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And so the loth'Lanorien saga. What followed that speach was one of the bloodiest battles ever recorded in the history of this realm. The loth'Lanorien stormed the city of Lanoria, taking no prisoners and utterly wiping out the ancient family of Lanorien. Although Sorbius, and his brother Magus, the last remaining Lanorien, fought back and eventually defeated Tobias while his armies were away. The family of Lanorien was devestated and eventually died out as a result.

Tobias managed to have one son before he was killed, and that son maintained the family line. The loth'Lanorien lived in secret for over 100 years, consumed in hatred for their cousins. When they resurfaced they decided not to declare war on the Lanorien, but they would still murder any hapless citizen that wandered to far away from the protective walls of the city.

Today, the loth'Lanorien are ruthless killers, taking no prisoners as they scour the countryside... killing any poor soul that they come across. The family live unbound by the borders of nations and clans, doing as they please in the realm.

When the kingdom we came from dispersed the mist protecting it from the outside world, the loth'Lanorien were the first to send out an exploration group. When they arrived in Sorpigal, they found it a retched nest of theft, murder, and other vile deeds, needless to say they fit right in. The loth'Lanorien realized that the methods they were employing to kill, were much more effective than those usually employed within Sorpigal, they used strategy and cunning, whereas the others used nothing but brute, offensive force.
