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Kandu Maltese

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Welcome to Kandu Maltese
Best in Show Photo of Timer AKA Kandu's Back To The Future

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Thank you for visiting my page.
Please come back and visit again.
Follow the links to some pages I like and think you might enjoy! *S*

Click here
to go to Rychard's Stained Glass page.
He not only makes lovely stained glass pieces
but donates some lovely Maltese window hangers
we have at the Pacific Rim Maltese specialties! Kudos Richard!
Click here
to go to My OD's pages, AKA Barb.

to see my old xmas page! *BA HUM BUG*

to go to my OD's KUDO's page.

Please check out Dewey's Agility Page.
It is under construction right now but the photo of him going
thru the Weave Polls is worth taking a look at. :-)

to go to Dewey's Agility page.

Please sign my guest book and come back and visit again!
Barb's trying to work on my pages and add new pic's and info,
as I trickle it down to her. LOL

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