (Metselaer, meaning mason), and the surname Quick. In 1665, he was living the Beaver's Graft in New Amsterdam. Teunis died April 19, 1666 in New York City about 66 years old while Belijtgen died there in 1675 about 71 years old.

Theunis and Belitje (Jacobus Van Vlechtenstyn) Quick had these children-Weyntje Theunis Quick, born in Naarden, North Holland, Netherlands, baptized 23 Jul 1628 in Naarden, North Holland, Netherlands, married Herck Siboutszen 16 Nov 1642 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland; Jacob Theuniszen Quick, born in Naarden, North Holland, Netherlands, married Neeltje Cornelis 24 Mar 1655 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland; Hillegond Toenis Quick, born in New Amsterdam, New Netherland, baptized 25 Nov 1640 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland, married Jacob Toeniszen de Key 29 Mar 1658 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland; Maritje Theunis Quick, born in New Amsterdam, New Netherland, baptized 23 Mar 1642 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland, married Sebastien Claes Van Sevenhuysen 20 Sep 1659; Thomas Teunissen Quick, baptized 24 Apr 1644 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland, married Rymerick Westfall 6 Dec 1672 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Geertje Theunis Quick, born in New Amsterdam, New Netherland, baptized 12 Nov 1645 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland, married Carsten Luyrissen 1 Dec 1668 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland; and Dirck Theuniszen Quick, baptized 26 Jul 1648 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland, married Hanna Jans Hooges.

(1) Theunis and Belitje (Jacobus Van Vlechtenstyn) Quick's son Thomas Theunissen Quick was baptized 24 Apr 1644 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland. Between 1662 and 1665, Thomas moved to Kingston, Ulster, New York. He seems to have had some trouble before he married with two of his employers, who both discharged him, according to New Amsterdam and Kingston court records. Thomas married Rymerick (Rynberg) Jurriaensen Westphale (banns registered 7 Dec 1672). Rymerick was the daughter of Juriaen Westfall and Marritje (Hansen) Westfall. Jurian and Marretje (Hansen) Westfall's daughter Rymerick Westfall was born in 1656 Esopus, Kingston, Ulster County, New York. She died about 1716 Kingston, Ulster County, New York. Rymerick's husband Thomas Quick was killed by the Irequois Indians during a raid in 1696 as were other members of the family. There is a marker on state road 209 that marks the spot of the massacre of the Westfall family. On 8 June 1696, "the widow of Thomas Quick", along with her brothers Johannis, Claes, and Simon Westphalen and others bought land from Native Americans in the Minisink Valley (in New and New Jersey).

Thomas and Rymerick (westfall) Quick had these children-Teunis Quick, born in Kingston, Ulster, New York, baptized 18 Apr 1675 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, married Claartje de Hooges 24 Sep 1696 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Antje Quick, born in Kingston, Ulster, New York, married Hendrick Decker 18 Dec 1696 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Jurriaen Quick, born in Mombaccus, Ulster, New York, baptized 20 Apr 1679 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, married Rebecca Titsoort 21 Apr 1701 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Johannes Quick, baptized 9 Sep 1683 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Weyntje Quick, baptized 28 Mar 1686 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Elletje Quick, baptized 21 Jul 1688 in Kingston, Ulster, New York. Johannes Quick, born in Rochester, Ulster, New York, baptized 26 May 1691 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, married Bregjen Middag 20 Aug 1716 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Wyntje Quick, born in Rochester, Ulster, New York, baptized 29 Sep 1692 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, married Niclaas Schoonhoven 24 Feb 1713 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Geertje Quick, baptized 25 Aug 1695 in Kingston, Ulster, New York.


(1a) Thomas and Rymerick (Westfall) Quick's daughter Antje Quick was born in 1673 in Ulster County, New York. She married Jan Hendrick Decker.


