Sir Jeremy's Realm

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Don't mind him. His bark is worse than his bite.
"Trust me, I know the way."

(I took this picture) How about a nice drink from my water fall? You know, I am sitting here trying to figure out what life has to offer a college student like myself, I realize that it really has all of the possibilities in the world, but here is the catch. Life, doesn't tell you how to get there.

I wounder sometimes if there is really a soul mate out there, is it ever possible, that given the vastness of the world, they will ever meet? And as if that wasn't bad enough, what about the possiblty of time not being linear. And what about the other species not of this world, what if your soul mate is out there? That means, you are going to be lonely for a long time. It doesn't look like we are goiong to be exploring the universe any time soon. =Þ.

Normality is complete and utter fiction

Shall I play thou a song?
Lovely Ladies, and Good Sirs

A Knight can not be without a trusted steed at his side

(how do you like this one? I took this one as well)

If you have any comments or questions please don't hesitate to write

I just want to say thank you to all of those who have helped me work out the bugs on this page. you all are great. <3 love TJRW