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The Complete Guide to the Lounge Rat ( sorex lectulus, extinct )

This page is an in-depth anthropological study on the species known as Lounge Rat (extinct). The Lounge Rat existed at Peninsula College, Port Angeles, WA, during the 1995-1996 school year. It was preceded in existance by the Lounge Suite Gang and followed by the Freaks Who Hang Out In the Lounge. Today, the Lounge Rat has, sadly, scattered to the Four Winds, but herein is an attempted history and anthropology.

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A Table of Contents

Rat Reminisce
Rat Bible
Lounge Links
Lounge History
A Guide to Individual Rats
Lounge Catch-Phrases
A Rat's Guide to the SCA
My Biography (if anyone cares)
The Mutual Superlatives
Lounge Games
The Poetry of Ratdom
