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You know, I've had this page since... High school? Man... LOOONG time ago. To put things simply, I haven't updated this website since... 2001? MAYBE 2002. But a long time ago, nonetheless. I'm currently a junior senior (my how time flies) at an alumnus of the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA working on my PhD in Biomedical Engineering at UT Austin (TEXAS!), and haven't had much free time for a life. If having a life = keeping up a webpage.

A lot has changed, and I feel like I've "grown out" of this site. I'll probably either do some MAJOR reconstruction here, or just start on my one through earthlink. Or whatever.

If (for some VERY ODD reason) you have bookmarked this page and come to it on a somewhat frequent basis, sorry, but as of June 5th, 2004, I have dismantled most of the site to free up space for what is to come/flush out all my embarassing teen angst from the world. SOME of the original pages (the art, school, and poetry pages) are still intact, but alas, that is all...

If you want to contact me, my email address is: no longer available in the public domain. If you want me, connect with me on LinkedIn or something (oh wow am I an adult now?)
Don't use the address, or the address, because I haven't used EITHER of those for a good two four years million years, and they're so full of freaking spam that there's no point in even checking them anymore.

Also, if you've been stalking me (or attempting to) you will find yourself more at home at My LiveJournal, which I update on an almost daily basis. pretty much never and only under friendslocked so :P. Basically, if you can find me in the world that is Internet 2.0, *high five*! I'm a hardcore hermit and tend to cut ties with the past as often as the past happens so eh.

This website, at best, captured myself during my freshman and sophomore years of high school, and now that I'm a junior senior in college an adult living in the "real world," still in school and never going to graduate, I just REALLY felt dirty still having this thing up.

Sorry, and I may or may not update this thing. (updated June 4th 2004)

... also updated on February 12, 2006

... aaaaand again May 16, 2015 wow time flies

ALSO!!!!!!! If you are Deane, Kirsten, Julie, Ljubica, or anybody else from my past, PLEASE CONTACT ME!!! I MISS YOU!!!!! *tear*

Thanks, y'all.

Oh, and there's a magical hidden page on this site that I actually HAVE been working on. But you only know about it if you know me. Hunt me down if you're interested. But I don't expect anybody to be...