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The Photo Gallery

Hi, and welcome to the Picture Pages. I figured y'all would want to see me, or else why would you be visting my pages, hm? Have fun...:)

Me and my friends

This was at the by-now infamous New Year's Eve, 1998-1999 party, at my friend Lars' apartment in Tacoma. I had marvelous fun watching all my friends getting smashed and generally making fools of themselves. So--the redhead is me, the blond girl is my friend Jennifer Dittrich, and the guy is Lars Anderson.

At the wedding

This was taken on my wedding day (whee!), July 2, 1999. That's me in white (duh), my mom and dad, and my brother making a distinctly odd face off to the side of the photo.

Me and My Husband

This is me and my adorable husband, Jarred. Isn't he a doll?