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UCDavis reps threaten violence to silence whistleblower

Obedience training at the university of california, davis (UCDavis) where I was forced out of the university for reporting violent crime and health and safety violations. UCDavis engages in organized crime behaviors to silence critics, reports...

The program at ucdavis is for obedience training in passivity and obedience to authority. Dissent is not permited.

When I tried to get the course work and paid for services I was denied after I reported health and safety violations and crime.

The dept of chemistry does not follow it's own published (written) requirements nor does the graduate studies follow it's written requirement for paying customers who pay for the agreed upon services.

I was a 4.0 gpa student. I had plenty of units. I was prevented from registering for classes by Rosemary Kraft.

In addition Schore the professor I had agreed to work with broke his agreements with me about the research work I would do.

He also refused accomodation for my disability at the time (two severely injured hands and wrists from on a campus injury bike accident.)

He had provided accomodation until he broke his agreement with me and wanted me to start doing other things in the lab which were not part of the original agreement.

He did not provide a safe work spaced (hood) to do the reactions.

He provided no supervision in the lab or training.

I reported a hostile work enviroment since I was prevented from doing any research work by the dangers of Denise A.Ockey (another student in the lab.) The lab was unhealthy with poison gases flowing out into the hall. Professor Nambiar was poisoned; hospitalized during this time.

His office was close to the unsupervised schore lab which did not follow standard health and safety operating practices.

I was retailated for reporting the unsafe work conditions.

Death threats and survailence resulted. Threats of sex crimes were also given with the visible means for the representatives to carry out their threats. UCDavis representatives engaged in organized crime behaviors.

It is true two professors, and some administrators went hysterical after I published some facts about students being violated by people in power at universities in the usa with the results of it as well as reporting problems at ucdavis, dept. of chemistry.

I also wrote facts about things that tend to make a paying customer (student) question authority such as unfair tests which do not represent the course lecture material or book reading assignments in the class.

There is nothing in most of the professors education and training to teach them how to make fair tests which represent science or courses they "teach."

Of course some people follow text books which has test questions written often by undergraduate students with little education and training in science beyond the first or second year university or college course not to mention education or teaching.(Undergraduates are offered the chance to make these test questions for publishers.)

It is common in Chemistry at UCD that the instructors do not teach the skills to do the tests or provide the information.

My chemistry department website was censored by the university of california, Davis administration. I removed the things they did not like; but they were upset with what I wrote and said.

They feared a loss of their power and privileges over the students (paying customers.).

One of the supervisor's (Denise A.Ockey) that I reported in my lab also had a complaint against her in the SJA (student Judicial Affairs)before the Fall 1998 when I made my reports so that I could continue with my research studies.

Their representatives were taunting me into an action that UCDavis could use as an excuse to keep me from campus.

These university representatives told me they wanted me to leave: (Rosemary Kraft & Neil E. Schore.). I planned to take more classes; but these people would not allow it. Kraft went against the written policy of the university and siezed my registration though I should have been allowed to register for classes and continue my studies as I paid in full for them.

A university of california, Davis representative challenged me to fight after following me around in a white van (surveillance for a weeks.)

A friend of mine was followed and waited for her after class to threaten her too.

They threated to do sex crimes, and kill me and a friend.

This is a USA government agency doing these criminal activities in retaliation for reporting health and safety violations, hostle work enviroment and crime.

This is actually common to big corporations. Ralph Nader had similar things happen to him for his reports of unsafe cars years ago.

Whistleblowers often recieve this treatment by the USA government, military, and it's big corporations that they support. 19th & 20th ,2007 has news stories by S.Hersh (New Yorker Magazine) about how the Military investigated the torture and abuse in Iraq only to retaliate against the investigator for not covering it up.

other's reports of ucdavis hostile work environments

ucdavis hostle work enviroment report
hostile work environments
BBC world news
New York Times newspaper
Washington Post Newspaper
New Yorker Magazine
Amy Goodman interview Seymour Hirsh 6/19/07