(2a) Thomas and Rymerick (Westfall) Quick's son Teunis Quick was baptized 12 Apr 1675 in Kingston, Ulster, New York. He had two younger brothers, Jurriaen and Johannes, and three younger sisters, Weyntie, Elletje, and Geertje. Teunis married Claartje de Hooges 24 Sep 1696 in Kingston, Ulster, New York. Claartje was baptized 27 Apr 1679 in Kingston, Ulster, New York. She was the daughter of Johannes de Hooges and Margarita Post. She had an older sister, Eva, three younger sisters, Antje, Cathrina, Marytje, and Johanna, and one younger brother, Antoni. Teunis and Claartje (De Hooges) Quick had these children-Rymerick Quick, baptized 4 Jul 1697 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, married Manuel Gonzales 25 Sep 1719 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Margriet Quick, baptized 31 Mar 1700 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, married Arie Kuykendall 7 Dec 1720 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Thomas Quick, baptized 22 Sep 1705 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Johannes Quick, baptized 27 Apr 1707 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Jacobus Quick, baptized 11 Sep 1709 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Thomas Quick, baptized 23 Dec 1711 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; Adriaan Quick, baptized 29 Aug 1714 in Kingston, Ulster, New York; and Benjamin Quick, baptized 5 Jun 1717 in Minisink, Sussex, New Jersey.


(1aa) Teunis and Claertje (De Hooges) Quick's daughter Rymerick Quick married Emanuel Consalus Jr. Emanuel Consalus Jr. and Rymerick (Quick) Consalus had 7 children-Emanuel Consalus, Samuel Consalus, Daniel Consalus married Elizbeth Van Vliet, Benjamin Consalus, Joanna Consalus who married Petrus Quick, Maria Consalus who married Johannes Van Etten, Jacobus Consalus married Sarah Westbrook.

(2aa) Teunis and Claertje (De Hooges) Quick's daughter Margaret Quick born 1695 married Arie Kuykendall.

(3aa) Teunis and Claertje (De Hooges) Quick's son Thomas Quick married Mary DeWitt. Thomas and Mary (DeWitt) Quick had 4 children-Lewis Quick married 1st Hannah Lucia, and 2nd Phoebe Whittaker; Peter Quick, William Quick, and Henry Quick.

(4aa) Teunis and Claertje (De Hooges) Quick's son Adrian Quick married Rachel Dingman and they had 2 children-Anthony Quick married Elizabeth Warner, and Benjamin Quick.

(5aa) Teunis and Claertje (De Hooges) Quick had a son John Quick.

(6aa) Teunis and Claertje (De Hooges) Quick had a son James Quick.

(7aa) Teunis and Claertje (De Hooges) Quick had a son Benjamin Quick.


(3a) Thomas and Rymerick (Westfall) Quick's son Jurian Quick was born in 1679. He married Rebecca Tittsoort (other spelling might be Titsworth).


(4a) Thomas and Rymerick (Westfall) Quick's son Johannes Quick died in infancy.


(5a) Thomas and Rymerick (Westfall) Quick's daughter Weyntie Quick born in 1686 died in infancy.


(6a) Thomas and Rymerick (Westfall) Quick's daughter Elletje was born in 1688.


(7a) Thomas and Rymerick (Westfall) Quick's son Johannes Quick was born in 1691. He married Breggen Middaugh, the daughter of Capt. Joris Middaugh.


(8a) Thomas and Rymerick (Westfall) Quick's daughter Wyntje Quick born in 1692 married Nicholas Schoonover.


(9a) Thomas and Rymerick (Westfall) Quick's daughter Geeretje Quick born in 1695 married Jan Decker brother of Hendrick, and son of Garretson and Grietje (Westercamp) Decker.

