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Moonlight 9630 [T-061]

Wolf Trap (Vienna, VA); July 20, 1991 (line)

Tracklist: New Morning, I Don't Believe You, All Along The Watchtower, Shelter From The Storm, Gotta Serve Somebody, Wiggle Wiggle, I'll Remember You, It Takes A Lot To Laugh, Barbara Allen, Mr Tambourine Man, It's All Over Now Baby Blue, It Ain't Me Babe, Folsom Prison Blues

DEEP: The complete circulating tape in considerably better quality than the previous Wolf Trap boards from 1993. The clear, upfront vocals, excellent separation and well-balanced nature of this recording makes it a real pleasure to listen to. Some exceptional performances here but also a few which Dylan hurries through like he's gotta catch a cab, not to mention the fact that I cannot recall a show with so many of his infamous flubbed lines. Still, IMO it adds to the charming nature of a show with some nice, clear vocals and good and raunchy guitar playing. Very nice color cover with tasty graphics. Very likable disk and highly recommended.

rmd: Simplistic but brilliant soundboard-recording. Great guitar-playing, almost like recent Lou Reed.