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ASSHOLE TEST, version 2

This is a test that Eric and I thought up, I decided to develop it and add it to my homepage. If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to email them to me. If You have suggestions for questions to add to the test email those also along with how you would like to be credited for them. So, are you an asshole? Take the test and find out! Scoring is either posted at the bottom of the page or will be later.

  1. Do you wear baseball caps on a daily basis?
  2. Do you listen to country music?
  3. Do you own a vehicle that has been in any way modified with hydraulics?
  4. Do you enjoy hunting?
  5. Do you own a Mossimo shirt?
  6. Do you own a lowrider?
  7. Are you able to discuss cars, speakers and/or computers in agonizing detail?(1 pt. for each)
  8. Do you own a truck with a rack of fog lamps on the roof?
  9. Do you whistle, hoot, or make any other types of animal noises when you see an attractive member of the opposite sex?
  10. Do you think that Prince Humperdink got a bad rap in The Princess Bride?
  11. Are you now, or have you ever been...
    in the Coast Guard? (5 pts.)
    in the Army? (25 pts.)
    in the Navy? (25 pts.)
    in the Air Force? (25 pts.)
    a pilot in any branch of the military? (40pts.)
    a member of any special forces branch of the military? (75 pts.)
    a Marine? (100 pts.)
  12. Have you ever driven within my line of sight, at the same time as me?
  13. Have you ever dated a woman I was attracted to?
  14. Have you ever shot puppies with a BB gun?
  15. Poisoned guppies?
  16. Found a little pussycat and bashed in its head?
  17. Do you make up generic, demeaning tests that claim to be able to judge peoples' personalities and then post them on the internet?

    0----Congratulations! You are completely free of asshole taint!

    1-2----You are an asshole, but it may only be a technicality.

    3-6----You are an asshole, but many people still find your company bearable. There may be hope for you.

    7-9----You are not only an asshole, you are nearly insufferable! Seek help immediately!

    10+----Complete asshole. Remove yourself from society. Have yourself sterilized. Never put yourself in a position where you may influence a child's personality. May God have mercy on your soul.

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