(2) Theunis Thomaszen Quick and Belitje (Jacobus Van Vlechtenstyn) Quick's son Dirck Theuniszen Quick was baptized 26 July 1648 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland. Dirck married Hanna Jans Hodje. He died before 1702, according to his son Thomas' indenture. Dirck and Hanna Jans (Hodje) Quick had these children-Theunis Quick, baptized 7 Jun 1673 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland; Elisabeth Marrietie Quick, baptized 13 Sep 1680 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland, married 1st Henry Hues and married 2nd Thomas Frast 27 Jun 1712 in New York City, Kings, New York; Thomas Jacob Quick, born abt. 1690, Amsterdam, New Netherland, died 17 Feb 1756, married Margrieta Dekkers 22 Dec 1713 in Kingston, Ulster; and Theunis Quick, baptized 18 Sep 1695 in New Amsterdam, New Netherland.


(1a) Dirck and Hanna Jans (Hodje) Quick's son Thomas Jacob Quick was born abt. 1690 in Amsterdam, New Netherland, and died 17 Feb 1756. He married Margrieta Dekkers 22 Dec 1713 in Kingston, Ulster, New York. On 2 Nov 1702, Thomas signed a contract to become an apprentice to John King, a shipwright, for seven years. The agreement included that Thomas be taught reading, writing, and math and would receive a number of tools at the end of the seven years. Thomas married Margriet Decker 22 December 1713 in Kingston, Ulster, New York. Margriet was baptized 1 December 1655 in Kingston, Ulster, New York. She was the daughter of Gerrit Jans Decker and Grietje Jans Decker. Thomas and Margaret settled in Shippekonk, Sussex, New Jersey and later to what would become Milford, Pike, Pennsylania near the Delaware River. Thomas was said to have built some of the earliest mills in both of these places.

Thomas joined Captain John Van Etten's First Company on 12 Jan 1756 during the French and Indian War. He died the next month near the Delaware River in February 1756. According to legend, Thomas, his son Tom, and a son-in-law (whom Calvin Ennes believed to be William Ennes), despite the ongoing war, went to the river and were ambushed by a group of Native Americans. Thomas was killed but the other two escaped. Thomas died intestate and administration of his estate was granted to William Ennes, Benjamin Shoemaker, and James Hyndshaw on 9 Mar 1756. Thomas and Margriet (Decker) Quick had these children-Dirk Quick, baptized 20 Jun 1714 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, married Appolonia Van Gorden; Jacobus Quick, born in Rochester, Ulster, New York, baptized 29 Jan 1716 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, married 1st Maria Westbroeck 22 Aug 1742 in Machackemeck, Orange, New York, and married 2nd Jaannetje van Aken 10 Aug 1750 in Machackemeck, Orange, New York; Margrita Quick, born in Minisink, Orange, New York, baptized 19 Aug 1718 in Walpeck, Sussex, New Jersey, married 1st Johannis Van Garden, and married 2nd Johannes Westfall 2 Sep 1757 in Machackemeck, Orange, New York; Elizabeth Quick, baptized 28 Jan 1722 in Rochester, Ulster, New York, married William Ennes 18 May 1739, died 8 Apr 1771, buried in the Old Dutch Cemetery, Sandyton, Sussex, New Jersey; Benjamin Quick, born in Shippekonk, Sussex, New Jersey, baptized 18 Oct 1724 in Kingston, Ulster, New York, married Hannah Joons 6 Jan 1748/9 in Machackemeck, Orange, New York; Lena Quick, born in Shippekonk, Sussex, New Jersey, married Salomon Decker 12 May 1745 in Machackemeck, Orange, New York; Cornelius Quick, born in Shippekonk, Sussex, New Jersey, married Marya Westfall 14 Jun 1752 in Machackemeck, Orange, New York; Catharina Quick, born in Shippekonk, Sussex, New Jersey, baptized 4 Jul 1733 in Minisink, Orange, New York, married Francis McGee 10 Aug 1753 in Machackemeck, Orange, New York; Aen Quick, born in Shippekonk Sussex, New Jersey, baptized 19 May 1736 in Minisink, Orange, New York, married 1st James Everingame 2 Jun 1754 in Machackemeck, Orange, New York, and married 2nd Hugh Sorrad (Shellet) 2 Jan 1759 in Machackemeck, Ulster, New York; and Thomas Quick, (The Indian Slayer) died 1795 or 1796.


