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Suicide Kings

I really liked the idea of this movie. A group of young guys kidnapp a mafia don, Carlo Bartolucci (Christopher Walken). It just intrigued the hell out of me. I love the mafia and this seemed like a fresh look at it.

The group of guys (Johnny Galecki, Sean Patrick Flannery, Jay Mohr, Henry Thomas) are pretty much cliches that could be replaced by any young actor, except for Galecki. He brings that nervous angst that only he can do. He's so funny in that "Would you relax?" vein of things. The highlight of the film though is Denis Leary as Bartolucci's Right Hand Man. He gives a new reason to always have a toaster in the house.

Probably not my best review here, but it's not exactly a movie with a lot to work with. I give Suicide Kings a C.

Directed by Peter O'Fallon
Christopher Walken.... Carlo Bartolucci/Charlie Barret
Denis Leary.... Lono Veccio
Nina Siemaszko.... Jennifer
Jay Fiondella.... Bartender
Henry Thomas.... Avery Chasten
Sean Patrick Flanery.... Max Minot
Nathan Dana.... Marcus
Jay Mohr.... Brett Campbell
Jeremy Sisto.... T.K
. Frank Medrano.... Heckle
Brad Garrett.... Jeckyll
James Peter 'JP' O'Fallon Jr..... Kid #1
Nicholas Huttloff.... Kid #2
Trent Bross.... Maitre D'
Cliff De Young.... Marty
Lisanne Falk.... Marty's Wife
Johnny Galecki.... Ira Reder
Written by Josh McKinnery, Gina Goldman, & Wayne Allan Rice

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