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Wow, I guess everyone has been wondering whats happened to me in the past seven years. First of all I couldn't find my website no matter how hard I tried. My url wouldn't work and I could not find it in any search engines.

So how did I find it?

My Sister was using the computer and decided to type her name into the Yahoo search engine and there was her name at the top of the list. She was eager to see what was their. So she clicked it on and up popped my website. She ran down to my room to tell me the great news.

I could not believe it. I wrote Angelfire a letter explaining to the that I had not seen it in seven years and that I thought it was lost along with my poems forever. They were so kind and nice that they sent me my password to my webshell.

I went to my webshell and began my never ending journey on the web.

I was hospitalized in 2002 and had an operation. I was given a colostomy. It was unnessesary. I won't go into the details. Then if that wasn't bad enough, my doctors told my sister and I that I had to take Methadone for my pain control and nothing else would work. We argued for the longest time, but in the end the doctors won.

A year later the methadone had turned me into a zombie. I talked to a psychologist because I had become depressed and had no ambition. He gave me three medications that were psychotropic drugs. Well on top of my other medications I started halucinating and ended up on a psych ward weighing 98 pounds.

My sister was infuriated. She arranged a meeting between the doctor that put me on methadone and the psychologist that screwed up my head along with my very nice doctor on the psych ward.

During the meeting a social worker stood up and asked if the doctor that gave me methadone and the psychologist put me in a medicaly induced psychosis and the answer was yes... I was taken off those meds and they were replaced with morphine and oxycodone. I began feeling better and was fine withen a year. I was also given an extra 1 thousand dollars a month forever. God Bless my sister. She always says the squeky wheel gets greased.

Last year in November of 2006, I was diagnosed with pheunmonia as well as cancer by a new doctor in the VA Spinal Cord Outpatient clinic. My sister was with me and we were without words when we heard cancer. I was hospitalized in December and surgeons drain fluid from my right lung five times. On the fifth time they puntured my lung. I was taken into surgery on Jan.5th. After three weeks of rest I was sent home.

Upon arriving at my home I felt strange and out of sorts. I told my sister and she notified my outpatient nurse. The nurse said to keep an eye on me and if things got worse I was to come in. I was home for four days before being admitted again. I was weak and I was seeing strange colored lights like prisms with every color immaginable coming towards me. I was put on the Spinal Cord unit. That night I went code blue.

I woke up two days later in intensive care. While I was gone I passed through a dark tunnel headed towards a light. I remember seeing three men in white robes with white hair.They did not speak out loud. I was told to follow them telepathicaly. I was taken to a large red brick buliding with tall white pillars and tall arched wooden doorways. As I entered the building there was a long hallway and at the end of the hallway I saw the most entense bright light with diagnal colored lights like prisms coming towards me. I felt warmth from the lights and as I walked towards the bright light I was overcome with peace and no fear at all. Then I heard a strong yet gental, loving voice say to me "Michael my son go back for its not your time. Then I awoke and told my sister what I saw and what I was told. We both new I heard the voice of God. This happened three more times. Yep I wemt code blue four times and saw and heard the same thing. My doctors said that I was going code blue because my breathing changed due to the pheunmonia. I was retaning carbon dioxide. I now use a cpap machine and oxygen to stay alive. I am doing fairly well with all things considering. I owe my life to God and he knows he has it. Believe in him and have eternal life. God Bless everyone who reads this testimony. By the way, The doctors were wrong. I don't have cancer. Praise the Lord.

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