(1aa) Thomas and Margriet (Decker) Quick's daughter Margrita was born in Minisink, Orange, New York, baptized 19 Aug 1718 in Walpeck, Sussex, New Jersey. She married 1st Johannis Van Garden, and married married 2nd Johannes Westfall. Johannes Westfall was born in 1711 (baptized June 24, 1711) in Kingston, Ulsted Co. New York. He died in Virginia. He was a son of Jurian and Styntje (Kuykendall) Westfall. He married 1st Apolonia Kortrecht and his 2nd wife was Margarita Quick Van Garden. Johannes Westfall and Margarita (Quick) Van Garden Westfall had 2 children-David Westfall born 1759 married Phoebe Middaugh (or Middagh), and Benjamin Westfall born 1761 married Charlotte Middaugh (or Middagh).


(1aaa) Johannes Westfall and Margarita (Quick) Van Garden Westfall's son David Westfall was born 27 Jan 1759 at Deerpark, Minisink Twp. Orange Co. NY. He died in 1804 at Deerpark, Minisink Twp. Orange Co. NY. He married in 1782 at Minisink, Deer Park Twp. Orange Co. NY Femmetje "Phoebe" Middaugh born bef. 8 Jan 1764 at Deerpark, Minisink Twp. Orange Co. NY, and died in NY. Her father was Jan Middaugh and her Mother was Elizabeth Kortrecht. Children of David Westfall and Femmetje "Phoebe" (Middaugh) Westfall were-Simon Westfall born 1783, died bef. 1787; Margaret Westfall Born 1785 in NJ; Simon Westfall born abt. 1787 in NJ, married 4 May 1806 in Sussex Co. NJ to Esther Brink; Anna Westfall born 1 Jul 1789; and Charlotte Westfall born 17 Jul 1792 in NJ, married 8 Jan 1814 at Sussex Co. NJ to William Winfield.


(1aaaa) David Westfall and Femmetje "Phoebe" (Middaugh) Westfall's son Simon Westfall was born abt. 1787 in NJm and married 4 May 1806 at Sussex Co. NJ Esther Brink, She was born 14 Sep 1790 in NJ, Children of Simon Westfall and Esther (Brink) Westfall were-Jane Westfall born 26 Jul 1806 in Sussex Co. NJ, married Peter G. Decker; and Lydia Ann Westfall born 11 Jul 1809 in Sussex Co. NJ.


(2aaa) Johannes Westfall and Margarita (Quick) Van Garden Westfall's son Benjamin Westfall was born 8 Mar 1761. He married abt. 1778 Seeletje "Charlotte" Middaugh born bef. 22 Nov 1759 at Port Jervis, Deerpark Twp. Orange Co. NY. Her father was Jan Middaugh and her mother was Elizabeth Kortrecht. Children of Benjamin Westfall and Charlotte (Middaugh) Westfall were-Elizabeth Westfall born abt. 1779, married 2 Sep 1798 at Clove, Sussex Co. NJ to John Casky and they had a son Amos Casky born 3 May 1799; Solomon Westfall born abt. 1780 in NY, married abt. 1797 to Mely Westbrook and they had a son Elias Bunschooten Westfall born 29 Apr 1798 in NJ; and Levi Westfall born 23 Nov 1793 in NJ.


(2aa) Thomas and Margriet (Decker) Quick's son Thomas Quick was born in 1734, and died abt. 1795 or 1796. Thomas Quick was called the "Indian Slayer", having murdered 99 people, all Native Americans, including women, young children, and whole families, using revenge as his excuse. James E. Quinlan wrote, "...We have seen and conversed with several aged men who were acquainted with him...They describe him as having been six feet in height; and taken altogether, rather a raw-boned man; his cheek bones were high; his eyes gray and restless; his hair, before it had been silvered by age, was of a dark brown. He was not in the habit of talking very much-in fact, was taciturn and very quiet in his demeanor. His features were grave and dignified, and seldom relaxed into a smile. He was quite temperate, and seldom drank alcoholic liquors, except cider, of which, like all of Holland blood, he was very fond. Tom was taken sick, and was never afterwards able to go from the house of Rosenkrantz, where he died of old age in the year 1795 or 1796. He was buried on the farm of Rosenkrantz. Notwithstanding the assertion that Tom had a beautiful daughter who bore the pretty name of "Omoa," the Indian Slayer was never blessed with wife or child."

