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O.K. I will try and explain html tags in this section. *NOTE* All tags have a < at the beginning and a > at the end. If i put them on these tags like they are supposed to be they will embedd and you wont see them.
HTML This a beginning tag for all pages
/HTML This is the ending tag for all pages
title This is what will appear at the top of the browser window
/title This ends the title
HEAD This is the beginning tag for the header on your page
/head This ends your heading
BODY This is the main part of your page used for text,graphics and links
/BODY This ends the body of your page .. usually the last thing on it except for your ending html tag
center This is the beginning center tag
/center This is the ending center tag
IMG SRC= This followed by the full URL of your pic including the exact name and format (jpg or gif) of your pic will put an image on your page
example: img src=
For frames and table commands download the text files below
These are just basic tags. If you have no clue what i am talking about download these text files with the full version of the tags and you might understand a lot better You may also copy and paste them to your page if that easier for you. These are all note pad files. You can download Edit Pad from my web tools page which is a lot better version of note pad
Basic page layout
Image source code
table commands
frames commands