Aaron's Page O' Dreams!
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Aaron's Page O' Dreams!

Hi there folx, over the past few years I've had a few interesting dreams and I thought I'd share them with you here. Keep in mind that generally I remember very little of what I dream, so the fact that these dreams stuck in my head so well should tell you something. This page will change as I have more dreams or remember dreams from the past, please feel free to email me any comments or interpretaions you might have for the ones that are one here. Anyway, here we go...


This is a dream that I had several years ago while I was still living in Moxee, WA. I think that I had it just after I graduated from high school but I don't quite remember. The dream starts out with me and my family doing yard work on a summer day. As we happily pull weeds and mow lawns I am for some reason compelled to look back towards my house. As I look a giant alien spaceship appears over the top of the house and alien creatures immediately begin transporting down. These aliens seem to come in two shapes. Some of them look just likehuman beings, but somehow I KNOW that they are aliens. The others look strangely like a cross between a pig and a black bear. They walk on all fours and stand about two and a half feet tall at the shoulder. Soon after the aliens transport down several other people who live in the town arrive and we all pull out assault rifles and open fire on the intruders. Much to our dismay our bullets have no apparent effect on the aliens. The next scene in the dream appears to be some time later, as we are now being forced to work in a fruit packing plant under the wachful eyes of our captors. This is the first point at which I recognize somebody outside of family in this dream. There is a girl I went to high school with named Britt Baird working alongside us, who for some reason is wearing a wedding dress. Another prisoner and myself exchange some hand signals and discreet nods at this point and suddenly fling a crate of pears into the face of the nearest guard. At this point we pick up what appear to be hatchets with heads made out of whetstone and crossbars halfway up the handles and overcome the aliens. We are victorious! Yaaaay! End of dream.

The Dust Mop Weilding Dream.

This is a dream that I had just a few months ago, a couple of months after I started working at the Shilo, it has certain aspects that were quite disturbing to me at the time that I dreamed it which become more disturbing as I begin to hate my job more and more. This dream starts with my friend Eric and I, along with three women who we appear to know being lost and trapped inside what appears to be some kind of foreign embassy. We wander around for a while trying to figure out where we are and how we get home until several large men in military uniforms arrive and place us under arrest. They lead us off into a large room with a desk and a big picture window overlooking what appears to be an airport landing field. At this point Eric begins to attempt to negotiate with our captors (why am I captured in both these dreams so far?. The negotiations show some sign of progressing and we all begin to admire Eric his skill at diplomacy. However, just before it appears that we are to be released, the men stop listening and walk out leaving us alone in the room. The girl who had been looking at Eric adoringly quickly turns her attention to me, however I decide that i would much rather attach myself to either of her friends. Now I declare that what we need to do is find a phone and call home so that they can send help for us. As I begin to look over the desk Eric steps through the window among the planes and somehow the perspective fails to change so that it appears that he towers over these plains and the people running around them. He seems to revel in his Godzilla type stature and begins to pick up plains and run around with them like a kid with a toy. I watch him for a while and then go back to the desk where I find a phone hidden in a drawer, the jack for which is in the side of the drawer. HOwever I am unable to figure out how to operate the phone before the soldiers return and stop me. Suddenly I realize that someone is missing, I say, "Where's laura?" and Eric thinks a second and says, ' I think she's still upstairs,". I run past the guards and try to make my way to her. When I get past the guards in the room I find that I have to fight my way up three levels of stairs using a broom and a dustmop that I've picked up somewhere. After heroically battling my way past hundreds of guards I reach the room she's in and enter to find a large gathering of people I know from high school and college having party in what appear to be Roman baths. I say, "What are yo guys doing?" and my friend Jess Adams responds, "We're having a party!" I think about this and then say, "Well, the rest of us are under arrest downstairs if you want to join us," End of dream.

The 20 foot Pancake Dream.

This is a dream that i just had a few days ago, i still don't understand it at all, not that I understand the other ones either. The dream starts out with Eric coming to visit me at my house. we're hanging out in my room when I look out my window and see something strange. I call Eric over and point out what looks like a big red Christmas tree with a bow that has apparently grown naturally out of its branches sitting out on the street next to what at first looks like an eight foot wooden carving of a tyrranosaurus rex, the next time I look at them though the dinosaur appears to have been baked out of bread. We decide that this is strange and so I go look for my parents to ask them where they came from (of course the really strange part is that my bedroom window doesn't even look out on the street). I go looking for my parents and descend several stories (I live in a two-story house) until I find them in a large restaurant-style kitchen. One of the stranger things about this kitchen is that there is a set of stoves which appear to be surrounded by water from an indoor pool that extends into the other room. The apparent purpose of these stoves is so that you can swim in from the other room and make yourself something to eat without leaving the pool. My mother is standing next to what looks like a large pizza oven and my father looks at me and tells me that I have to make a pancake. He opens a huge oven door and tells me to get started. Somehow I have picked up the fact that this pancake is to be at least twenty feet in diameter. I refuse to make the pancake and my father yells at me and starts doing it himself. End of dream.

Email: khirilgraves@hotmail.com
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