The legend goes that in 1756 while Thomas Quick and one of his sons and his son-in-law were working by the river, farming or cutting wood for their mill, they were attacked by Indians from a nearby woods. The Quicks, having no weapons, ran for their lives for the house. The elder Quick was heavy and old (about 66 years old). His sons grabbed him by the arms and tried to hurry him along. He begged the boys to abandon him and flee. One of the sons was wounded by a bullet. The boys at last had to leave their father. The boys escaped by crossing the frozen Delaware River into New Jersey. But they were able to see the Indians kill and scalp the elder Quick and cut a pair of silver buckles from his trousers. One of his sons, Tom Quick, pledged he would revenge the death of his father. He was about 22 years old at the time.

August 28, 1989, the small town of Milford, PA, the seat of Pike County government, erected a monument to honor Tom Quick, the legendary 'Indian Slayer'. This memorial stood along the streets of Milford for over 108 years, until its panels were vandalized in December 1997. Insurance proceeds were designated to pay for the monument's repair, but a successful protest led by Native Americans both near and far kept it from being re-erected. However, this past September, the Milford Borough Council voted unanimously for its restoration and planned its rededication for this coming spring. The Tom Quick monument was originally donated by and "the inscriptions…were made under the direction of Hon. Wm. Bross, of Chicago," (Milford Dispatch, 9/5/1889) a descendant of the father. "And to the efforts of one man, principally, was the success due. Rev. A.S. Gardiner worked persistently and indefatigably, against public sentiment, it may be said, to erect a monument to 'Tom Quick, the Indian Slayer,' and he has succeeded." (Milford Dispatch, 8/29/1889)


(3aa) Thomas and Margriet (Decker) Quick's son Cornelius Quick was born 1724 at Shippeckock, Ulster Co. NY. He died at Ulster Co. NY. He married Marya Westfall 24 May 1752 at Deer Park Twp. Orange Co., NY. Marya Westfall was born abt. 1728 at Deer Park Twp. Orange Co., NY. She was a daughter of Jurian and Marytjen (Koddebek) Westfall. Children of Cornelius and Marya (westfall) Quick were-Leah Quick born 25 Mar 1753 at Deer Park Twp. Orange Co., NY, died 1756 at Deer Park Twp. Orange Co., NY; Samuel Quick born 14 Dec 1754 at Minisink, Orange Co., NY, married 1st Janneke Kortrecht 1 Jun 1775 at Minisink, Orange Co., NY, married 2nd Maria Helm; Leah Quick born 19 Jun 1757 at Deer Park Twp. Orange Co., NY; Jurian Quick born 6 Jan 1765 at Deer Park Twp. Orange Co., NY, married Lena Quick abt. 1788 at NY.

(3) Theunis and Belitje (Jacobus Van Vlechtenstyn) Quick's son Jacob Theuniszen Quick was born abt. 1630 in Naarden, Holland. Jacob was a witness at the 1655 baptism of his neice Bellitjen, daughter of Herck Sybenszen. Also at the 1657 baptism of his nephew Jan, son of Herrick Syboutszen and Wyntie Theunis. On 24 Mar 1655 Jacob Theuniszen married Neeltje Cornelis in New Amsterdam Reformed Church, daughter of Jacob Theuniszen Van Naerden, en Neeltje Cornelis Van Amsterdam, born in Amsterdam, Holland. Children of Jacob Theuniszen Quick and Neeltje Cornelis were-Cornelis Jacobszen Quick born abt. 1659; Belitje Jacobs Quick; Gerritje Jacobs Quick born abt. 1660; and Theunis Jacobszen Quick born abt. 1663, died abt 1739.


