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Aaron's Page O' Quotes

Over the years my friends have said some pretty interesting things and I've decided that I should write some of the cooler ones down here. This page will grow and change as I remember more things that have been said, make new friends, and have new conversations with my old friends, so check back every so often.

"...pick up strange women in bars for the express purpose of sex. leave them the next day. do this often, and word will spread. then the women will no longer think of you as such a good friend.
-Jessica Adams, on the subject of how not to fall into the "friend" category.

"So I looked at her and said, 'Didn't I ask for grilled ham and cheese?' and the waitress said, 'No,' and Sallie said, 'No,'"
-Eric Reasoner

"Chicken-walk on your head!"
-Ely Cannon, Master of Chicken Fu

"Some People's Children!"
-Walt Parrish

"Sluts are no good,"
-Rick Both

"Well, maybe they're not all bad..."
-Rick Both, at a later date.

"Hi, this is my friend Aaron, he's Jewish..."
-Ely Cannon

"Death shouldn't be a barrier to a good relationship,"
-Scot Anderson, on the subject of necrophilia

"(She/He/It) rocks my ass!"
-Eric Reasoner, in reference to many things

"Boning a sixteen year old is never cool."
-Rick Both

"I'm gonna chuck a big rock at (his/her) head,"
-Joe Heck, in reference to any number of people who work in the Shilo Restaurant

"If you lick it, it's yours,"
-Christy Dodge

"All women are bisexual,"
-Rick Both, an observation

"Except for lesbians,"
-Rick Both, corollary to above observation

"Let me get this straight. Your sister is 17, attractive, and she lives on the harbor? There's NO WAY She's a virgin, let's put it to a vote."
-Scot Anderson, to Eric Reasoner

"All women are evil. And all men are scum. But you're not scum, Aaron, I'm going to make you an honorary woman,"
-Jessica Adams

"Wouldn't that make me evil scum?"
-Aaron Seibert, in response to being made an honorary woman


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