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Welcome to my homepage!

My name is Ann other wise known as Jatea or (Moon-Rays "yes" I changed my nic) to my friends in chat. I am 43yrs old,born June 9, 1955, blonde hair, blue eyes and around 5'4"tall, I live in Federalway Washington near Tacoma WA. I'm also a mother of 4 children.

These are my children

Tammie who is 20yrs old now and out on her own
(thank goodness i'm MOM,
Tyler who is 14yrs old and was my handfull
(he is now with his dad..his decistion),
Eric who is 10yrs old an at home with me.
(he likes a lot of stuff that I like.)
Ashley who is 8yrs old she's at home to.
(Thinks she is 18. Not in my

I'm married to a wonderful man named James-known to all his friends in parenting-toddlers where he hangs out at when ever he gets the chance as Moonjam. James also has a homepage so if you get the chance stop by and visit him.

Well most of the time i'm a very quiet person and I love my children and James dearly, I would not give them up for the world. I spend my time keeping my home clean and organized-(even though it's hard to do with this gang of mine), or you will find me surfing the web or popping in and out of talkcity chat rooms.

Some day I hope to have a place in my home where I can display the nic nacs and blownglass figures I love to collect. My favorite glass figures are unicorns. Also i collect the figures set in crystal rocks.

Things I Enjoy

  1. Spending time with my family
  2. Country music
  3. Jigsaw puzzles
  4. Star gazing
  5. Baking
  6. Romantic evenings
  7. Taking long walks

My Favorite Links

Top of the line Backgrounds
Beautiful place for backgrounds & Gifts. Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Page
My husbands place.


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