(1a) Jacob Theuniszen Quick and Neeltje Cornelis' son Cornelis Jacobszen Quick was born ca 1659 in New York, NY. On 23 Jan 1682 Cornelis Jacobszen Quick first married Abigail Abrahamson in New York Reformed Church. Children of Cornelis Jacobs Quick and Abigail Abrahamson, baptized at the New York Reformed Church were-Abraham Quick, bp. 26 Oct 1682; Jacobus Quick, bp. 9 Jan 1684, died 23 Aug 1741, married 1st 4 May 1707 Marytje Smith, married 2nd 23 Mar 1737 Heyltje Clopper. On 28 May 1685 Cornelis Jacobszen Quick second married Maria Van Hootgen, daughter of Frans Jansen Van Hootgen & Marritie Gerrits, in New York Reformed Church. Children of Cornelis Jacobs Quick and Maria Van Hootgen, baptized at the New York Reformed Church were-Saertie Quick, bp. 22 Feb 1686; Helena Quick, bp. 22 Apr 1688, married 1st 1 Jul 1722 Jan Dekker, married 2nd Johannes Cool 31 Mar 1758; Cornelis Quick, bp. 19 May 1689; Rebecca Quick, bp. 3 Jan 1692; Frans Quick, bp. 24 Nov 1695; Theunis Quick, bp. 21 Aug 1698; Johannes Quick, bp. 26 Jan 1701, died ca. Nov 1771, married Williampia Kenney; and Petrus Quick, bp. 6 Jan 1704, married Elizabeth Johnson.


(2a) Jacob Theuniszen Quick and Neeltje Cornelis' son Theunis Jacobszen Quick was born ca 1663. Theunis Jacobszen Quick died ca 1739. On 1 Dec 1689 Theunis Jacobszen married Vroutje Janse Haring, daughter of Jan Pieterse Haring and Margrietje Cozyns Van Putten in New York Reformed Church. Children of Theunis Jacobszen Quick & Vrouwtje Janse Haring, baptized at the New York Reformed Church were-Grietje Quick, bp. 8 Feb 1691; Jacobus Quick, bp. 11 Dec 1692, died 1773, married 16 Jun 1717 Sara Roseboom; Neeltje Quick, bp. 17 Mar 1695; Jan Quick, bp. 13 Jun 1697; Theunis Quick, bp. 11 Feb 1700; Jenneke Quick, bp. 18 Oct 1702; Cornelis Quick, bp. 29 Apr 1705; Petrus Quick, bp. 2 Nov 1707, married Maria Gulick; and Abraham Quick, bp. 9 Apr 1710.


(1aa) Thenis Jacobsen Quick and Vroutje Janse Haring's son Petrus Quick was born 2 Nov 1707 New Amsterdam, NY, and died 1768 in NJ. He married Maria Gulick 1730 in NJ. She was born in 1710 in NJ. Children of Petrus Quick and Maria Gulick were-Teunis Quick born 24 Jul 1732 Somerset Co., NJ; Joachim Quick born 23 Jul 1734 Harlington, Somerset Co., NJ, died 6 Apr 1816 Somerset Co., NJ, married Catherine Snedeker; Neeltje Quick born 16 Jan 1736/37 Somerset Co., NJ, died 1748 Somerset Co., NJ; Vroutie Quick born 8 Nov 1739 Somerset Co., NJ, died 1829 Somerset Co., NJ; Jacobus James Quick born 30 Jun 1742 Somerset Co., NJ, died 1 Jun 1832 Somerset Co., NJ; Geertje Gertrude Quick; Neeltje Quick born 15 Jan 1747/48 Somerset Co., NJ; Peter Quick born 6 Sep 1750 Somerset Co., NJ, died 13 Mar 1818 Somerset Co., NJ.

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