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AbOuT Me

HeY PeOpLe!!! WeLL I'd thought I'd write here to tell you a bit about myself because you might be wondering who this person is who made this website. Anyway, my name is Melissa and I am 15 years old and I was born on the 9th November 1982..Ian Thorpe is about a month older than me..AhHhHh. I live in Perth, Western Australia but I live a bit closer to Fremantle than Perth. I go to this school called Seton College, and I am in Year 11 there right now. Next year is my final year and last week we had the voting for Year 12 leaders for 1999 and I managed to get Sports Leader.

Now I'll tell ya some of the stuff I like. My favourite sports that I love doing are swimming, basketball and hockey. In my spare time (when I'm not at school) I love going to the beach, going shopping with friends, going to the movies, swimming, listening to music and I like going to parties. My favourite music is favourite bands include Grinspoon, Greenday, Silverchair, Metallica and some others.

Of course, my favourite hero in the world is Ian Thorpe.

Anyway, I have to leave this here now, I'll write more later..
Cyaz..Love Yaz..FroM MeL

