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Who? Me?

Hi! This is my pathetic attempt at a homepage. I'm still learning HTML so there won't be many fancy pictures here or things of that nature (there are pic links on the main page however). I used to have a HP on WBS before they changed it over to that awful GO Network. And now the GO Network is gone while WBS is back. Strange, how that worked out. Anyway, I've divided my ramblings into different sections.


I came online late, June 1997 to be exact. I didn't start chatting until the end of Sept of the same year. I ventured into WBS on the advice of an acquaintance (long story). For the next, oh, 6 months, I never left. . . I was definitely hooked the first 3 months of my chat time but toward the beginning of 1998, I had cut my chat time considerably. I made alot of friends initially from chat but have only maintained a handful (if that) of those friendships to date.


Music is always around me. I used to consider myself a writer but I haven't written anything substantial in ages so I guess I'm on "hiatus". I have a fondness for film, hard to find concert videos - hehehe, and sleeping. I could write more here but I'll save that for another day.


I was a junior high school special education teacher for 7 frickin years! I left teaching and started working for a local multimedia company as their sound engineer.

Fast Facts (last updated 7/15/01)

Last CD Bought: Nile- Black Seeds Of Vengeance

Last Concert Attended: Cradle Of Filth - Nile - God Forbid --- Showbox --- Seatle, WA 7/8/01

Last Event Attended (other than music): Mariners VS Padres 6/10/01 - M's Won 8-1!

CD In My Car: A compilation CD-R

Last Theater Film: Shrek

Last Video Film: Proof Of Life

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